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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] Staff Crunch in B-School

Dear Dr Bhattacharyya,
Your suggestion was really fantastic. But the problems which I have
seen with the B-schools is not the content but students mentality-
most of the students, even in IMS's look for a good job after passing
out, they are driven to case analysis as their teachers are involved
in Consulting jobs at different places from which they involve
students to design a case. But in lesser known institutes, this
pedagogy or uploading of material and then discussion in class will
not be fully successful as students understand only one word- how to
obtain MBA degree, get a job and get married asap. Because most of the
institutes in India market themselves that they are providing 100%
placement with salary of Rs 4-6 lacs ab initio but in reality students
are offered Rs 1.2 - 1.5 lac. Once the students take admission,
faculties are pressurised to take 4-5 classes in a 8 hour schedule
each of 1 hr duration. Do you think the quality will be maintained?

Dr P R Bhattacharyya

On 9/26/12, Abhijit Bhattacharya <> wrote:
> From: abhijit bhattacharya <>
> To: "" <>
> Cc: Prof. Bholanath Dutta <>
> Sent: Monday, 24 September 2012 9:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Staff Crunch in B-School
> ________________________________
> I agree with Gowri that a skill development centre can be quite useful. Such
> a centre is necessary for upgrading skills of every faculty, whether coming
> from the industry or elsewhere. I had mentioned sometime ago on a forum
> that, just because someone
> worked in the industry for many years didn't automatically make him/her a
> candidate for a faculty position. Similarly, a faculty who has been teaching
> for
> many years cannot automatically, as a rule, take up a high-profile
> managerial
> job. I saw many top notch industry experts who did a very poor job of
> teaching while dealing with such basic subjects like, say, pricing; the
> academic rigour badly found wanting.Similarly, a faculty, who say, teaches
> QT or OM,
> may not have any clue how on-the-spot decisions are today made in the
> industry using streaming data, both structured and unstructured.
> Skill centre must also train faculty members to master the art of new age
> most of the institutes one can find that a faculty simply runs
> through the power point slides and restates whatever has been already
> mentioned in the reading material for a specific class. When the faculty can
> upload all slides and reading material on the intranet along with the course
> outline in the beginning of the semester itself then classtime must be used
> to bring-out the key learning points for the class through creative thinking
> and stimulating discussions.
> Regards,
> Abhijit Bhattacharya, PhD
> Director,
> Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
> Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business
> University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
> Uriah Butler Highway,
> Mount Hope,
> Trinidad
> Phone: +1 (868) 645-6700 ext 360
> Cell:+1 (868) 783 5033
> Fax: 1-868 662-6976
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Usha Gowri
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Staff Crunch in B-School
> It is interesting that the colleges are not willing to fill the
> vacancies.There are people from the industry who would like to teach but
> the colleges have
> not responded.
> A skill development centre is a great idea and should be thought
> through.
> The problem however runs deeper-we need to get talent to teach without
> looking only at the industry for opportunities.That means not better pay but
> better work conditions-like autonomy and independence,freedom to be
> creative, allowing experimentation .If we can focus learning than just
> teaching this problem can be mitigated to some extent Regards Gowri
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta
> <> wrote:
> [ As reported in an Article in the supplementary issue of Indian
> Management Magazine by AIMA, Sep/2012, Page-34]
> In India, there are no fewer than 3,500 business schools with about 400
> students each. That makes the student strength 1.4 million. The AICTE has
> mandated faculty: student= 1:
> 15. This means B-school
> required 90,000 teachers. Against this , B-Schools admit , the vacancies
> are as high as 50%. There is a sort of at least 45,000 teachers.
> This statement raises many issues need to be addressed:
> 1. If adequate faculty strength is not there, how the colleges
> are conforming to the AICTE Guidelines?
> 2. Outsourcing faculty from overseas but cost is a great concern.
> 3. Premier B-schools ( IIMs, ISB etc) have received applications
> from faculty aboard in recent years.
> 4. Most of the B-schools are managing with Visiting/Adjunct/Guest
> Faculty.
> 5. Ghost faculty ( not explaining in details purposely).
> 6.
> Quality is a concern definitely.
> 7. Quality costs and many colleges are compromising in this area.
> 8. B-schools are managing their activities , excellence is taking
> backseat.
> 9. There needs to be a national level skill development centre in
> India for development of B-school faculty. I strongly feel MTC can take it
> up with the support of college management and industry partnership.
> Request vises/opinions/reflections/suggestions on the subject.
> Bholanath Dutta
> Founder, President & Convener: MTC Global
> Web Link: <> Email:
> <>
> Cell: + 91 96323 18178 <tel:%2B%2091%2096323%2018178>
> --
> Mentor-MTC Global Student Chapter
> Ouliya Global Foundation (NGO)
> Founder-President
> "The world is full of
> abundance and opportunity, but >far too many people come to the fountain of
> life with a sieve instead of a tank >car... a teaspoon
> instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result >they get
> little." ~ Ben Sweetland
> "Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from
> growing. You get to choose."Dr. Wayne Dyer

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