Re: [MTC Global] Fwd: Are Tier 2 MBA Institutes losing plot ?

What Dr. Gopal stated is true. I am just trying to say a few words about the male & female faculty members.
It was before some years that the female faculties had such thinking as best job for married women etc. But now they  have also become professional like the male faculties. Me and my colleagues scarcely speak about household. We discuss about the curriculum, linking the theory and the practical , industry interface, improving awareness of the students etc. We share our experiments and experiences. We keep ourselves update with the new changes. OK... That's what we are supposed to do. 

But in return what do we get from the institutions where we work?

It is bitter, but unfortunately, true, that we get Rs. 150/- per lecture (six lectures a week)! No payment for a day when it is a holiday. e.g. 15th August came on Wednesday. So no teaching and no remuneration, but attending the college for flag hoisting and the lukewarm tea served afterwards. The complete remuneration is paid at the end of the year. ( Which is not more than Rs. 35,000/- ) So for even the petrol that we fill in our vehicles we have to take money from husband or in laws. When we hear about sixth pay, there is only a bitter smile on our lips.... 

I confess that I'm a materialistic person. Service etc comes next to my necessities and responsibilities as a mother. But at the same time, I never compromise with my work and my duty as a teacher. Teaching was, is and will be my first love. But what about others? Why should they exert when they get only this much? We teach that money is one of the major motivators. But do you think this much money can motivate anyone of the faculties? My colleagues laugh at me when they find me passionate about teaching. 

To earn more, most of the faculty members teach in more colleges so that they can get at least about a lakh annually. They teach different subjects at different institutions. Is it feasible then to nurture passion for their profession?

Secondly, the students have got admissions by paying donations to the colleges. This is the stuff that could not get admission in Tier 1 school. They think that they have bought the college and the faculty members. They misbehave in the classes and the faculties are not allowed to say anything to them. Since they are the payers, they instantly go to the management of the college and the Management members scold the teachers for trying to maintain discipline in the class. 

When there is Industrial Tour, it is just a picnic for them. No preparation, no queries, no taking notes. If asked to note anything, they have the cheek to answer, "Sir, aap hi note kar lena aur class me de dena." The secretary of the college management says, "Dekha, kitne hosiyar ho gaye bachche..."

Still we put our best efforts to make them stand on their own. But as we know, we can take a horse to water. We can't make him drink. 

Does anyone know this 'ground reality' aboutthe tier 2/3 colleges in tier 2/3 cities?

Shruti Desai

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Usha Gowri <> wrote:
Fortunately even Tier A is losing-so we dont have to feel bad at all.
IIM faculty bemoan the loss of class intelligence-a powerful mind,focus and above all nice cheers

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:

 Dear All,


Please find below an article forwarded by Sri Virendra Goel.

Regards @ Bholanath 






Are the Tier 2 MBA Colleges losing the plot ?

                                                                                     samar kagalwalla


I write this as a keen observer and supporter of good education, in particular at post graduation level.

Recently I have had a chance to interact with some students from MBA institutes in Mumbai. If I may expand a bit, Tier 2 institutes ( I myself is a pass out from one such institute some 6 yrs back )

I direct my observations towards students, professors & alumni - their roles & expectations 

Let me begin with our young friends - Students. There is a tremendous expectation gap. 
In all my interactions with them, I have only heard terms like " placements ", " packages ", " roles " etc from them. 
My question to them was very simple - Convince me about your skills , confidence to deliver and knowledge to give you the above things. And there I was exposed to " generalization ". " lack of confidence", " half knowledge " and usual " Student Cribbing". 

GAP 1 - Individual Fit v/s Placements 

For me everything boils down to ones attitude. One can be fresher by experience, but not by knowledge & confidence. One can be part of a Tier 2 institute, but its up to self to get the best out of the college. One can be exposed to 'n' number of corporate interactions but it will be futile if one has closed down his / her mind. 

I was zapped to hear from my interactions that students attend a seminar and come out complaining that we did not understand the jargon's used by the speaker. My reaction was " Did you ask ? " and i again got blank faces. " Did you Google once your were out of the seminar ? " and I was explained that we could not take notes as we did not understand ?  . . .  Are we hear to learn - unlearn - learn or just " de-learn "

I was doing a small workshop with batch of 4 - 5 students. And I could see fear of attending interviews. To boost their morale I gave them a small exercise which was " Speak about your passion for 5 mins" All of them struggled - lack of confidence, no content and more importantly lack of passion in speaking about their passion. 

Still I gave them benefit of doubt and insisted that they prepare about the same topic and speak again after 7 days. The effort was of no use as they I got similar response. On my inquiry with the students I got one more shocker : " We have never in our years of studies got an opportunity to speak on such a topic " . .  I said this is not a topic, it is your passion . . .  

A simple advice as a fresh post graduate - Get passionate about things in life . . If you not passionate, why will companies hire you for any role. Every role these  days require only passion  . .  rest all is monotonous !

Let me target a educationists a bit and I beg your pardon . . my observation and comments are only for improvement of "we students"

GAP 2 -  Creating good decision makers

I am of a great believer that teachers make or break students. They create opportunities for you to take decisions and build confidence. However I found student being indecisive.
Expose them to on ground realities. Students starve to know practical application of theories. I have had feedback from students that " Sir please can you let us know how exactly is a corporate work culture ? . .  can you let us know roles in different sectors ? . . Can we know where do we get good cases besides Harvard & ICFAI " . .  if these questions are being asked a month before their placement starts, I blame the educationists equally. 

Students will expect that their placements should happen, but as a educationists I feel there should be evaluation as to how much have you prepared them. I have come across comments like " We are told take up any job and change in 6 - 12 months ".... Is this a tick mark item ? .. Aren't you encouraging indecisiveness 

I am not compelling you to hand hold them, but become mentors. Be accessible to students so that he can be free to express his views to you ( good or bad ). Encourage practical training and work out modules for dialogues . .

GAP 3 - Contribution of alumni to the success
Alumni are the marketing arm of a successful institute. Hence it is a bilateral agreement which college should have - continuous improvement and program delivery from their side & brand building of the institute amongst the stake holders by the pass out . . .

Being an alumni let me take a snip at some of my counterparts. Its been my observation, barring select few, this community of individuals believe that the institute ( because it is tier 2 ) has not role in his / her career development or as being a successful professional. The feeling is as if it was a big favor they did to the institution by taking admissions. And when such individuals interact with the bunch of future MBA's, they develop the same feeling amongst them. I have always discussed the same with deans and HOD's of colleges to get the right alumni to face the students. There is anyways enough negativity, and it is only the positivity that an alumni brings to the students, which leads to the spark.

Have more alumni meets, which will create ground for corporate interaction. And engage the alumni's at regular intervals with various initiatives of an institute, so that there is a connect which continues to remain forever.

To conclude, at end of my interactive sessions, i felt sad that in spite of having such a bundle of talents, MBA as a course lacks channelization of energy. If we can work towards the same, our education system will be a exciting and a rewarding place to be in.

I may have sounded sarcastic and frustrated, but it was important I highlight certain basic gaps which can be addressed in particularly by so called Tier 2 MBA colleges. 



Mentor—MTC Global Student Chapter

Ouliya Global Foundation (NGO)

"The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but >far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank >car... a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result >they get little." ~ Ben Sweetland

"Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose."Dr. Wayne Dyer

Shruti Desai,


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