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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] IISc only Indian in employability list

I find this article laughable! ( IISc only Indian in employability list )

Who or what is Goethe-University Frankfurt and French consulting firm Emerging and German institute Trendence, which specializes in recruitment and what is their credibility? Is this list an employ-ability list for research?

Why is that foreign companies ( I'm not talking about MNC's in India ) line up to grab students from the IIT's as interns or full time employees?

Why does Bill Gates say that he owes a great deal to India and the IIT''s?

Why does Hilary Clinton talk about India's brain power and its HR being the country's greatest asset?

Why is it that we have institutions doing cutting edge work setting up shop in India ? ( Philips, GE, Airbus, Boeing, Mathworks are a few examples ). I'm sure they are not here for our culture and cuisine! 

This is not to put our other institutions of higher learning that are very good in the shade.

Historically, research and innovation go hand in hand with wealth of a nation. Indian contribution in science, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, military tactics and law peaked during the 4th to 6th century AD when India was a rich nation under the Gupta's.The worlds first university at Nalanda flourished during this time and I can tell you that its students were employable.

Innovation in art and architecture was at its peak in the 17th Century in India. Why? The Mughals were enormously rich!

As we grow richer our research output will grow and many of our institutions will find a place in these wonderful lists which for some reason seem to make us think that we are doomed and that Indian Universities are useless. Many institutions in India are doing a great job against great odds and it is only a matter of time before we attain critical mass and  turn the corner.

 We are a young nation with young universities and we need hope, resolve and effort.


On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Usha Gowri <> wrote:
I think the one skill we need to instil in our students is the ability to learn. The ability to be life long learners.
The  school system doesn't foster learning-we focus so much time  on teacher teaching-and then on the externals:did the teacher go to class? did she finish the portion from this cover to that-the student learning,who cares?   did she prepare the student for the exam?what are  the results?Is the teacher part of the Head teachers coitiere or is she not liked-all external unimportant factors as far as learning goes.
It is no different  in Higher Education.
And then we think if we establish big glass structures we have created centers of excellence.
What we don't want to ask because it suits all is:what is happening in the classroom?how did the teacher teach?how much learning? how many students fell off the cliff?how many hung on 
And so seeing just one on the list is not astonishing.
Even with the IISc there was a time when even a blade of grass glowed with the  learning happening around:not any more. Students walking in dont inspire awe and respect.Well.....

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:


Date: 26.10.2012


IISc only Indian in employability list


BANGALORE: The 103-year-old Indian Institute of Science is the only Indian institution which figures in the Global Employability List 2012. The Bangalore institution, which first made it to the list in 2011, has moved up from 134 to 35. 

The list, whose top 10 are Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Princeton, Imperial College of London and Goethe-University Frankfurt, was prepared in collaboration between French consulting firm Emerging and German institute Trendence, which specializes in recruitment. 

"Employers are always looking for strong skill sets. Since researchers and doctoral students have strong technical skills in specialized areas, they are much sought after," 
IISc director P Balaram told TOI. 

Interestingly, Asian universities, particularly Chinese, are creating an ecosystem to foster academic excellence — Peking University is one among four Chinese varsities in the top 100. 

Hundreds of companies across the globe were asked for the qualities they looked for in hiring freshers from various academic backgrounds. The study also asked employers to name universities which produced ideal young graduates. 

The survey was conducted in two stages, involving 2,500 recruiters in 20 countries and active employers from 10 countries. A list of top 150 global institutions was drawn based on the survey.

The survey also revealed that soft skills like adaptability, communications, the ability to work under pressure and the ability to work as a team were appreciated more by international recruiters than leadership qualities.



Bholanath Dutta

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