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Friday, October 5, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] ragging in the institutions

The following link might make interesting reading:

Personally I have spent enough of time  time in institutions where ragging was practiced as well as in  the 'West' to know both pretty well so I'm not suggesting that the West needs to be blamed for all issues that we have in India.

To suggest that bullies mostly emanate only from rich families is difficult to understand and if there is evidence to suggest the same let's see it.

The point is not about rich or poor but the fact that ragging is not an acceptable practice. Importantly many institutions that have rich students as well have no ragging.

I really do not see the connection between an episode that may have occurred in Vedic India to present day educational institutions.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Stephen Narayanan <> wrote:
We always have a habit of blaming the West for all evils. The mysterious foreign hand or the western influences are a handy tool for passing the buck. History shows that whenever there has been association of people...there has always been a divide in the group and one dominant group would always try to intimidate the other mentally superior group by indulging in bullying techniques which would then pass the code of discipline and enter the domain of physical/violent attempt at hurting to bring the person or group to submission. Its not just in India alone....this syndrome is Universal. Haven't we read how Eklavya the tribal marksman who was better than Arjun was denounced by his Guru Dronacharya who wanted his pet student Arjun to excel and for this he asked for Eklavya's Thumb as Guru Dakshina thereby rendering Eklavya's skill to be secondary.....there was No British Public School at that time... But with the passage of time and with tempers at short fuse....the bullying has now taken the form of Rage which has often resulted in suicides by victims which has awakened the morals and conscience of societies whose pressures have ensured that Management wake up to denounce and punish raggers and bullies. Mostly the bullies....( as per my observation ) are mostly from Rich families where their parents haven't shared the moral values properly with their children due to lack of time....and the arrogance perhaps is in the DNA which could be the cause of the children being careless and carefree to the extent that they have lost the fear of Law & Rules.



On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:13 PM, A Nagaraj <> wrote:
Ragging is and has always been a horrendous exercise and a safe way for bullies to harass soft targets.
It probably arrived in India by way of the British public school.
I'm glad that various constitutional authorities have taken strong exception to ragging and many institutions have stamped it out and one such institution is the IIT at Roorkee, where I spent some time a short while ago.
As teachers we need to have zero tolerance to this poor practice and clearly understand that there is no good & bad ragging.
CAPT. Nagaraj

 CAPT.A.Nagaraj Subbarao.

Stephen Narayanan
General Manager - Corporate Resource Center
New Delhi Institute of Management.
60, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi.
Tel.:- (011) 29956566-69/40111000: Extn.217.

 CAPT.A.Nagaraj Subbarao.
Mob # 998632 1964
        # +91 80 28424874     
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