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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] ragging in the institutions

Kudos Dr.Misra,

Your testimony comes across as an eye opener and atleast partially corroborates my point that ragging did not come out from the west. I don't deny that Ragging is not prevalent in the underlined by you...wherever there is a sparkling mind....there would definitely be detractors who would want to cut him down to size perhaps due to the jealousy they might perceive him as being center of attraction which they could not be. In fact this would perhaps be a very ideal opportunity for anybody into psychology to study the behavioral aspects of a bully....the reasons which drive him to engage in it a sense of rejection... I take back my word about affluent kids being bully going through your testimony....rather as I said it is the mind game which is all the reason for ragging.
I commend your spirit in standing up to fight it out and I'm sure this quality will definitely stand the test of time in future too. I'm sure we all agree that Ragging is not good and we all detest it....what I meant when I said that most bullies are from Rich influential families was to underscore the point that children from poor families know that they are the torch bearers to lift up the standards of their struggling families and hence they are focused and studious....and for this very reason they become targets of other haughty students who don't like a sparkling mind..... I do not deny that there could be sparkling minds from affluent families too... I have gone through the testimony of MTC Founder and President our own dear Dr.Bholanath who has seen struggles through his student and college life and we can say he is another of those sparkling minds.
But I beg to differ from your comment :-  Sometimes then one feels there are people in this world who do deserve to get ragged.
We all agree that ragging is a detestable bane...unwelcome in a civilized world....just because a person did not stand upto ragging does not mean that they deserve to get ragged. One needs to understand the servile or submissive nature of a person which perhaps is the outcome of a struggle filled upbringing....they are perhaps unable to come out of their own well of sorrow....I have only sympathy for them.
The Rich poor divide is well borne out by the ragging of a poor dalit boy who was done to death by being beaten up by Intern Doctors a year back...beaten up with cricket bats...Yes I'm referring to the much publicized - Aman Kachroo incident which is not too old. There could be many others which go unreported as well.
Besides the College appointed committee members for Anti-Ragging....we all as citizens and torchbearers to discipline students should also take it as a responsibility to snuff out any such happenings which come to our notice.

Warm Regards,


Stephen Narayanan
General Manager - Corporate Resource Center
New Delhi Institute of Management.
60, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi.
Tel.:- (011) 29956566-69/40111000: Extn.217.

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