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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Re: SCNC's Nffor Nfor Collapses in Prison!!!

Dear GB,

I could not agree more with u.Just as u have rightly postulated, no one will do it for us.We Southern Cameroonians must be responsible for our destiny and our liberation.It saddens me to know that we are only folding our arms and expect miracles to come from Heaven and set the pace for our liberation and independence.The bible says it crystal clear,that God only help those who help themselves.I cannot come to terms with my inner self as to why some unscrupulous and egocentric Southern Cameroonians have vehemently decided to connive with our colonisers just because they want food for their families and themselves.What about the other Southern Cameroonians families that do not belong to the ruling team.When shall it dawn on us Southern Cameroonians to start thinking of the general good rather than the individual good.

History shall just us all but is incumbent on us Southern Cameroonians to realise that we have to take our own destiny into our hands and fight for our freedom before the international community can ever come to our help and rescue.

May God bless us and give us a sense of unity and direction to embark on this mammoth journey for freedom and liberation.

Robert Tamanji



--- On Wed, 10/3/12, kaavi melchizedek <> wrote:

From: kaavi melchizedek <>
Subject: Re: SCNC's Nffor Nfor Collapses in Prison!!!
To: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 1:24 PM

Gerard you are the man. Change of motto is what we need now
but how????????????? is the question.

. mk

Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon

From: Gerard Best <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: SCNC's Nffor Nfor Collapses in Prison!!!

Mr. Peter,
I am sorry to answer to the fact that Human rights reporters are crying and pondering aloud why the world is so silent on the Southern Cameroons issue.  The answer to this is not even far away from all of us. Let me give you a few of these reasons:
1) The fact that Southern Cameroonians are not fully engaged in the fight for their own country themselves. We cannot be waiting for the world to come fight for our own liberation. The world would not come in to start a fight for our liberation for us. We are supposed to start that fight and call for help from the world. As long as we are not championing our own liberation struggle, the world cannot come in to intervene.
2) The SCNC talking point: The SCNC talks of the "Force of Argument Not the Argument of Force." Tell me where you can go with this philosophy? This philosophy means that the Southern Cameroons would keep dragging LRC to the courts. Verdict upon verdict would be pronounced and LRC would pay a deaf ear to whatever the courts and human rights organizations are saying. While they ignore, these verdicts, the SCNC would keep talking of the force of argument. If at best we did not have this philosophy in the SCNC, LRC would not be engaging in certain acts. But most of our people are more suited to be described as "black legs," becoming informants to the colonizer instead of exercising a patriotic and nationalistic spirit of belonging together in the fight for liberation. Why are Southern Cameroonians still sitting in the parliament of LRC today even with these kinds of  happenings in the Southern Cameroons? Is this situation of Nfor Ngala Nfor not ripe enough for the revolution to start because of it? Tell me!!!!!
3) Southern Cameroonians in the diaspora are unconcerned about genuine liberation. Even the constantly inspiring words from this lady Jane Ikome, and appeals to Southern Cameroonians through this forum to come together, create a parliament, declare our independence, defend it and the rest of the world would support us, nearly everybody escaped and could not even contribute toward that program. If Southern Cameroonians themselves cannot support a program like that one, why would the world not sit by and watch as LRC continues to do what she has been doing in the Southern Cameroons?
Conclusion: I need to see Southern Cameroonians better engaged in their own liberation. They should not be thinking that the world would start their own liberation for them. It would never happen that way. We hope that everybody would line up and fully participate in the revolution before it starts. The time is now. Contribute for the revolution. Time is running out.  This must be without preconditions. Whether the revolution is televised or not.
Thank You and thank you again.

--- On Wed, 10/3/12, PETER W VAKUNTA <> wrote:

Subject: Re: SCNC's Nffor Nfor Collapses in Prison!!!
To:, "Camnet" <>, "Politics Cameroon" <>
Cc: "SEMBE ALFRED" <>, "achpr" <>, "Adams Bouddih" <>, "Ajong Anu" <>, "CARLSON ANYANGWE" <>, "Dr. Christopher Atang" <>, "Ebenezer Akwanga" <>, "Fon Christoper Achobang" <>, "GEORGE ACHU" <>, "opio okelo" <>, "bhc" <>, "harmony mbuton" <>, "blaiseberi" <>, "Carlson Anyangwe" <>, "charles taku" <>, "denatem" <>
Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 11:35 AM

"We , human rights reporters are still crying and pondering aloud why
the world is so silent on this Southern Cameroons issue. When this
would have exploded beyond control, we will be around to tell this
very international community their story."

The international community functions as a fire-extinguisher. If your
house is not ablaze they won't care. So, you got it! Set your house
ablaze and the International bulldogs will come hounding.But be
mindful of the factthat there must be sufficient stakes to warrant the
intervention of the international community.Compare Libya to Egypt;
juxtapose Tunisia with Syria and you'll begin to see what I am hinting
at. SCNC must not just talk the talk;they've got to walk the wall:a
herculean task for a country that is so divisive along ethnocentric

Dr. Peter Vakunta
Professor, United States Department of Defense Language Insitute, POM-CA

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Martin Yembe <> wrote:
> The Acting National Chairman of SCNC has collapsed in police detention
> and was rushed to the Mbingo Annex Baptist Hospital at Mutengene,
> guarded by a police man.
> His lawyers have trooped to the hospital and there are fears he must
> have been inflicted when he was again picked up at the Mile 17 motor
> park in Buea as he was about boarding a car to leave Buea.
> No reasons have been given as to why he was re-arrested alongside one
> of his aides, Henry Lamnyam. Henry is still being held at the police
> station in Buea, and statements have been taken from him. The police
> is saying he had on him copies of a tabloid, Political Punch published
> by Martin FON YEMBE who was arrested on October 1, but no charges were
> levied on him.
> We , human rights reporters are still crying and pondering aloud why
> the world is so silent on this Southern Cameroons issue. When this
> would have exploded beyond control, we will be around to tell this
> very international community their story.
> Above all, what are Southern Cameroonians doing out there...please??!!
>    Martin FON YEMBE in Victoria

Peter Wuteh Vakunta, Ph.D.
Asst Professor of Modern Languages
Department of Defense Language Institute
Presidio of Monterey
190 Patton Avenue, Monterey
United  States of  America

"Race is the least reliable information you can have about someone. It's
real information, but it tells you next to nothing."~Toni Morrison

"There is no agony like bearing an un told story inside you."~ Zora
Neale Hurston

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