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Monday, November 5, 2012

Ambasbay: Mission Statement adjusted and completed as per New Developments

 FACT One: As the Government of Cameroun applies to the ACHPR for
more time to prepare for "Constructive Dialogue" with the SCNC/SCAPO
as Recommended by the Banjul Ruling….
 FACT Two: As the West African Office of the UN winds down the
construction of border pillars between the British Cameroons and La
Republique du Cameroun;
 FACT THREE: As the Nigerian leading Congress for Progressive (CPC)
throws its weight behind the quest for self-determination by the
displaced people of Bakassi Peninsula whose territory is now under the
sovereignty of the Republic of Cameroun and the peoples of Bakassi
County join forces with Southern Cameroons to form the Republique of
 Considering (i) Kofi Annan's Bakassi Peace Accord in which Paul Biya
committed himself and government to respect the territorial boundaries
of his country, Cameroon as obtained at independence.
 (ii) UN surveyors' exercise of building pillars marking the
international boundaries separating Ambazonia-Bimbia or AmbaBimbia
from Cameroon;
 (iii) The presentation, by the President of the UN General
Assembly, Ali Triki, of large Maps of the British Cameroons as well
as the Republique of Cameroun, to the president of La Republique du
Cameroun as part of festivities to mark the 50th Independence
Anniversary of La Republique du Cameroun;

Welcome to This RG resource was created for
civic and political education of all natives of the British Cameroons…
especially the natives of the British Southern Cameroons.
This resource was also created to educate the general public about the
British Cameroons and its chequered history. We have uploaded files/
documents/pictures, etc on the BAY. These files are all on the road
covered in this challenging quest to restore the independence and
sovereignty of the British Cameroons/British Southern Cameroons
This struggle has always been open based on THE FORCE OF ARGUMENT. All
mention of FORCE are related to the fundamental right of Self-defense…
recognized by all cultures.
Now Paragraph 178 of the just delivered Ruling of the African
Commission of Human and Peoples Rights delivered these Golden Words:
"Based on that reasoning, the Commission finds that "the people of
Southern Cameroon" qualify to be referred to as a "people" because
they manifest numerous characteristics and affinities, which include a
common history, linguistic tradition, territorial connection, and
political outlook. More importantly they identify themselves as a
people with a separate and distinct identity. Identity is an innate
characteristic within a people. It is up to other external people to
recognize such existence, but not to deny it".
Consequently, and to agree with the HOG, the recognition of the People
of the Southern Cameroons as a People, automatically confers on them
all the rights embodied in the African Charter, including the
inalienable and unquestionable right to self-determination and
resistance to foreign domination as provided for in Article 20 (1),
(2) and (3).
Some of these rights are.
Other implications are that the people of the Southern Cameroons, qua
people, have the right to:
(i) Self-determination (i.e. the right to freely determine their
political status, and the right to freely pursue their economic and
social development according to the policy they have chosen);
(ii) Existence (the only adequate guarantee of which is sovereign
(iii) Equality with all other people;
(iv) Enjoy the same respect as all other people;
(v) Have the same rights as all other people (including the right to
be free);
(vi) Freedom from domination by another people;
(vii) Free themselves from the bonds of domination by resorting to any
means recognised by the international community (i.e. right to resist
colonial rule);
(viii) Assistance from States Parties to the African Charter in their
liberation struggle against Republique du Cameroun domination;
(ix) National and international peace and security;
(x) Cultural development;
(xi) General satisfactory environment favourable to their development;
(xii) Freely dispose of their wealth and natural resources;
(xiii) Lawful recovery of property and to an adequate compensation in
case of spoliation.

Self-determination involves the all-important issues of survival,
identity and dignity.
This is what this Struggle is about and some.
Feel free to shop around, sign up for membership or upload authentic
documents and ideas for the education of and the edification of all
Now let it be known to all and sundry that we did not come here to
struggle forever. Come rain, come sunshine, come fire and brimstone
this struggle ends in 2010, period. 2011 is the Jubilee Year – for
You and most welcomed.

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