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Thursday, November 1, 2012


Africa is blessed with a plethora of talented Artists/Musicians who in their various ways have helped to shape the destinity of their various populations. According to an online tracking website of the most influential African Musicians of the past fifty years, the following names were documented:
1)    Mali: Habib Koite, Oumou Sangare, Salif Keita
2)    South Africa: Myriam Makeba, Brenda Fassie, Erza Ngoukana, Hugh Masekela
3)    Nigeria: Fela Ransome Kuti, Victor Uwaifor, Sunny Ade, Nico Mbarga, Sonny Okusun
4)    Congo: Papa Wemba, Rochereau, Kofi Olumide, Mbia Bel
5)    Senegal: Youssou N,dour, Baaba Maal, Thione Seck,
6)    Cameroon: Manu Dibango, Francis Bebe, Tchana Pierre, Sally Nyolo, Eboa Lotin
7)    Guinea: Mory Kante. Demba Camara (Bembeya Jazz Band)
8)    Benin: Angelique Kidjo, Wally Badarou
9)    Zimbabwe: Albert Nyathi, Zimbabwe Legit
10)  Tanzania: Genevieve Mbangala (na which kind woman name dis sef)
There are definitely more Artists and Musicians who influence societal dystopian daily drama of human existence through carefully and even not so carefully crafted lyrical spoofs, polemical pieces and other forms of poetic an insight into the the role of expressive culture and mitigating societal ills and short-comings. They too have a role in society. Some are LUCKY to be famous, others...out of sheer "Malchance" and "Badluck" will continue to either be ignored or may never rise to stardom. That is still o,kay. The President of America is not the most intelligent American to have become the most powerful man on the face of the planet. It is called DESTINY. At least that is how me, Mishe Fon I see it.
Please feel free to add names of Musicians and Artists you think and believe should belong to this Hall of Famers List.
Mishe Fon

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