PAP Constitution in FULL

PAP Constitution: PAP is making public its just amended constitution. Please find below the constitution in its entirety.

The Constitution Of People's Action Party, PAP


Whereas the law permits the creation of political parties in Cameroon;

Whereas Cameroon deserves a faster pace of development;

Whereas there is absolute necessity for Cameroonians to come together in a movement that will quicken national unity and integration;

Whereas democracy has stood the test of time as fundamental to peace from the plane of the confrontation of ideas in active debates;

Whereas work is the foundation of lasting development;

Whereas women and the youth constitute the bulk of the population and their greater participation in the political, economic, social and cultural development of Cameroon must be guaranteed;

Whereas sharing is a divine commandment.


Members of People's Action Party have in a national meeting proceeded to revise the 1991 Constitution of People's Action Party and have replaced same with the present constitutional provisions, including the preamble, and have ordained these provisions in our pledge to serve the fatherland with zeal, in probity and with the fear of God/Allah.




Section 1 The political party hereinafter referred to as the party shall be known as and called People's Action Party – PAP for short. The party headquarters shall be at Kumba in the Southwest Region of Cameroon.


Section 2(1) The motto of the party shall be WORK – PEACE – JUSTICE.

(2) The emblem of the party shall be an isosceles triangle with one of the two equal sides vertical and the other equal side horizontal to the right from the top of the vertical side. The two equal sides shall be divided equally into three, and lines shall run from the three points on one equal side to the three points on the other equal side. The area between the two middle lines shall be white and the other two areas shall be blue. There shall be a white circle with the centre corresponding to the centre of the white area with a yellow bee flying to the dexter.


Section 3 (1) May become a member any Cameroonian by birth or by naturalization without distinction as to religion, colour, ethnicity, gender, social or economic status;

Provided that such Cameroonian is at least 18 (eighteen) years old, and is not a current member of any other political party.

(2) Membership shall be acquired exclusively by registration at the PAP County upon the payment of such fee as shall be determined for the time being by the PAP National Council. A membership card filled in and signed by the president and the treasurer of the relative zonal county shall be delivered to the member upon such payment.

(3) Membership shall be lost by resignation, expulsion or by death.


Section 4 The jurisdiction of the party ratione loci shall correspond to the national territory of Cameroon.

Provided that, outside of the national territory of Cameroon, members of the party may be grouped in PAP Zones and PAP Sub-zones as per Section 22(2) of this constitution.

Section 5. The party's objectives shall include:-

a. The education of Cameroonians on the best form of the State;
b. equitable distribution of national and/or natural resources;
c. a self-reliant, self-employment system of education;
d. equitable development;
e. practical bilingualism;
f. moral education at all levels;
g. gender equality;
h. practice of functional and sustainable democracy;
i. truth and national reconciliation;
j. absolute respect for the law;
k. building strong and durable State institutions.




Section 6 (1) Members of the party shall be grouped in two components: adults and the youth.

(2) Adults shall mean members of the party who are above 40 (forty) years of age; and the youth shall be members aged between 18 and 40 years of age.

Section 7 Men and women in the two components shall operate in the two groups without any distinction as to sex. It shall be forbidden to create any situation that even by allusion denote either sex as inferior.


Section 8 (1) The following shall be, in a descending hierarchical order, the organs of the party:-

PAP National Council;
PAP Congress;
PAP Caucus;
PAP Municipal Convention;
PAP County.

(2) The organs of the party shall correspond to the political map of Cameroon and shall hold meetings as per the following: PARTY ORGAN/POLITICAL MAP/FREQUENCY OF MEETING.

01. PAP National Council/National territory/Once every three years

02. PAP Congress/The Region/At least once a year

03. PAP Caucus/The Division/At least once every six months

04. PAP Municipal Convention/A council area/At least once every three months

05. PAP County/A quarter, a village or a group of villages/At least once a month

(3) There shall additionally be standing committees at such levels as the PAP National Council shall create.

(4) Subject to such exceptions as may be laid down by the party in the by-laws, rules and regulations, all correspondences intended for the PAP National Council shall be forwarded through the party's hierarchy.

(5) The statutory members as well as the business/activities of the following party organs, namely PAP Congress, PAP Caucus, PAP Municipal Convention and PAP County, shall be spelt out in the by-laws of the party.


Section 9 The PAP National Council shall be the highest national organ of the party.

Section 10 (1) The following shall be statutory delegates to a session of the PAP National Council:-

all the party's officials holding national office;
all the executive members of each PAP Congress;
all the executive members of each PAP Caucus;
the president, the organizing secretary and the treasurer of each PAP Municipal Convention;
the president, the organizing secretary and the treasurer of each PAP County.

(2). The National Coordination Bureau in consultation with the Secretary General of the party may invite non-statutory members to the session.

Section 11 The PAP National Council shall meet in ordinary sessions as per Section 8(2) of this constitution at such venue as agreed at the previous session. No such session shall hold for more than three days.

Section 12 The PAP National Council may meet in extraordinary sessions when convened by the Secretary General of the party or by a third of the members of the Council of the Wise for a maximum of two days per session.

Section 13 (1) Ordinary and extraordinary sessions of the PAP National Council shall be presided over by the Secretary General of the party;

Provided that the Deputy Secretary General of the party may preside over ordinary or extraordinary session of the PAP National Council upon such written delegation of power of the Secretary General of the party as the Secretary General may deem fit to issue under his hand.

(2) The agenda of an ordinary or extraordinary shall be fixed by the National Coordination Bureau in consultation with the Secretary General of the party;

Provided that this provision shall not be construed to preclude the PAP National Council from making any addendum or addenda to the agenda;

Provided further that the PAP National Council may not exclude from the agenda any item fixed by the National Coordination Bureau.

Section 14 The PAP National Council shall have jurisdiction to:-

debate and adopt the general policies of the party;
amend this constitution;
elect the national officials of the party;
endorse or reject the election of members of the lower organs of the party;
expel or approve the expulsion of members from the party;
authorize the PAP Council of the Wise to adopt the party's annual budget;
elect the party's presidential candidate.

Section 15 The PAP National Council shall be assisted by two internal organs, namely; PAP Council of the Wise and the National Coordination Bureau.


Section 16(1) The PAP Council of the Wise shall execute, observe and enforce the observance of the resolution of the PAP National Council. The PAP Council of the Wise shall likewise have jurisdiction to:-

draft and propose resolution for adoption by the PAP National Council;

draft and table by-laws, rules and regulations for debate and adoption by the PAP National Council;

adopt the party's annual budget;

expel a member pending the endorsement or rejection of such expulsion by the PAP National Council;

direct and supervise the functioning of the National Coordination Bureau.

(2) The PAP Council of the Wise shall perform such other functions as shall be expressly assigned to them by the PAP National Council.

Section 17 The PAP Council of the Wise shall meet at least once per annum and at such other times as the Secretary General of the party shall deem it fit and proper to convene meetings.

Section 18 (1) The following shall be the statutory members of the PAP Council of the Wise:-

The Secretary General of the party;
The Deputy Secretary General;
The National Coordinator of the National Coordination Bureau;
The National Secretary for Finance;
The National Treasurer;
The National Secretary for Communication and Public Relations;
The National Secretary for Organization;
The most senior Legal Secretary.

(2) There shall be 3 non-statutory members who shall be co-opted by a simple majority of the PAP Council of the Wise.


Section 19 (1) There shall be a National Coordination Bureau charged with the day-to-day running of the party's business. It shall be under the direct authority of the Secretary General of the party, and headed by a secretary appointed by the Secretary General of the party and called the National Coordinator.

(2) The National Coordination Bureau shall be manned by such other workers nominated by the National Coordinator as the necessity of service shall dictate and endorsed by the Secretary General of the party.

(3) There shall be an information and public relations unit of the National Coordination Bureau for the dissemination of information about the party and for the selling of the party's image. The functioning of the said unit shall be spelt out in the party's by-laws and regulations.

Section 20 The National Coordinator shall be the minutes' secretary during the sessions of the PAP National Council. He shall take charge of the party's library, books and stationery; and keep a current inventory of the property of the party, in the National Coordination Bureau and in the party's headquarters.

Section 21 The National Coordination Bureau shall:-

draft the annual budget of the party under the guidelines of the Secretary General of the party for adoption by the PAP Council of the Wise;

write correspondences, and reports on projects;

keep the nominal rolls of members of the party;

fix the remuneration of the workers of the National Coordination Bureau in consultation with the Secretary General of the party;

carry out other assignments given by the Secretary General of the party and/or the PAP Council of the Wise.

Section 22(1) A unit called PAP Diaspora shall be set-up in the National Coordination Bureau. The unit shall:-

keep a record of all PAP Zones and PAP Sub-zones around the globe;
maintain regular live contact with the PAP Zones and PAP Sub-zones;
update PAP Zones and PAP Sub-zones on current issues and happenings back home;
galvanize support for the party from PAP Zones and PAP Sub-zones;
collect opinions, queries and criticisms from PAP Zones and PAP Sub-zones and treat or have them treated by the competent organs;
make available the party's literature to PAP Zones and PAP Sub-zones.

(2) A PAP Zone shall correspond to a continent on the political map of the world; and a PAP Sub-zone shall similarly correspond to a country or a group of countries as approved by the National Coordination Bureau.


Section 23 The following committees shall be constituted:-

the Committee on World Affairs;
the Committee on the Economy and Development;
the Committee on Social and Cultural Affairs;
the Committee on Constitutional and Political Affairs;
the Committee on Finance;
the Committee on Nature;
the Committee on Justice and Peace;
the Committee on Morals and Ethics.

Section 24 Each committee shall collect data relative to the national temperature on the functioning of the State in their respective domains; carry out research, propose reforms and counsel the party on the best necessary line of action.

Section 25(1) Each committee shall be headed by a renowned and leading expert in the domain.

(2) Membership of a committee shall not exceed five persons who shall be volunteers or selected by the National Coordination Bureau on account of those persons' expert knowledge.

(3) The services of the members of a committee including the head of the committee shall be free of charge except to the extent that the party may provide working materials and/or defray out-of-pocket expenses partially or integrally.

Section 26 The exact composition of a committee, the jurisdiction of the committee and the modus operandi of the committee shall be laid down in the by-laws, and rules and regulations of the party.




Section 27(1) The following shall be the executive offices of the party:-

The Secretary General;
One deputy Secretary General;
One National Secretary for Finance;
One Deputy National Secretary for Finance;
One National Treasurer;
One deputy National Treasurer;
One National Secretary for Communication and Public Relations;
One Deputy National Secretary for Communication and Public Relations;
One National Secretary for Organization;
Two deputy National Secretaries for Organization;
Three National Auditors;
Three National Legal Secretaries.

Provided that for organs other than the PAP National Council, the head of each such organ shall be called as per the following: PARTY ORGAN/APPELATION

01. PAP Congress / Congress President

02. PAP Caucus / Caucus President

03. PAP Municipal Convention/Municipal President

04. PAP County/County President

(2) No person shall have the capacity to hold any of the national offices as per subsection one of this Section or the office of the National Coordinator as per Section 19(1) of this constitution where such persons cannot read and write English and French.

(3) No person voted into office in any of the organs of the party shall hold any such office for a period exceeding three years running; and no such tenure of office shall be renewable more than two times consecutively.

(4) The holding of office shall be free of charge;

Provided that the party may pay compensation/allowances to such persons.

Section 28(1) The offices in each of the party organ shall be the same relative to functions and numbers;

Provided that, at the level of the PAP Municipal Convention and PAP County, there may be only one deputy secretary for organization, one auditor and one legal secretary;

Provided further that in one PAP Zone there may be more deputy secretaries for organization than one, and more auditors and legal secretaries than three subject to such increases not exceeding double the number provided for in Section 27(1) of this constitution.

(2) At the level of the PAP Municipal Convention and Zonal County, the Secretary for Communication and Public Relations shall take minutes during the meetings of the relevant organ.

Section 29(1) Any official of the party elected to the position of a deputy shall automatically replace the substantive officials who resign their functions; and the officials replacing the substantive officials shall discharge such duties of the office as provided for in this constitution till the expiry of the terms of office of the officials who have resigned;

Provided that where there are more deputies than one, the older/oldest shall take office.

(2) Where an elected official dies in office, the provisions of Section 52 of this constitution shall apply.


Section 30(1) The Secretary General of the party shall be the head of the party. In that capacity, he shall:-

represent the party in Cameroon and abroad;
authorize expenditure and sign or countersign cheques for withdrawals from the party's bank account or bank accounts;
preside over the sessions of PAP National Council and meetings of the PAP Council of the Wise;
direct the drafting of the annual budget of the party by the National Coordination Bureau;
table before the PAP National Council any matter of interest to the party.


Section 31 The Deputy Secretary General shall perform the duties of the Secretary General of the party whenever the Secretary General is unable to perform such duties and upon express delegation of power by the Secretary General in writing, or upon an absolute majority vote of 60% (sixty percent) of the statutory members of PAP National Council giving such powers to the Deputy Secretary General of the party;

Provided that it shall not be competent of the Deputy Secretary General during such interim to deposit any signature for the withdrawal of funds from the party's bank account or bank accounts;

Provided further that the Deputy Secretary General shall not have the power to table any motion for the amendment of this constitution.


Section 32 (1) The National Secretary for Finance shall make a record of every income and make over the money and/or negotiable and non-negotiable bills to the National Treasurer.

(2) The National Secretary for Finance shall obtain from the National Treasurer copies of accounting documents and keep same, and make same over to the Auditors whenever so required.

Section 33 The Deputy Secretary for Finance shall assist the National Secretary for Finance in the performance of his duties, and shall carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Secretary for Finance or PAP National Council or the National Coordination Bureau. He shall assume the interim under conditions specified in the by-laws.


Section 34 Assisted by the National Deputy Treasurer, the National Treasurer shall:-

keep accounts of the party's revenue;
keep all documents witnessing movements of funds;
co-sign cheques for withdrawals from the party's account or accounts.


Section 35 Working in synergy with the Deputy National Secretary for Communication and Public Relations, the National Secretary for Communication and Public Relations shall:-

be the spokesperson of the party;
disseminate information about the party to the organs of the party;
work with the news media to sell the image and ideologies of the party;
carry out such other duties as the party shall assign for the time being.


Section 36 The National Secretary for Organization, assisted by two Deputy Secretaries for Organization and Public Relations, shall:-

enforce compliance by the organs of the party with the schedules for meetings;
work in synergy with the National Coordinator to ensure the vitality of the party organs;
take charge of the organization of campaigns, ceremonies, economic activities of the party;
propose to the National Coordinator the creation of new PAP Counties;
supervise the renewal of the executives of the party organs other than the PAP National Council.


Section 37 The National Auditors shall audit the accounts of the party of the previous financial year within the first quarter of the year immediately following. The National Auditors may also be required by the National Coordination Bureau to audit the accounts any time outside of the normal period of auditing herein stated;

Provided that, where circumstances do warrant, the PAP Council of the Wise by a simple majority of it members may order the auditing of the party's account by external auditors.


Section 38 The Legal Secretaries shall be persons learned in the law and members of the party. They shall give expert legal opinions whenever so required, and they shall represent the party in litigation without strict pecuniary consideration.




Section 39(1) The financial year of the party shall run from the 1st day of January to the 31st day of December of the year.

(2) The annual budget shall be adopted not later than the 31st day of December of the year immediately preceding the financial year.

Section 40 The party shall derive its revenue from the following sources:-

members' registration fees and annual contributions;
the sale of the party's gadgets;
from economic activities;
from donations, gifts and legacies;
from publications;
from fund-raising activities.

Section 41(1) The registration fees and annual contributions shall be fixed by PAP National Council.

(2) Subject to the cases of re-admission after expulsion, registration shall be done only once in the lifetime of a member.

Section 42 The party shall operate a bank account or bank accounts as the National Coordination Bureau shall judge fit and proper to open. Signatories to the bank account or bank accounts shall be the Secretary General of the party, the National Coordinator and the National Treasurer. The National Coordination Bureau in consultation with the Secretary General of the party shall make an order on the detailed operation of the bank account or accounts.

Section 43 Subject to such amount as the National Treasurer shall by the by-laws be authorized to hold, any party's funds in the possession of the National Treasurer shall be paid into the bank account or bank accounts within a maximum period of five days of the money coming into such possession.

Section 44 The National Treasurer shall produce a written statement of accounts quarterly for perusal by the National Coordination Bureau. It shall be competent of the PAP Council of the Wise to demand the production of the statement of accounts for their perusal.

(2) Where the National Treasurer refuses, fails or neglects to produce a statement of accounts within the period as per the subsection immediately preceding, the National Coordinator, in consultation with the Secretary General of the party, may require the National Treasurer to comply within such period as the National Coordinator shall specify.

Section 45(1) Each organ of the party shall have authority to generate income within the provision of this constitution.

(2) An order of the National Coordination Bureau, made after consultation with the PAP Council of the Wise, shall specify the repartition of the party's revenue between the party's national organs and the lower organs.


Section 46(1) Subject to the prerogative of the Secretary General of the party to appoint the National Coordinator, accession to any office of any organ of the party shall be exclusively through election.

(2) Voting shall be solely by secret ballot. Voting by the raising of hands shall be null and void.

Section 47(1) Except to the extent that the PAP National Council may otherwise decide, there shall be a minimum of two candidates for election into any office of an organ of the party.

(2) Any member of the party who has discharged all their financial obligations shall automatically be qualified to vote and/or stand election to any offices of their choice.

(3) Every aspirant shall present their candidacies in a process to be specified in the by-laws without anyone reserving the right to nominate any candidates, and without anyone reserving the right to oppose any candidacy that fulfills the conditions provided for in this constitution;

Provided that any membership of less than six months shall not automatically qualify any members to present their candidacies.

(4) The list of candidates shall be published by posting same at the meeting place of the organ of the party not later than ten days before polling.

(5) An appeal to the National Coordination Bureau shall lie against any decision rejecting a candidacy.

(6) The National Coordination Bureau shall hear and determine the appeal within three days of receiving same.

Section 48(1) Thirty days before the actual polling, the incumbent executive of the relevant organ of the party shall set up an electoral commission comprising members of the party of integrity who shall not be candidates during the election.

(2) A representative of the immediate higher organ of the party and/or a national official of the party shall supervise the conduct of the election and report to the organ it represented.

(3) The electoral commission shall produce a single ballot paper in quantity exceeding by 10% the total number of voters.

(4) The electoral commission shall distribute the single ballot papers to the voters who shall each enter the polling booth, tick the candidate of their choice, fold the single ballot paper, and put same in the ballot box placed within the public view.

(5) There shall be no vote by proxy.

Section 49(1) At the close of the poll, the electoral commission shall open the envelopes in public and count the votes for each candidate. The candidate with more than 50% of the votes shall be proclaimed the winner.

(2) Where no candidate obtains more than 50% of the votes, there shall be a second round of voting for the first two candidates.

(3) Where there are only two candidates and there is a tie, the elder shall be proclaimed the winner.

(4) The by-laws, rules and regulations shall specify the qualifications of the electorate, the composition of the electoral commission, the manner of counting the votes cast and the proclamation of the results.

Section 50(1) Electoral disputes shall be resolved by an order of the disciplinary organ of the immediate higher organ of the party or by the National Coordination Bureau, either confirming the result proclaimed or ordering fresh poll. The relevant order shall be made within ten days of the proclamation of the result.

(2) An appeal may lie against the order to the PAP Council of the Wise.

Section 51 Electoral commissions shall be dissolved as of course the moment any electoral disputes have been resolved, or after fresh elections as per Section 50(1) of this constitution have held without fresh disputes.

Section 52 Where a person holding office in any organ of the party dies, by-election shall hold in the like manner under this constitution within 80 days of the person's demise, without the deputy or deputies to the deceased having any right of pre-emption.


Section 53(1) With the exception of PAP National Council, every organ of the party shall set up a disciplinary committee of not more than five persons including the head of the committee. Every disciplinary committee shall also have jurisdiction to hear and determine disputes other than electoral disputes.

(2) Disciplinary measures shall be taken through disciplinary orders signed by the president and the secretary for organization of the relevant organ of the party after the order has been adopted through a secret ballot by the disciplinary committee.

(3) A disciplinary order shall not issue until the order has been adopted by 60% of the members of the disciplinary committee present.

(4) The quorum for a valid deliberation of a disciplinary committee shall be 80% of the members of the disciplinary committee.

(5) Where a disciplinary order has to issue against the Secretary General of the party, such order shall not issue until it has been adopted by two-third of the members of the PAP Council of the Wise.

(6) The order as per Section 53(5) of this constitution may be reversed by the PAP National Council.

(7) The highest disciplinary committee of the party having final jurisdiction shall be the PAP Council of the Wise which shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine disciplinary proceedings against national party officials through disciplinary orders.

(8) An appeal shall lie against a disciplinary order to the disciplinary committee of the immediate higher organ of the party from any member of the party aggrieved by such order.

Section 54 Subject to Section 16(1) of this constitution, sanctions to be inflicted by disciplinary committees shall include:-

a written warning;
a pecuniary order;
a written reprimand;
a suspension for a determinate duration;

(2) The by-laws shall specify the jurisdiction of the respective disciplinary committees to inflict sanctions as per the preceding sub-section.

Section 55(1) No sanction shall be inflicted on any member of the party who has not been accused in writing about improper conduct, and has been fully heard, and amply given the opportunity to defend themselves either personally or through counsel.

(2) What amounts to improper conduct, the range of pecuniary orders and the format of a written reprimand shall be defined by the by-laws, rules and regulations.



Section 56 The following shall be the pledge of the party:

We of the Peoples' Action Party do pledge ourselves to build a strong united party, to organize a vibrant, just and prosperous society, through equitable opportunities for all, so that every citizen, regardless of age, sex, language, ethnicity or religion, may lead a happy life to the full.

(2) Every official of the party shall recite the pledge mutatis mutandis when taking office. The pledge shall also be recited in harmony at every gathering of the party for party business.

Section 57 The preamble shall be an integral part of the constitution and having equal force.

Section 58(1) This constitution shall not be replaced or amended until the replacement or amendment has been enacted by an absolute majority of two-third of the statutory members of PAP National Council, voting by secret ballot at a session of PAP National Council.

(2) The motion to replace the constitution together with the Bill proposing the new constitution, or the motion for amendment with the amendments attached thereto, shall be filed with the National Coordination Bureau against written acknowledgement of the filing not less than three months to the commencement of the nearest session of PAP National Council.

(3) The by-laws shall specify the number of copies of the attachments to be so filed.

(4) Within seven days of the filing as per Subsection 2 of this Section, the National Coordinator shall make available to each member of the PAP Council of the Wise all the documents relative to the replacement or amendment of the constitution.

(5) In like manner, the National Coordinator shall make available to the other organs of the party two copies of the documents for the replacement or amendment of the constitution not less than forty days to the commencement of the nearest session of PAP National Council.

(6) Each organ of the party shall make available to the statutory members of PAP National Council from the said organ copies of the documents not less than thirty days to the commencement of the nearest session of PAP National Council.

Section 59 (1) Debates and the determination of the issue of the replacement or amendment of the constitution shall take precedence over any other matter on the agenda of the session.

(2) If the replacement or the amendment of the constitution is enacted, election during the session shall be conducted in accordance with the new constitution or amended constitution where the amendment affects the constitutional provisions relative to elections.

Section 60 The National Coordination Bureau shall prepare and circulate draft by-laws and draft rules and regulations of the party to the statutory members of PAP National Council not less than sixty days preceding the commencement of the next session of PAP National Council.

Section 61 (1) Until election has been conducted at the national level, the incumbent national chairman of the party shall assume the office of the Secretary General of the party. In that capacity, the incumbent national chairman of the party shall appoint the National Coordinator and pro tem national officials for a period not exceeding one year.

(2) Elections at all levels other than the national level shall hold not later than the 31st day of December, 2012.

Provided that where elections have already held since the 1st day of January, 2012, the incumbent national chairman of the party may endorse the elected officials in office in conformity with the offices as per this constitution.

Enacted at Buea this Saturday, the 27th day of October, 2012

By the party's national delegates in an enlarged national meeting.

"…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to take over the mantle. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by side on the round table for policy and decision making and thorough brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues. Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.

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