Re: [cameroon_politics] Time to bring criminal charges against PAT & Co.

Add Celestin Bedzigui on that list immediately.
These are the same fellows who invented a programme called Bebele'ebuk
on Radio Centre to spread their perfidy and genocidal streak
especially against Southern Cameroonians.
from 1990-1995, their used this Radio to whip up anti Anglo-Bami Meaness.
One of them, a roaring buffoon, called Manda Fils transformed his
Obili abode into a torture chamber wherein Southern Cameroonian and
Bamileke children got savaged.
You see, Mr Boh, by their fruit we know them.
Many have asked me in private why I adopt a specific tone and language
when it comes to Bedzigui, hireling Albert Pokam and their
My answer is simple - self defense and returning fire for fire.
You see this Bedzigui is a member of a deviant Camerounese political
class of vile tribal horrors, a pernicious and a permissive cabal of
empty vessels; kleptomaniacs all of them, enemies of the public
treasury, folks invented by presidential decree, who, consequently
and, erroneously, believe that they are Cameroun and Cameroun is them.
These dastards think that theirs are the only views that count. They
would call you Biafran or Nigerian, or Anglofou, or l'ennemi dans la
maison, etc just because you are from another culture and you have
different views. Whereas those views are strongly anchored on
historical facts and truths and, hence, legitimate.
Their leader once characterised his own countrymen as
"apprentis-sorciers" when, all these folks were asking for, was BREAD!
One has to balance turning the other check with this other
consideration – that of becoming a dangerous serpent when among
wolves. Matthew 10: 16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst
of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Be it known to Albert Pokam, Celestin Bedzigui and their ilk, that
there is henceforth no turning the other cheek.
Their provocation will be met with fair and square violence.
for one thing, none has the monopoly of violence.

On 11/30/12, Herbert Boh <> wrote:
> Dear PAT,
> You may not be aware, but many of those who championed the genocide on
> Rwanda's Radio Mille Collines, on television, in newspapers, in some
> churches, at village, community and ethnic meetings, used a lot less of the
> blood-thirsty, criminal, call-to-genocidelanguage that you relish and have
> made your trademark on this forum. Those who issued those calls for hate
> crimes, ethnic cleansing, mass slaughter and crimes against humanity leading
> ultimately to genocide in Rwanda have, for the most part, faced the music.
> You will, too, PAT. It is a promise.
> In Rwanda, the call was for Tutsis and moderate Hutus to be happy with
> second class citizenship or to go elsewhere. The PATs of Rwanda asked them
> to leave voluntarily or risked being sent via the river (dead) to another
> land/country. Those were not mere threats, as the genocide proved.
> PAT, who speaks for, writes for and acts on this forum in the name of those
> same political and security sector criminals who have enslaved Anglophones
> in the role of second class citizens, is asking Anglophones to get on planes
> and head for Nigeria. Or else?
> PAT answers that question, too.
> On behalf of the criminals in power in La Republique du Cameroun, their
> hardly veiled spokesperson on this forum, serves the following notice to
> Anglophones. "The time has come to clear any unpatriotic idiot from
> Cameroon". PAT tells us with precision (obviously being well introduced as I
> have always mentioned) which of the branches of the Camerounese forces of
> insecurity has been charged with perpetrating hate crimes, acts of
> linguistic cleansing and crimes against humanity on Anglophones. The BIR, we
> are told.
> The PATs of Rwanda called their victims cockroaches. PAT of La Republique du
> Cameroun and his co-conspirators say anyone who is and/or affirms s/he is
> Anglophone, is a "mad idiot". They promise them special treatment: "We" is
> the pronoun PAT uses because he is not working this plot alone. "We," writes
> PAT "would get them to the graveyard, and make sure they are burn out before
> throwing in the desert".
> Speaking for and behalf of his masters, PAT expresses the regrets of the
> regime in Yaounde for being too soft so far; or being "soft enough" so far,
> as PAT puts it in her/his unique English. (Wonder why s/he hates Anglophones
> if he writes such English?). PAT is not shy about giving orders, presumably
> to the BIR: "now action must be taken", he writes.
> If PAT wanted us to tremble, he should know we, Anglophones, take her/him
> seriously. If we did not, we could make the fatal mistake of the hungry,
> stupid fly which follows the decomposing corpse all the way into the grave.
> Some on this forum have said PAT used to be in the employ of the late Emah
> Basile when the latter described the very same people that PAT hates so much
> as "les ennemis dans la maison". In hindsight, maybe the author of those
> hate words of the late Emah Basile is amongst us... on this forum.
> The PATs of Cameroon are the same individuals who have called Anglophones
> "Biafrais" for decades (a name that even Nigerians from the eastern region
> of the botched Biafra Republic do not entertain). These are the same
> individuals who have accused Anglophones of singing the Nigerian anthem, of
> hoisting the Nigerian flag, of itching to join Nigeria... Short, of being
> Nigerian. They are the same people who have annexed our land, have enslaved
> our people, and are sapping our resources. Their "mot d'ordre" to
> Anglophones: "Silence! On pille!"
> Now, for daring to speak up and speak out about the Anglophone identity; for
> daring to challenge second class citizenship; for calling for respect of the
> dignity and human rights of Southern Cameroonians and/or Anglophones... for
> all of these (don't you see?) crimes by "les ennemis dans la maison", PAT
> and her/his co-conspirators promise death, burning and dispersion of ashes
> in the desert. (Excuse me for presuming they would bury us).
> I would like PAT and those s/he has designated as the perpetrators of the
> coming genocide (BIR) as well as the regime in Yaounde for which they work
> and on whose behalf they speak to know that we have heard them loud and
> clear. "Cinq sur cinq!" as the PATs of Cameroon say to each other on police
> radio in La Republique du Cameroun. We, Anglophones, take you and the regime
> seriously.
> Some of us, headstrong Anglophones, will make sure that PAT and his friends
> in crime do not get away with making such blatant calls to genocide.
> We, too, will take action now to alert the civilized world. We, too, will
> plead for action to stop PAT, the designated perpetrators (BIR) and the
> criminals in power in La Republique du Cameroon from executing the now
> publicly advertised genocide against Southern Cameroonians and/or
> Anglophones.
> PAT and her/his co-conspirators cannot be allowed to hide from justice. The
> civilized world must not be allowed to give a deaf ear or turn a blind eye.
> Action must be taken to ensure that PAT & Co. face the music for any and all
> past, present and future hate crimes, acts of ethnic and/or linguistic
> cleansing, and/or crimes against humanity.
> This must be a promise made, and kept.
> Meantime, I wish humbly to submit that PAT and anyone who spews so much hate
> and/or advocates crimes against humanity must be prevented from posting on a
> forum like this and prevented from gaining access of any mass media platform
> to broadcast their hatred or organize their crimes. To that effect, I would
> like to call on the administrators of this forum to do what decency and
> respect for human dignity calls for.
> First, the administrators of these two online fora (Cameroon Politics &
> Camnet) should do everything to avoid being accomplices to PAT's crimes and,
> by extension, finding themselves in the role and responsibility of the
> administrators of Radio Mille Collines in Rwanda who stood idly by or
> actively encouraged the takeover of their platform by genocide advocates.
> They should find the most efficient way of giving further voice to hate
> propaganda; and do so in a timely manner.
> Second, the administrators should retain any and all information that will
> enable investigators to get to, fully unmask, identify, charge and bring to
> justice whoever PAT happens to be and those on whose behalf s/he writes on
> this forum.
> This is a serious matter. Which is why I'm writing this email at 3 a.m.
> Washington, DC, time. You don't sleep when they are filing machetes outside,
> wanting to claim your blood.
> We, Anglophones especially but also all other peace-loving
> Cameroonians/Africans and other citizens of the civilized world, must act
> before the PATs of this century set up their Radio Sept Collines out of
> Yaounde (the capital of La Republique du Cameroun which is built on and
> around seven hills). Not giving a deaf ear and not turning a blind eye
> begins by small actions that each and everyone of us must take.
> If the regime in Yaounde is unassociated with the genocide plot PAT has laid
> out, it can show it, by making sure that PAT and her/his co-conspirators
> face justice.
> Boh Herbert
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 29, 2012, at 8:37 PM, PAT 10 <> wrote:
>> Rexon,
>> Ones against there is not any tribe in cameroon call
>> Anglophone-Francophone. We must take action now to get rid of any
>> misbehaviour and unpatriotic attitude (Physical force included). We have
>> been tolerant by organising referendum, it was faire for real Cameroonian
>> people to respect a democratic process and allow some to leave and other
>> to stay, the door is now closed and we will not tolerate perpetrators to
>> abuse our land.
>> If you think genuinely that you are Anglophone, make sure you take the
>> next plane to Nigeria if you in Cameroon or NEVER cross the border of
>> Cameroon if you don't have an ID and Cameroonian passport or a visa if you
>> are foreigner. Our tolerance is part of Cameroonian culture, this does
>> not indicate that we are week, the time has come to clear any unpatriotic
>> idiot from Cameroon and this has been done by creating secure zone with
>> BIR and Police who are currently protecting our citizen..
>> We have some social issues in Cameroon and this will find solution through
>> peaceful discussion and debate because as a native of one nation, we will
>> resolve our problems; it is a matter of time not a matter or religion or
>> colonial dialect..
>> I warn any mad idiot who believe in Anglophone to be ready, we would get
>> them to the graveyard , and make sure they are burn out before throwing in
>> the desert because Cameroonian's land is not negotiable and we have been
>> soft enough and now action must be taken…leave Cameroon if you don't like
>> it or stay and be part of the solution ...FULL STOP
>> God Bless The republic of Cameroon
>> Regards
>> PAT
>> To:
>> CC:
>> From:
>> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 11:20:09 -0800
>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] To Whom it may concern: Biafra and
>> Anglocon
>> PAT;
>> Anglophones can also fight. Many of us like to live as one with our
>> Francophone brothers and sisters, but not as second class citizens. It is
>> our right to ask questions to the central authority on their questionable
>> conduct on many areas. For example, what explains the fact that an
>> Anglophone have never been appointed to strategic positions in government?
>> What explains the fact that most business licences are owned by
>> Francophones? What explains the fact that many development projects -
>> roads, sea port, rails, power plants, etc - are currently being carried
>> out in Francophone Cameroon with little or nothing in Anglophone Cameroon?
>> Why are there very few Anglophones in several sporting disciplines in the
>> country? We must be bold enough to ask these questions which must be
>> answered. Successive governments in Cameroon have always masterminded a
>> system designed to suppress English speaking Cameroonians. Anglophones
>> have rights too which must be respected. Some of my closest friends are
>> Francophones and they understand my position on this matter. I am not
>> ready to be treated as a second class citizen anywhere and will encourage
>> every Anglophone to stand up and defend their interest which is
>> interlinked to the interest of the wider Cameroon.
>> Rexon
>> "We are the poorest, we are the weakest, we are divided -- if on top
>> people are going to fight each other, what chances do we have?
>> I go to Asia, you get to Bangkok, Hanoi, Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore, I
>> challenge you to see a difference between Sunday and Monday -- there are
>> seven days in a week and they use those seven days to work and to
>> produce.
>> So if we spend our time fighting each other while others are working
>> together toward a goal, we shouldn't be surprised if we fall behind".
>> Tidjane Thiam, Interview CNN African Voices, 21 August 2012
>> --- On Thu, 11/29/12, PAT 10 <> wrote:
>> From: PAT 10 <>
>> Subject: [cameroon_politics] To Whom it may concern: Biafra and Anglocon
>> To:,,
>> Date: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 6:10 PM
>> You must by now understand that Cameroon is one nation with multyple tribe
>> embedded in nation , those who are failing to get this in their brain,
>> must in the nearer future face the consequences of their non patriotic
>> attitude
>> Cameroon's land is not negotiable, we have put in place all means to
>> facilitate the reconstruction of our culture this included force
>> (military, judiciary and morally). We have succeeded to get one republic,
>> we have succeeded to change Victoria into something that reflect our
>> culture (Limbe).
>> We are ready at any time to respond furiously to protect our citizen from
>> perpetrator who pretend to be Anglophone in our ancestral land, we have
>> done this by putting the toughest army (BIR) in secure area such as
>> Edenao, and Down beach in limbe, our police school in mutengue is well
>> equiped to respond to any unpatriotic attitude and we will respond to
>> eradicate any attitude we judge non-patriotic
>> Those who want peace would get it fully and those who want brutality
>> would get it and we would make sure all their generation got it
>> toughly..If you don't like Cameroon, leave it immediately, if do make sure
>> you are part of the solution to reconcile our broken culture
>> God bless the Republic of Cameroon
>> Regards
>> PAT
>> > To:
>> > CC:
>> > From:
>> > Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 03:27:44 -0800
>> > Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Biafra and anglocon must leave
>> > cameroon--- Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians: Part II
>> >
>> > Albert Pokam,
>> > Permettez-moi de poster certaines principes cardinaux sur
>> > l'interaction humaine qui devrait, nous l'espérons, vous édifier et
>> > vous permette d'intégrer la société des hommes.
>> > Voyez-vous, Monsieur Pokam, les êtres les plus dangereux de la planète
>> > ne sont pas les rodomontades, les fous-furieux, les manipulateurs, les
>> > détraqués, les sophistes et les démagogues style Adolf Hitler comme
>> > Célestin Bedizgui.
>> > Ceux-là peuvent être traitées et acculturer, n'importe quand,
>> > n'importe où n'importe quand.
>> > Et je me charge de le faire tous les jours.
>> > Les êtres les plus dangereux sont les incultes - surtout quand ceux-ci
>> > ne savent pas qu'ils sont ignorants!
>> > Vous, Albert Pokam, vous vous situez dans cette classe - la classe des
>> > ignares.
>> > Vous balancez beaucoup de mots, des mots et riens que des mots… comme
>> > le fou-furieux que vous êtes.
>> > Filled and Full of sound and fury – nothing else.
>> > A la fin de la journée, la question est posée: qu'est-ce que Albert
>> > Pokam a dit?
>> > Et là, on voit le passage d'un tonneau vide.
>> > C'est vraiment dommage qu'un homme peut passer toute une vie à faire
>> > du bruit, rien que du bruit.
>> > C'est dommage, vraiment.
>> >
>> >
>> > On 11/28/12, PAT 10 <> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Dear Emmanuel,
>> > > I reiterate Emah basil thought, if you don't feel cameroonian, leave
>> > > immediately..nigeria have space to accommodate those who do not want
>> > > to be
>> > > par of republic of cameroon and you should leave if you are not
>> > > happy....We
>> > > don't have a tribe known as anglophone, anglophone is someone who can
>> > > speak
>> > > english. Our parents who gave us birth cannot even say a word in
>> > > english
>> > > and french thus have created pidging aside their tribal language to
>> > > communicate. , the fact is everyone can learn to speak english...same
>> > > for
>> > > french..we don't want to use foreign language to replace our culture,
>> > > we
>> > > accept to use english and french as communication tools not a
>> > > replecement
>> > > tools to change our cultural heritage
>> > > Regards
>> > > PAT
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > To:
>> > > From:
>> > > Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:10:55 -0800
>> > > Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians:
>> > > Part
>> > > II
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Dear Mishe Fon,
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > You can add these other derogatory remarks from the former government
>> > > delegate to the Yaounde City council, Emah Basile when he described
>> > > anglophones as "les ennemi dans la maison" and others who said si ils
>> > > ne
>> > > sont pas satisfait ils n a qu'allez aillieur ( Check french).
>> > > Describing
>> > > Anglophones each time as Biafras means we do not belong there.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > The marriage we have with the francophone was and is still a sham
>> > > marriage.It cannot work and will never work because there are too
>> > > many
>> > > differences that cannot be squared.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > My one cent.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Emmanuel.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > The information contained in this e-mail and any attachment(s) may be
>> > > confidential. It is intended for the named addressee(s) only. If you
>> > > are not
>> > > the named addressee please notify the sender immediately and do not
>> > > disclose, copy or distribute the contents to any other person other
>> > > than the
>> > > intended addressee(s).
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > From: Mishe Fon <>
>> > > To: "" <>;
>> > > "" <>;
>> > > ""
>> > > <>;
>> > > "" <>;
>> > > "" <>
>> > > Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:55 PM
>> > > Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians:
>> > > Part II
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Mr. Nguidjol Albert
>> > >
>> > > Sorry for the belated reply. I don't have time right now to get into a
>> > > line
>> > > by line rebuttal of your initial mail but suffice to say the
>> > > following: In a
>> > > bleak and rather convoluted denouement, you assert with disingenous
>> > > pompous
>> > > authority that "Anglophones" should be happy and thankful for joining
>> > > their
>> > > "Francophone" brothers in La Republique because they were granted the
>> > > following "Windfall" when they integrated the Cameroon union:: Ward
>> > > Servants
>> > > and Nursing Aides were incorporated into the Cameroon Civil Service
>> > > as
>> > > Infirmiers Diplomes d,Etat et Sages Femmes; ii) 2nd class soldiers
>> > > were
>> > > given ranks of Lieutenants in the army while Police Constables were
>> > > parachuted into the prestigious ranks of Commissaires de Police while
>> > > small
>> > > Clerks in Buea were made Chefs de Service etc. I feel sorry for any
>> > > Anglophone who does not feel outraged with such random display of
>> > > uncouth
>> > > theorization. You just made my case the more easily to explain to
>> > > doubting
>> > > "Anglophone" Toms. What could be more insulting than this?
>> > >
>> > > Unfortunately Mr. Nguidjol, we've heard that nonsense before and we
>> > > would
>> > > not stand for that kind of condescending "Master/Slave" attitude no
>> > > more.
>> > > Did you just listen to yourself? Anglophones are not begging for
>> > > handouts or
>> > > recognition. The history of Independence and Reunification has been
>> > > judiciously documented. We voluntarily entered the union as full
>> > > fledged
>> > > partners on an equal footing. YES some of our leaders out of naiveté
>> > > made
>> > > some errors of judgment but that is no reason for us to continue down
>> > > a
>> > > spiral of uncertainty. Forget about what generation I belong to. That
>> > > is
>> > > totally irrelevant. We call that type of grand standing in good
>> > > English as
>> > > "Pompous magniloquence". This is not about me as an individual.
>> > > Francophones
>> > > in their majority have always doubted the authenticity of Anglophone
>> > > Education. You just displayed that in your email.
>> > > Whether the entire Francophone population under the yoke of their
>> > > Government's inadequacies is marginalized, neglected or whatever is
>> > > totally
>> > > at cross-currents with the coming together of the Anglophone Southern
>> > > Cameroons and la Republique du Cameroon to form a Federal TWO States
>> > > structure. The Francophone Power players of La Republique du Cameroun
>> > > have
>> > > blatantly reneged on their obligations viz a viz the terms of the
>> > > Foumban
>> > > Accords. That is where we are today…IMPASSE.
>> > >
>> > > All that we "the Anglophones" are asking for; ONE LAST TIME; is to sit
>> > > down
>> > > as adults and equal partners, Face to Face and Agree to Agree or Agree
>> > > to
>> > > Disagree. The union is not working. Enough is enough. The Francophone
>> > > Government has a choice if they are sincere in dealing with their
>> > > Anglophone
>> > > partners. Throwing words and slogans like "Les secessionistes
>> > > Anglophones"..."If you are not happy here in Cameroon you are free to
>> > > go
>> > > back to Nigeria"..."Le Cameroun est Un et Indivisible", "All
>> > > Cameroonians in
>> > > Batouri, Ebolowa, Koussiri etc are also marginalized" etc, will
>> > > simply
>> > > buttress the resolve of Anglophones who had been sitting on the fence.
>> > > I
>> > > don't know of any Anglophone who would like to be called "Biafrais" in
>> > > his
>> > > own country.
>> > >
>> > > This rubbish has to stop. If there is no political will to do so, then
>> > > we
>> > > will resort to any means available to make our voices heard.
>> > > Anglophones are
>> > > not begging for any largesse. The very Francophone Civil Servants who
>> > > are
>> > > sent out as "Politicians" to go and preach this hatred don't even
>> > > realize
>> > > that the bulk (about 60%) of their salaries (and the huge chunk they
>> > > steal
>> > > with impunity) comes from the sale of CRUDE OIL, Cameroon Refinery,
>> > > Tourism,
>> > > the Agro-Industrial giant CDC....from the Anglophone Southern
>> > > Cameroon
>> > > Regions. Do You need statistics? Southern Cameroons remains the
>> > > "Bread-Basket" of Cameroon, yet we are treated as Second Class
>> > > citizens.
>> > >
>> > > Why, for crying out loud do Anglophones have to assume second fiddle
>> > > roles?
>> > > I cannot even fathom the idea that BASSA Francophones have been
>> > > "Managing
>> > > the Southern Cameroon Refinery" while Francophone BETI bosses have
>> > > been
>> > > sitting at the high table @ SNH to control with impunity the proceeds
>> > > of the
>> > > sale of our natural resources...for more than 50 years.
>> > > How fair is that? For Anglophone Fence-Sitters; are you with me on
>> > > these
>> > > arguments? Imagine someone entering your bedroom and forcefully walks
>> > > you
>> > > out and screws the nonsense out of your wife. That is exactly what is
>> > > happening with our Francophone brothers.Are you going to stand on the
>> > > sidelines as an observer?
>> > >
>> > > Now I even hear the SONARA Refinery wells are drying up. And you still
>> > > want
>> > > us to stay quiet (parce que tous les Camerounais souffrent) until our
>> > > Francophone brothers milk out everything from SONARA
>> > > pipes...Right?...
>> > > WRONG.
>> > > I am very sorry sir; but the first part of solving any problem in
>> > > Cameroon
>> > > today will start by FIXING the vexing issue of Southern Cameroons. The
>> > > rest
>> > > is simply History and Geography. No more, No less.
>> > > Mishe Fon
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > From: Albert Nguidjol <>
>> > > To: camnetwork <>
>> > > Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 11:06 AM
>> > > Subject: Tr : [njvipers] Fw: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to
>> > > Cameroonians
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Esu-Ndzem-Usu:
>> > >
>> > > J'aime vraiment ce debat car meme s'il blesse l'intime conviction des
>> > > uns et
>> > > des autres, quelque part il est le reflet de la mentalite purement
>> > > camerounaise qui a n'en point douter reste parfois tres puriste,
>> > > pudique
>> > > et/ou demagogique selon les cas et les enjeux. Chacun voulant se
>> > > camper dans
>> > > son ilot d'objectifs, mon analyse est partiellement prise en compte
>> > > pour les
>> > > besoins de la cause et complement ignore la ou je releve LE SUBJECTIF
>> > > &
>> > > L'IRREGULARITE". Peut etre qu'il aurait fallu que je fasse un dessin
>> > > mais en
>> > > clair vous et moi parlons le meme language mais en de termes
>> > > differents,
>> > > avec d'un cote beaucoup de passion et je comprends parfaitement.
>> > >
>> > > JE vous prierais aussi de bien vouloir relire le point ou je releve
>> > > que le
>> > > reversement des cadres Anglophones dans la Fonction Publique
>> > > Camerounaise
>> > > n'a pas du tout obeit aux regles de l'art et je le repete, car si elle
>> > > a
>> > > profite a une generation des serviteurs de l'Etat, les gnerations
>> > > futures
>> > > ont ete ignorees. par ailleurs, tout a la fin de mon analyse j'ai bien
>> > > emis
>> > > un point de vue qui balaie d'un revers de main le
>> > > statut-quo...peut-etre
>> > > qu'il fallait que l'ecrive en Anglais ou en Pidgin afin que la portee
>> > > de ma
>> > > vision pour l'equilibrisme camerounais Anglophones - Francophones soit
>> > > tres
>> > > bien comprise.
>> > >
>> > > Je suis un enfant de la Colonisation du Cameroun, de l'Independance
>> > > du
>> > > Cameroun, de la Reunification du Cameroun, de l'Etat Unitaire du
>> > > Cameroun
>> > > avec le parti unique, du Multipartisme Camerounais avec 150 partis
>> > > politiques. Sur les bases tant ethniques que politiques, sociales et
>> > > economiques, les revendications d'un Camerounais ou d'un groupe de
>> > > Camerounais ne peuvent me laisser indifferent, car en fait dans quel
>> > > camp je
>> > > me retrouve? Dans celui des VICTIMES ou dans celui des VICTORIEUX...
>> > >
>> > > Vivement que ce debat continue et dans un sens constructif si Yaounde
>> > > peut
>> > > nous entendre.
>> > >
>> > > Bonne journee.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > To succeed is not to pile up accomplishment after accomplishment
>> > > rather to
>> > > be able to pick yourself up when you fall and as many times as you
>> > > fall.....
>> > > A Wise Being.
>> > > La reussite n'est pas le fait d'aller de succes en succes,mais celui
>> > > de se
>> > > relever chaque fois que l'on tombe et autant de fois que l'on
>> > > tombe...
>> > > Un Sage.
>> > > Albert Nguidjol
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > ----- Mail transféré -----
>> > > De : Edmond <>
>> > > À : NJVipers NJVipers <>
>> > > Envoyé le : Mercredi 28 novembre 2012 10h30
>> > > Objet : [njvipers] Fw: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to
>> > > Cameroonians
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > From:
>> > >
>> > > "Tumasang Martin" <>Dear All,Dear All,
>> > > I have always considered Mishe Fon as very brilliant. It is not that
>> > > easy
>> > > to write the way he does. It can be considered as Njakiri or what ever
>> > > but
>> > > there is a lot of brilliance in it not withstanding. My only
>> > > contribution
>> > > here is why talk to Francophones in English in a forum perhaps
>> > > dominated by
>> > > Anglophones. What he writes should be translated (google translation
>> > > plus
>> > > editing) and sent to francophone fora. Mishe Fon in the past listed
>> > > such
>> > > fora so he should kindly translate and dissiminate to all the fora.
>> > > His
>> > > Mbouda french is manageable I think. Na beg Mishe Fon no be order.
>> > > Talk to
>> > > them in their language just like Grand Katika for Ntarikon be de talk
>> > > for
>> > > pidgin in those days when he be still be something. Regards
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > To: From: Date: Wed,
>> > > 28
>> > > Nov 2012 03:07:28 -0800 Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Open Letter
>> > > to
>> > > FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians
>> > > Mishe Fon, What an outburst! Very unlike you. It,s
>> > > heartening to see you spring a surprise. I do hope that tomorrow you
>> > > will
>> > > not use njakri to water down this frank and tough talk. I hope
>> > > Francophones,
>> > > from top to bottom, get the message and get it it straight. More
>> > > grease...
>> > > Feko.
>> > >
>> > > --- On Wed, 11/28/12, Esu Ndzem-Usu <> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > From: Esu Ndzem-Usu <>
>> > > Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians
>> > > To: "" <>
>> > > Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012, 9:43 AM
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Albert
>> > > As one who understands the realms of power in Cameroon, it is baffling
>> > > to
>> > > read such gaffe from you. Yours is a reflection of the hawkish and
>> > > slave-master mentality common in most folks who have tasted power in
>> > > the
>> > > Cameroons. Giving as examples the transformation of technicians,
>> > > nurses,
>> > > foot soldiers to higher ranks in the francophone administration
>> > > simply
>> > > displays the disdain you hold for English speaking education. In your
>> > > hearts
>> > > of hearts, do you think anyone can compare two educational systems,
>> > > degree
>> > > for degree? Do you know the worth of a standard six certificate that
>> > > was
>> > > needed to get into Ombe Technical College in those days or the police
>> > > college or nursing schools in West Cameroon? Would you equate a
>> > > standard six
>> > > certificate with a CEPE or a BEPC? It is simply despicable to read
>> > > such
>> > > absurdities from you in comparing French diplomas with English
>> > > certificates.
>> > > Do you truly think a GCE "A" Level is the same as a Baccalaureate?
>> > > Your
>> > > living in American should help you know better.
>> > > Secondly, the fact that Foncha and Muna failed to see like Dr. Endeley
>> > > did,
>> > > that the union of the two states would be problematic does not mean
>> > > that a
>> > > union is a one way path. A union is not a trap. People enter unions
>> > > and find
>> > > means of leaving (peaceful, violently, etc…) when they find it does
>> > > not work
>> > > for them. We saw that in the crumbling of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia
>> > > and
>> > > Sudan. Recently, even in good old America, states are clamoring for
>> > > secession.
>> > > Your writings and that of many who think like you, rather than seek
>> > > to
>> > > appease the afflicted, show that you are not federalists unionists,
>> > > the
>> > > purpose of the union between the two states. You simply act as
>> > > annexationists. West Cameroon never voted for an annexation or an
>> > > absorption
>> > > into the East Cameroon State house. It voted for union under a
>> > > federal
>> > > constitution with two distinct and independent states in the likes of
>> > > US
>> > > states. The UN records are clear on that. Foncha resigned from
>> > > Government in
>> > > protest when he saw the machinations of Ahidjo to destroy the
>> > > federalist
>> > > constitution that brought the two states together.
>> > > No amount of distortion will hide the truth. The federalists in the
>> > > house
>> > > should take note and change course otherwise, the obvious is in the
>> > > making;
>> > > the disintegration of the Cameroons as in Sudan. EN
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > From: Albert Nguidjol <>
>> > > To: "" <>
>> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:15 PM
>> > > Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Etant donne que ma réponse ne parviendra pas a tous les autres forums
>> > > dont
>> > > je ne suis pas membre, Cher Frere Ofege Ntemfac je vous prie de bien
>> > > vouloir
>> > > la faire suivre a tous les destinataires de votre email initial:
>> > >
>> > > Pour rentrer dans le vif du sujet, je dois souligner que c'est avec la
>> > > mort
>> > > dans l'ame que j'ai parcouru la lettre ouverte très pathétique,
>> > > émotionnelle
>> > > et très amère que Mishe Fon adresse aux Camerounais Francophones. Ne
>> > > connaissant pas personnellement ce frère, je suis dans l'impossibilité
>> > > de
>> > > déterminer la tranche d'âge a laquelle il appartient, toutefois je me
>> > > permets de deviner d'une part que Mishe Fon serait d'une génération
>> > > plus
>> > > jeune que l'Indépendance et la Reunification du Cameroun et d'autre
>> > > par je
>> > > voudrais avoir envie de penser que Mishe Fon ignore totalement les
>> > > rouages
>> > > de l'administration camerounaise et partant l'ordre et la bienséance
>> > > du
>> > > protocole du gouvernement camerounais.
>> > >
>> > > A titre d'exemple les Vice Premiers Ministres auxquels il fait
>> > > allusion ne
>> > > font pas partie du Premier Ministere comme il pense, c'est juste un
>> > > rang
>> > > protocolaire. Par exemple Mr. Niat était au Ministere des Mines et de
>> > > l'Energie, Amadou Ali était au Ministere de la Justice et Mr Nkuete
>> > > était au
>> > > Ministere de l'Agriculture. En fait, dans la réalité du Gouvernement
>> > > Camerounais, et afin de sortir de nos petites analyses claniques et
>> > > tribales, souffrez que je vous dise que les vrais pouvoirs du Premier
>> > > Ministre sont plutôt détenus par le Secretaire General de la
>> > > Presidence de
>> > > la Republique pour des raisons qu'il ne m'échoit pas de clarifier
>> > > ici.
>> > >
>> > > Pour revenir au corps meme de la lettre de Mishe Fon, je dirai que
>> > > pour
>> > > l'organisation actuelle (bonne ou mauvaise) au niveau de la
>> > > répartition
>> > > ethno-politique des postes au gouvernement du Cameroun, mes frères et
>> > > soeurs
>> > > Anglophones dont je comprends très bien le désarroi et la frustration
>> > > doivent plutôt se retourner contre John Ngu Foncha et Salomon Tandeng
>> > > Muna
>> > > qui ne sont pas Francophones et qui ont accepte, pour des raisons que
>> > > j'ignore également, de jouer les seconds rôles lors de la
>> > > Reunification en
>> > > 1961 mais surtout lors de la formation de l'état unitaire en 1972.
>> > >
>> > > Si nos frères du Nord et Sud Ouest veulent donc faire la lutte du
>> > > fameux
>> > > "Triangle Equilateral": NORD, BETI-BULU, ANGLOPHONES, les autres
>> > > Camerounais
>> > > originaires d'autres régions de chez nous les regardent, seulement
>> > > qu'ils
>> > > sachent que les gens qui ont meme durement contribue a l'indépendance
>> > > des
>> > > Anglophones et des Francophones du Cameroun n'ont jamais eu de
>> > > Premier
>> > > Ministre et n'ont meme pas de routes, encore moins l'électricité chez
>> > > eux,
>> > > alors que le Barrage d'Alucam et celui de SongLoulou qui alimentent
>> > > une
>> > > bonne partie du Cameroun est a un pas d'eux...rires.
>> > >
>> > > Pour être beaucoup plus pratiques et beaucoup réalistes, je dirai en
>> > > passant
>> > > que l'équilibre entre les langues en tant que donnée culturelle,
>> > > sociale
>> > > etc... n'établit pas de fait ou de force l'équilibre numérique, car
>> > > nous
>> > > sommes en politiques et la politique c'est la loi du nombre qui
>> > > prévaut. Sur
>> > > un tout autre point je dirai également qu'a l'instar de Jesus qui dit
>> > > dans
>> > > la Bible que l'on ne vit pas que de pain, je dirai qu'il n'ya pas que
>> > > le
>> > > pétrole pour faire vivre ou développer un peuple ou un
>> > > preuve.
>> > >
>> > > Ahmadou Ahidjo, quoi que l'on dise, a été un très fin policier et
>> > > dans
>> > > beaucoup d'accords qu'il a passes avec son entourage, a tous les coups
>> > > il a
>> > > pris "la part du lion" pour ne pas dire le plus gros morceau. C'est
>> > > d'ailleurs pour cela que le courroux de la Gauche Francaise lui a
>> > > coute son
>> > > poste en 1982. Il faudrait que nos frères et soeurs Anglophones
>> > > n'oublient
>> > > surtout pas que pour la Reunification du Cameroun en 1961 une bonne
>> > > partie
>> > > Anglo-saxonne du Cameroun avait decide de rester rattachée au
>> > > Nigeria,
>> > > tandis que l'autre fidèle a John Ngu Foncha a très volontairement
>> > > accepte
>> > > les accords de Foumban. Apres la création de "la fédération Cameroun
>> > > Occidental et Cameroon Oriental", Ahidjo est ses loups ont offert
>> > > beaucoup
>> > > de facilites ephemeres a la génération intellectuelle anglophone de
>> > > l'époque, ceci uniquement au niveau de notre fonction publique; c'est
>> > > ainsi
>> > > que pour la petite histoire, des aides soignants passaient Infirmiers
>> > > et
>> > > sage femmes, les moniteurs d'écoles passaient instituteurs et
>> > > professeurs,
>> > > des soldats de 2e classe passaient sous officiers ou officiers, des
>> > > contre
>> > > maitres passaient techniciens supérieurs ou ingénieurs etc...Bien sur
>> > > que
>> > > l'étau des emplois publics se resserrant avec l'harmonisation
>> > > académique,
>> > > l'usure du temps et les difficultés liées a la très difficile
>> > > conjoncture
>> > > économique mondiale de l'heure, les jeunes générations d'Anglophones
>> > > se
>> > > sentent bien évidemment lèses, ce qui justifie leur frustration et
>> > > parfois
>> > > leur animosité vis a vis de leurs frères et soeurs Francophones meme
>> > > si ces
>> > > derniers ne les prennent vraiment pas pour les CITOYENS CAMEROUNAIS
>> > > de
>> > > seconde classe ou de basse catégorie.
>> > >
>> > > On ne change pas les règles de jeu a la mi temps d'un match; toutefois
>> > > on
>> > > peut demander aux organisateurs d'une compétition de faire un
>> > > règlement
>> > > spécial de cette compétition. Dans le cas de notre pays, vivement que
>> > > des
>> > > hommes plus intègres, courageux et objectifs viennent aux affaires
>> > > pour
>> > > essayer de dissiper certains malentendus de fond et de forme qui nous
>> > > divisent au dela meme du problème Anglo-Franco.
>> > >
>> > > Tres fraternellement.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > To succeed is not to pile up accomplishment after accomplishment
>> > > rather to
>> > > be able to pick yourself up when you fall and as many times as you
>> > > fall.....
>> > > A Wise Being.
>> > > La reussite n'est pas le fait d'aller de succes en succes,mais celui
>> > > de se
>> > > relever chaque fois que l'on tombe et autant de fois que l'on
>> > > tombe...
>> > > Un Sage.
>> > > Albert Nguidjol
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > De : Ofege Ntemfac <>
>> > > À :
>> > > Cc : cameroon_politics <>; CAMNETWORK
>> > > list
>> > > <>; Camerpress Ap
>> > > <>; SDF
>> > > <>; camasej group all members
>> > > <>; Southern Cameroon
>> > > <>; cacowedaForum
>> > > <>; cameroonianjournalists
>> > > <>; creativiews
>> > > <>
>> > > Envoyé le : Mardi 27 novembre 2012 12h08
>> > > Objet : [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Mishe Fon <>
>> > > wrote:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > To My Francophone Cameroonian Brothers and Sisters: I AM VERY ANGRY
>> > >
>> > > Not so fast. You may be the only ones who do not realize or accept
>> > > that
>> > > there are two distinct Cameroons: Francophone and Anglophone. Whether
>> > > this
>> > > is a historical error by those who colonized us or not is totally
>> > > immaterial
>> > > in this discussion. Decree or no Decree, Anglophones make up what is
>> > > now
>> > > known as the NW and SW Regions while the Francophones constitute the
>> > > rest.
>> > > It becomes a matter of stylistics when you delve into irrelevant
>> > > epistles
>> > > like; Anglophones are in Yaounde, Douala and other major Cameroon
>> > > cities.
>> > > Where did you want them to be? To Die "Hungry" in their impoverished
>> > > (by the
>> > > diktats of Francophone controlled Government unproductive policies)
>> > > Provinces? Even in the Yaounde and Douala that you claim Anglophones
>> > > are
>> > > resident...Are they still not considered as "Second Class
>> > > Cameroonians"?
>> > > Because Francophones take one Figure Head and put as Prime Minister,
>> > > Anglophones should now jump up and claim effective reunification? For
>> > > Whia?
>> > >
>> > > Are you crazy? What powers does Yang Philemon really control? Can he
>> > > appoint
>> > > even a Chief of Service? Can he decide on anything without the usual
>> > > "One
>> > > Party Mentality Slogan"..."By Orders of the Head Of State, the
>> > > supreme
>> > > Commander of the Armed Forces, Distinguished Leader of our Party, the
>> > > Father
>> > > of Cameroon Nation, Founder of Advanced Democracy, publisher of Pour
>> > > le
>> > > Liberalisme Communautaire, Chief of Chiefs, Doctor Honoris Causa, his
>> > > Excellency President"..Bla Bla Bla . You tell me, Mr POKAM Pat10 and
>> > > other
>> > > Francophones who think like you (I know you are a Francophone and may
>> > > see
>> > > that as normal but); who starts and ends every sentence like the one
>> > > above
>> > > and still has any INDEPENDENT THINKING available in his cerebellum.
>> > >
>> > > The Francophones started putting Anglophones as Prime Minister after
>> > > ODONTOL
>> > > (SARDOU HAYATOU) organized the Tripartite SCAM in Yaounde and was
>> > > already
>> > > projecting himself as "Presidential Material". Remember before him was
>> > > AYANG
>> > > LUC (who has been forgotten there at one useless office some where
>> > > around
>> > > Ngoa Ekelle called Conseil Economic et Social); then BELLO BOUBA
>> > > MY-GARRI
>> > > (who also wanted to be president so badly that he suspected himself
>> > > of
>> > > having participated in the Toupouri Military Coup Plot to oust Biya
>> > > and ran
>> > > away to Nigeria before metamorphing into a UNDP/CPDM clone). His
>> > > predecessor
>> > > PM actually was tonton BIYA himself. Bello Bouba is actually one of
>> > > the
>> > > reasons why Anglophones will and should never trust Francophones.
>> > > Anyways; so the Francophones decided that due to the "Passive nature"
>> > > of
>> > > Anglophones "Who Should Never contemplate being President of
>> > > Cameroon"...Let
>> > > us Give them the Post of Prime Minister. PERIOD.
>> > >
>> > > After serious debates, they capitulated to Biya's idea and Pa ACHIDI
>> > > ACHU
>> > > was born. In the process, the small Powers that hitherto PM,s wield
>> > > was
>> > > completely removed and to further control the poor Baforchu man, he
>> > > was
>> > > slammed TWO Vice Prime Ministers; a certain Bangangte man called NIAT
>> > > NJIPENDI (who never relinquished his lucrative job as DeGe of SONEL)
>> > > and I
>> > > think the other guy was AHMADOU ALI. So "vat to do?" Our broda sensing
>> > > that
>> > > "wata don pass garri" transformed the Prime Ministers Residence into
>> > > circus
>> > > of Cultural Displays and artifacts. Every Saturday at the Lake Side
>> > > Residence, we were "Partying" like nonsense. To crown the Circus, Paul
>> > > Biya
>> > > appointed him as Campaign Manager for the rigged Presidential
>> > > Elections of
>> > > that era to knock off his Santa brother and rival NI JOHN FRU NDI of
>> > > the
>> > > SDF who was very popular in Bamenda circles at that time. That is how
>> > > names
>> > > like Forjindam, John B Ndeh, Atanga, Abety Peter, Nico Halle(and other
>> > > CPDM
>> > > hawks) came into the limelight.
>> > >
>> > > Enter PM Ngia Mola PETER MAFANY MUSONGE (and the rivalry and hatred
>> > > between
>> > > the two sister Provinces of NW & SW goes public and nuclear...the NW
>> > > angry
>> > > that dem dom move garri 4 we mop and the SW happy that "make dem
>> > > kommot, dem
>> > > own kam no go don too much"). Meanwhile Pa is still DeGe of CDC until
>> > > he
>> > > himself suggested his replacement by his smol broad, Band-Boy Njalla
>> > > Kwan.
>> > >
>> > > Enter Mola Chief INONI EPHRAIM (self proclaimed Bakingili Chief)
>> > > confirmed
>> > > technocrat and someone who had actually meandered the Francophone
>> > > Civil
>> > > structure...could not do JACK because he had subordinates who were
>> > > more
>> > > powerful than he was. He could not even chair nor call a Cabinet
>> > > meeting
>> > > without approval from his Francophone bosses.
>> > >
>> > > Enter PHILEMON YANG (the "moumou=discret Diplomat from Kumbo" poor guy
>> > > had
>> > > been hiding/forgotten as an Ambassador quietly there in Canada for
>> > > about
>> > > twenty something years, doing his small deals and chopping his life
>> > > awaiting
>> > > retirement and BOOM...You are the PM of Cameroon). Go and ask him; He
>> > > will
>> > > tell you the truth. The man has no Powers to do anything. The
>> > > Francophones
>> > > are in charge. Anglophones are eternal second fiddles.Adjoints de
>> > > ceci,
>> > > Adjoints de cela. WHY? Some man na Ngrung Beep?
>> > >
>> > > In conclusion, the Francophones have mercilessly SCREWED Anglophones
>> > > for far
>> > > too long and I can assure you, this will have to stop...VERY SOON. We
>> > > call
>> > > that in Political Science (which I never studied) Humanistic
>> > > Existential
>> > > Political Conundrum (HEPC). It is either you accept this as a fact and
>> > > we
>> > > sit down and TALK AS EQUALS and come to reasonable mature conclusions
>> > > or
>> > > face the eventual consequences. Enough is Enough. We are not your
>> > > slaves.
>> > > The ball is in the camp of all Francophones who are playing a game of
>> > > the
>> > > Ostrich here. For those Anglophones who feel there is nothing wrong
>> > > with the
>> > > status quo because they are "Chopping with the Big Guys; I have one
>> > > word for
>> > > you also: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
>> > > Remember, we have not even started to discuss the plundering of our
>> > > Natural
>> > > resources (SONARA, CDC etc).
>> > >
>> > > Mishe Fon
>> > > -- The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief
>> > > in a
>> > > thing makes it happen.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>> > a thing makes it happen.
>> >
>> >
>> > ------------------------------------
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.


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