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Friday, November 30, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] [Asian Grid Leadership Award for Excellence in Management Education--2012] Brief summary of my Speech

Dear Prof. Dutta,

Thank you so much for sharing updates and news from Bombay!  Congrats once again.

A few moments ago I was mailed a link to this wonderful YouTube presentation

"We Are All One":

I was provided this by a young Spaniard, Susana Maria Rodrigues Huertas, who I met briefly here in Brussels at the closing meeting of the CAMbrella ( - a European research network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).  This below an excerpt  from Susana's message:

The parallel meetings with each of you were the most exciting event to me. I learned a bit more about people, culture, costums, history, science, interesting projects, human being, value and myself (even  English, Thanks!!!). So I´m grateful to you for this big treasure I received from all of you.

Although maybe there are some specialised interests in CAMBRELLA, I think movements like that tell to the world: Something is changing, something is moving forward!!!. I still dream  about I new world is possible and just depend on own of us individually -first-. YOU ARE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD (GANDHI)

I liked to feel once more cells of my body and selfconciousness of the Universe (as I think,  Professor Vivian and Dr. Madam seem to be agreed) , I´m part of it,  we are one , and if every people wants from the bottom of its heart to meet each other, one always can find some link with them

Yes, I know I´m a bit mad (healthy mad, I hope)

I found in here, both Susana's message and also in the YouTube presentation several messages for all of us about the world we live in today and a common thread that seems to link and draw together the younger minds of the World.. 

Please find a few moments to view this approx. 10-minute compilation.

The World wishes to connect with communities like MTC Global and this desire is growing by the day.

Much love,


(Greetings from Brussels)

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Rooshikumar <> wrote:
Dear Prof Bholanath Dutta,
You looked great receiving the Award.  
Here is wishing you win many more certainly deserve them. 
Best wishes.
Rooshikumar Pandya
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Asian Grid Leadership Award for Excellence in Management Education--2012] Brief summary of my Speech

Dear Prof Bholanath Dutta,
Congrats !

Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 7:11 PM
Subject: [MTC Global] [Asian Grid Leadership Award for Excellence in Management Education--2012] Brief summary of my Speech

Dear All,

The subject award has been conferred upon me today at Mumbai. I truly acknowledge and believe that the this recognition and honour go to all 5000+ strong MTC Global Family members. Today, MTC Global is a well-acknowledge body. I am surprised to see that there are so many MTCians across Mumbai and met many of them. It is a great pleasure to meet our own family members in person and share few thoughts.


The topic of my speech was "What Management Institutes can do to develop leadership skills amongst students". I spoke in details and answered questions from audience also. It was well-received and appreciated a lot.


I thought of putting it in the form of bullet points for all of you:


-          Background: Approx. 4500 B-schools, last quarter GDP growth is 5.5%, fear factor in the industry, empty seats across all states, shorten MBA life cycle.

-          Demand of traditional courses like B.Com, M.Com etc.

-          More focus on Employability which dilutes the essence of leadership, values, ethics and entrepreneurship initiative.

-          Entrepreneurial leadership to foster creativity and excellence.

-          Focus on the journey ( 2 years program) but not on the End ( placement) in the beginning.

-          In knowledge economy , people with knowledge and same put in action are most successful.

-          Leadership is a mindset.

-          Effect of good leaders cut across time and geographical horizon

-          Every individual is a leader. Look inside and explore the potentials.

-          Leadership has nothing to do with position/designation and more to do with the role and responsibilities.

-          The biggest battle to win one self ( ego).

-          Effective leaders should not think on followers, but must be able to show the right path , people will join of their own.

-          The best form of leadership is transformational leadership.

-          Leadership is not situation specific.

-          Leaders are largely made than born as it requires certain experience, hands on knowledge

-          Leadership qualities are formed from childhood and then school and college.

-          Importance on discipline, punctuality, hard-work, commitment.

-          Ethics and values in the college learning environment.

-          Extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

-          Few thoughts on leadership by well known personalities.

Receiving the Award from Noted Management Educators in India: Prof. YK Bhusan, Mumbai.


Thanks a lot for all your support and motivation.



Bholanath Dutta

Founder, President & Convener: MTC Global

Web Link: Email:

Cell: + 91 96323 18178


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