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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Re: Re : PAP Communique

No one is afraid of elections but under what conditions are  we going to participate in any nonsential thing conducted by King Lucifer call elections of which Christ Himself will not be able to win the King of hell?

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Ebai George <> wrote:
I believe its time to look beyond our immediate
vicinity and give a meaningful impact on the struggle to liberate
our people and territory, the Southern Cameroons.
We are aware that the struggle started from small lobby groups 
Northwest/Southwest Elites Association demanding for  a better
integration in the system and later CAM that lobbied for a return to t
he Bi federal statusquo until the constitutional crises provoked by CAM
and CANSA culminated to the AAC I and II when Southern Cameroons'
leaders presented a Constitutional proposal for a return to the pre 1972
statusquo which  la Republique snobbed. In 1995, after the famous SCNC
petition at  the UN  the struggle changed from a lobby group to a political
group by giving a time limite within which dialoque can be instituted to arrange
for the peaceful separation of the two former Trust Territories.
On several occasions the SCNC have declared non participation in the
elections of french Cameroun and on other occasions encouraged political
parties with SCNC sympatise to claim local councils. This have never
gone well with members of other political parties believed to  have been
formed because of the Southern Cameroons issue.
Now the truth here is that when a party like the Liberal Democratic
Alliance of Mola Njoh and PAP of late Prof. Ngoh  that clearly stoods
for the southern Cameroons course offered their party as  grassroot
parties, in 1997 and 2002 to settle only for council election, surprisingly
Southern Cameroonians never accepted this option as most SCNC leaders 
continue to support the SDF that have never accepted the place of Southern
Cameroons but a socalled three state federation that still minimise the our
sovereign rights. Again, PAP and LDA are still championing the struggle, why 
then shouldn't we support a political base with locally elected leaders that can
be a future tool to be  incase of political  exigency and transition in the restoration?
The international community have signaled already that we need to create a
political party inorder to execute the Banjul judgment. My position in this  palava is
that we should encourgae LDA, PAP and other parties that openly acknowledge our
course to go in for communal elections and we can achieve a landslide  that shall
propel us to a Council of elected representatives not impostors, like other groups
without porfolios!  Who is afraid of elections?
ebai g.

From: Simon Ngwa <>
Sent: Sunday, 25 November 2012, 20:35
Subject: Re : PAP Communique
Dear brother Tumasang,
I write to wish you more grease to your elbows for that very objective analysis. In fact, an underdog who is courageous enough to tell his master that he is oppressive and marginalizes his people is greater than the one who showers praises for a sinecure office. Hon. Ayah Paul is the only courageous Southern Cameroonian in the employ of L a Republique du Cameroun who has cried foul to the world about the Southern Cameroons problem and has openly identified with the S.C.N.C. detainees through his frequent presence in court whenever the case is coming up.

He even galvanizes the detainees by taking snapshots with them after every court session and attends S.C.N.C. meetings to prove to Mr. Biya that after everything he remains a Southern Cameroonian. Whether his peers in the Parliament of La Republique du Cameroun emulate his example or not is not of any material importance at this moment.

The truth is those of us involved in the struggle know where we are coming from and we know where we are going to. The truth shall always overshadow lies.

God bless you all.

Simon Fuh Ngwa
Secreatary General
Meme County
Tel: (237) 77 03 81 27

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