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Friday, November 2, 2012

Re: [visionaryleader] Re: [mecuda] Support President Obama

Ma Eli Ngwa,
You are a Politician indeed and wishes that you do it in Southern Cameroons tomorrow.
God bless you my dear,
Papa Taku

From: Elizabeth Ngwa <>
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 2:42 AM
Subject: Re: [visionaryleader] Re: [mecuda] Support President Obama

What did you expect him to do in just 4 years with 2 Parties against him? A disguised Rep Party (Tea party) and the Reps. They made sure, he did not succeed. But to their dismay, he prevented America from a great depression .He has proved them all wrong that a Black Man is very intelligent! He has exposed all the 'corporate frauds .  The rich who were avoiding to pay their taxes are now paying. He will increase their taxes in his 2ND Term ; that is why they want him out! Wall Street has been reformed . Just the tactics he took to capture Bin Ladin is enough to give him a 2ND Term . He took out almighty Ghadaffi. Why did he not live? Was he the only one to rule Libya?

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 12:19 AM CDT Chief Mosenge Humphrey wrote:

>A bell'a I am NSULLA , and I know mine, discailm any name given as not yours or identify yourself and consents
> From: "" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [visionaryleader] Re: [mecuda] Support President Obama

>By the way, I am not Bafut or Mankon. Again, brother you're not seeing the point I am trying to make. However, that's your opinion. The bottom line is you are not seeing the true picture here.   
>-----Original Message----- From: Chief Mosenge Humphrey <> To: visionaryleader <>; mecuda <>; houcamnets <>; massivedemonstration <>; mbonbani <>; ndahget <>; peacocknm2 <>; political_reform <>; sdf-forum <>; scncna <>; wimbum <> Sent: Tue, Oct 30, 2012 9:12 am Subject: Re: [visionaryleader] Re: [mecuda] Support President Obama 

>A be'llah, give him 8 years b4 you compare with those who had 8. If you are blind to so many things; others have seen the little he has done and more. Or did you expect him to engage in rescue wars in Africa. Enjoy Obamacare or, try if you can, to be just another capitalist who would rather all others die of poverty. Good day to your Romnaisis with no future
> From: "" <>
>Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 10:04 AM
>Subject: [visionaryleader] Re: [mecuda] Support President Obama

> Hello all, to those of you on this forum who are Obama enthusiasts, or cheerleaders, and particularly from Cameroon, can any of you name me one of Obama's policies that have affected the lives of the persons of Cameroon? or its just but  for the that fact  he is a fellow black man. If we look at political history, the Republican party and their presidents have done a whole lot to help minorities in this country particularly those from African origin. Case in point, one of the most sweeping Amnesty in this country was passed and signed into law by then President Reagan, in 1986. Bush junior allocated over 15 billion dollars for the fight of aids in Africa, when he was president. Mr. Obama most have been the messiah the world have been waiting for to save America and the black continent, let us be fair and realistic, what has he done to the black race for the four years he  has been president. I often hear these noises, oh! the Republicans blocked
> everything he's been trying to do, but we failed to realize that he had all branches of government at his disposal that he could have done whatever he wanted to do to implement his programs or policies that could have affected most of the minorities that he is clamoring for his support or those of you chanting for his re-elections. The Spanish community are reluctant to vote for him because he has failed them. He did not deliver what he promised them. I am yet to read an email asking mr. Obama what he'll do for us the black race or African Americans that he desperately need their votes. Folks, just because he is a black man who has made history, is not immune to be criticize or ask questions about what he intends to do to help Afro American including you and me, just as the Latinos are asking. I hear some people saying, Obama is being challenged or attacked because he is a black man. But we fail to recognize that every four years the sitting
> of this country faces a challenger, and the challenger with his party campaigns against the sitting president. So what is wrong this time, or just for the fact that Obama is the anointed or messiah some of us think he is should not be challenged. I am sure most of us coming from political backgrounds where incumbents are never challenged cannot stomach the mudslinging that is being exercised during this campaign season. Let the black race not be taken for granted, just because he is a black president is not enough to win my vote. You may beg to disagree with my opinion, its your right.
>Lets go out and vote for those of us who are opportune to exercise this right.
>Ngwa, Jean 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Howard Njeck <>
>To: houcamnets <>; massivedemonstration <>; mbonbani <>; ndahget <>; peacocknm2 <>; political_reform <>; sdf-forum <>; scncna <>; visionaryleader <>; wimbum <>
>Sent: Sun, Oct 28, 2012 10:08 pm
>Subject: [mecuda] Support President Obama

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