[ACEsthetics] New Post/Thread Notification: Retirement & Long-term care


Flynch has just posted in the Retirement & Long-term care forum of ACE Dental World under the title of Guaranteed Retirement Incomes.

This thread is located at http://www.acedentalforum.com/forum/threads/1793-Guaranteed-Retirement-Incomes

Here is the message that has just been posted:
I'm curious what the members of the group are doing to create guaranteed income streams they cannot "outlive" during retirement. Knowing the only source of guaranteed income for most dental practitioners will be their Social Security, what steps have you taken to create a "literal" pension for yourself you cannot outlive that might also keep pace with inflation? I have some great strategies that address this and would love to discuss with anyone who might have an interest in doing so. Please call me on my cell @ 203-530-4584.



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