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Sunday, December 2, 2012

[ACEsthetics] New Post/Thread Notification: General Dentistry


bobperkins has just posted in the General Dentistry forum of ACE Dental World under the title of This New Forum Format is almost become irrelevant to me (and countless others).

This thread is located at

Here is the message that has just been posted:
I won't comment on this again (I rarely comment anyways) but I will say, with only the best intentions at heart, that this transition to the "new and improved" ACE Dental "World" has made ACE almost irrelevant in my life. Enough time has passed to work out the "kinks" and I just don't find it to be vibrant anymore. It's like going from digital back to Morse code. I send out a provocative post or a question and I might get one response. In the old days I would get a dozen or so. It's like talking into an echo chamber. I know many of you will get defensive about this but after further thought you will likely realize that it is valuable to get sincere input from your customers.

I will still check from time to time (every month or so) but it ain't what it used to be..that's for sure.

Heck, I won't even check to see if anyone responded to this because I doubt if anyone but Mike Maroon will read it.

God Bless all of your effort and hard work but this was a "swing and a miss" in my book.



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