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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Classic Sam Nuvala Fonkem on English-speaking News Media in Cameroon

Find below Old Sam (Sam Nuvala Fonkem now with ONUCI) in one of his robust refined outbursts:

Crisis of Ethics and Credibility in Cameroon's English-Speaking News Media
Monday, December 03, 2012

It is our sacred duty to critically examine media practice within our local context and provide a clear-sighted perspective regarding the way forward.

December next year (2010) will mark the 20th year since the Cameroon National Assembly hurriedly passed a body of laws, pompously referred to by officialdom as Liberty Laws, spelling out the broad outlines of the freedom of association, freedom of movement, and the freedom of the press, among others.

The public began to witness the mushrooming of political parties, trade unions, and dozens of newspapers sprouting all over the place. This was subsequently followed by the liberalisation of the audiovisual media in the year 2000 and we have since witnessed the emergence of dozens of private radio and television stations as well as nonprofit community radio stations.

In terms of numbers, we can truly assert that the media landscape has undergone a revolution compared to the era of State monopoly over the main channels of mass communication. Many more voices can now be heard in the open market of ideas, even though a significant portion of the population can still be considered as voiceless for various reasons

One would have imagined that, with this pluralism in media ownership, the autocratic regime of President Paul Biya, who wants to be remembered as the one who brought democracy to Cameroon, by his own volition, would, at least, demonstrate a greater responsiveness to the voice of the people and adjust Government policies in accordance with the expressed wishes of the people with regard to the electoral process, the fight against poverty, the respect of human and peoples' rights and the right to a decent standard of living.

Far from it! The exercise of executive powers, according to him, ends with the conjuring of freedoms with the stroke of the pen, and any attempt to draw his attention to ensure the respect of those freedoms is an act of sheer ingratitude. Even though Cameroonians speak more freely today than in the previous Ahidjo regime, today's ruling class has refused to fully respect its side of the bargain, that is: the social contract regarding the freedom of the press.

It has even refused to make a reality of the Right of Information which should allow pressmen and the public access to vital information of public interest. A glaring example of this refusal is the failure to make public the result of a population census conducted in 2005. Although censorship, or more precisely, prior restraint, was only scrapped from the statute books six years after the enactment of the so-called Liberty Laws, the issue of libel and defamation still remains a criminal offense and, unless libel is decriminalised, the task of exposing public authorities to public scrutiny remains an uphill task.

While it has been quite fashionable and easy to criticise the Government for complicating the duties of the media, the media and media practitioners themselves are not entirely blameless and have conveniently avoided the difficult task of critical self-examination in order to identify the bad and ugly side of their practice. The press is the watchdog of society and the question has always arisen as to who should watch over the watch-dog. By nature, the press or the news media do not lend themselves to any institution of oversight other than itself, while the public acts as the collective body that has power to grant or withdraw patronage.

The duty to safeguard the freedom of the press lies squarely on the shoulders of the press and media practitioners ought to realise that the protection and respect of press freedom is a sacred trust that has been placed on them by the public. In order to deserve this public trust, media practitioners have the duty to respect professional ethics, high professional standards and credibility. A media without ethics is a media without a heart and media without credibility is a media without a head.

The ethics of journalism enjoins practitioners to report news in a truthful, objective and fair manner. Truth, objectivity and fairness are the cardinal ethics of professional journalism. While it is very important to be truthful, the journalist must exercise care and strive to achieve balance and fairness.

It was John Dumoga, the Ghanaian journalist, who coined the maxim that "it is good to be truthful but better to be fair." A casual glance at our papers today gives one the impression that the media have shoved ethics to the back burner in hot pursuit of financial reward, or what is generally referred to in Cameroon as 'gombo'.

This 'gombo' journalism or "checkbook" journalism, as it is called elsewhere, has been shamelessly justified on grounds of pragmatism, survivalism and realism. Pragmatism may sound like a practical principle, but when pragmatism becomes unscrupulous, it is nothing short of brazen prostitution. A journalist has the right to earn a decent living from his works or stories especially if the publisher is the one paying for the stories.

But when the newsmaker starts paying for the stories, we have a situation where the tail is wagging the dog and as the saying goes, "he who pays the piper calls the tune'. When the newsmaker or manipulator, spin doctor or agent of disinformation starts to call the tune, the journalist loses his independence and becomes a mindless tool in the hands of political jugglers, white collar robbers, cut throat artists and conmen.

On several occasions, I have read stuff in newspapers which gives me the creeps. Recently I read an article in The Post newspaper (a paper to which I have a special attachment) about the views of a certain faction of the Northwest Fons' Union concerning one of their peers, Fon Chafah of Bangolan.

The views expressed gave the impression that His Royal Highness, Fon Chafah, was exploiting the Union for personal material gains, aimed at acquiring sumptuous palaces and luxury automobiles. I was quite dumbfounded to read a corrigendum in a subsequent edition of the paper stating that the views expressed by the detractors of Fon Chafah were unfounded.

The corrigendum even took the trouble to remind readers that Fon Chafah was a reputable Magistrate - Grade 3; a rather clumsy suggestion that, because he is a Magistrate Grade-3, he did not deserve the rather uncharitable image that was painted by some of his compeers. The corrigendum was signed by the editor, a title which is nowhere to be found on the imprint of the newspaper in question.

The Post has an executive editor, an editor-in-chief, desk editor, bureau chiefs and all what not, but no such position as editor. In which case, the signatory of that corrigendum can logically be considered anonymous. We have every reason not only to question the identity of "editor" but also to question the use or abuse of a corrigendum. A newspaper corrigendum is simply a short notice carried by a newspaper to rectify an error that might have inadvertently cropped up in a story that was published in a previous edition.

For example, a statement might have been inaccurately reported or attributed to the wrong person or some mix up of facts which needs to be rectified and is usually concluded with the apology; "We regret the error". But when a corrigendum concludes with the observation that the statements made by so and so were completely unfounded, then, it is no longer a corrigendum.

It could be an indictment or a judgment, but not a corrigendum, and supposing that Fon Chafah had directly or indirectly caused the publication of the said corrigendum, the editors of the paper or any news media under the circumstances and irrespective of the attractiveness of any inducement, should have politely directed Fon Chafah to avail himself of the right of response by writing a rejoinder or a disclaimer. When a news organ starts playing the role of defence lawyer, then the tail has begun to wag the dog. The Post or any newspaper, for that matter, is not competent and is hardly expected to assume the role of counsel for the defence.

Media organs are run by people, human beings who may feel like taking a stand on serious issues of public interest. Of course, they have a right to do so, provided they take the pains to express their stand in a distinct space provided for that, but certainly not in the news columns. The editorial and opinion pages are meant for that.

Another circumstance in which I thought the English-speaking press was beginning to lose its professional bearings was the media hype surrounding the arrest and incarceration of Mr. Zaccheus Forjindam, former General Manager of the Shipyard and Engineering Corporation on allegation of embezzlement.

In as much as I condemn the violation of due process that attended his case, I cannot help being suspicious of some newspapers which have given the impression that the violation of the new Criminal Procedure Code, which is predicated on the Anglo-Saxon legal principle of habeas corpus, is singularly restricted to the Forjindam case.
The entire Cameroon populace is a victim of the violation of due process.

It is even more disturbing when Mr. Forjindam is being portrayed by certain press organs as a victim of Anglophone marginalisation or as an Anglophone martyr. It is simply ridiculous for the fact that Mr. Forjindam has never been known to espouse, let alone sympathise with the plight of the oppressed people of the Southern Cameroons to which he belongs. It is a widely known fact that he did not only court the favours of the oppressors of Southern Cameroonians but had demonstrated his ambition to carve a niche among the ruling class.

What is disturbing to the keen observer is that, several months before his arrest, Forjindam was copiously vilified in the independent media for strenuously advocating for a constitutional amendment that virtually consecrated President Paul Biya as Life President of Cameroun.

The same press that castigated him for promoting such a retrogressive political agenda turned out to be the very same press that, by the same miraculous twist of fate, began portraying him as a victim of the very same political system for which he had sold his conscience. In the two cases I have cited, we cannot fail to take note of the fact that we are dealing here with individuals who have had or still have access to a considerable amount of money, at least enough money to spread for image laundering.

Apart from the violation of ethics, there are other factors that erode the credibility of the press, such as laxity in the handling of facts, laxity in the respect of rules of grammar, deplorable spelling and poor choice of words. The credibility of a news organ depends largely on its standard of professionalism and authoritativeness. Achieving an acceptable professional standard depends largely on reporting truthfully, accurately and objectively.

Carelessness with facts is unacceptable and carelessness with language relegates the practitioner to the category of gutter journalism. And there is indeed a disturbing proliferation of gutter journalism as one notices the increasing amount of sleaze and filth that is reported in most of the English language news media.

The language in these media is far below standard and it is, indeed, an irony that whenever there is a general public outcry about the falling standards of English, the media noisily joins the chorus instead of seriously reflecting on the role they have played in bringing down these standards.

Most often, when one listens to or reads bylines by the new generation of media practitioners, you wonder whether they have ever bothered to read anything other than their own shoddy reports or whether they have ever bothered to listen to other reputable radio or TV stations. They are so full of themselves and believe that the mere fact of going on the air or scribbling some mumbo jumbo in a newspaper confers them the right to be called journalists.

Every journalist, worth his salt, should be conscious that at any given time that he writes or goes on the air, there are millions of people out there who are, by far, more knowledgeable than they are. Avoid talking over the heads of your betters and endeavour to exercise a certain amount of modesty and humility.

When you quit the microphone and retire to your favorite watering hole, you're likely to receive undue accolades from fans who are eager to offer you a round of beer with such remarks, like "hey man, I heard you blasting, man that was wonderful!" and when you ask the fellow what he thinks about what you blasted, he blinks, scratches his head and mumbles something unintelligible.

He just cannot remember anything you said. Beware of gratuitous flattery. Avoid the tendency to think that because you go on the air or write stories in a paper, you have automatically become a star. Flattery is one of the deepest pitfalls a practitioner should guard against. It breeds complacency and mediocrity.

Avoid imitating the wrong things and picking up the wrong vocabulary such as the word "denizen" just because it sounds exotic. That word has been overused to the extent that one wonders whether the journalists using it even know its meaning. Another word that has been abused beyond recognition is "lady".

A prostitute steps on stage, does an erotic routine, proceeds to shed her clothing and at the climax of her sleazy performance, the journalist writes "that the lady pulled off  her underpants, and exposed her what have you!". You can't help asking whether the journalist knows the definition of the word "Lady". A lady is a highly respected woman in society who is held in high esteem, not just any strumpet who undresses in public to entice the men folk as a means of making a living.

Language is the substance and primary means of communications among human beings and every communicator, especially the journalist, must take the pains to learn to use and master it.
Another common habit among newspapermen and women is the frequent use of the phrase "in a chat with so and so, he revealed that…" This habit of gathering information by means of a chat betrays a certain casualness and informality which portrays the news media as being unserious.

In reality, a journalist might stumble on some vital piece of information during a chat but for heaven's sake, spare your poor readers the impression that news gathering is a pedestrian process. It does not convey any sense of professionalism. You could simply state that Mr. X told The Post that such and such a thing took place.

If all along, you have noticed that most of my illustrations have been drawn from The Post newspaper, it is not because the other papers are any better. I have chosen The Post because I am attached to it and because I do not want it to be said that I am taking advantage of this forum to denigrate other rival newspapers. When I stated in the title of this presentation that there is a need for critical self-examination, I meant it.

The news media must subject itself to regular self-examination because as the Fourth Estate, entrusted with the difficult and thankless duty to act as the watchdog of society, the news media must establish a self-regulatory mechanism because, only a watchdog can watch out for itself.
In this light, I am humbly suggesting that the various media associations ought to put the issue of ethics high on their agenda.



--- En date de : Mar 4.12.12, Ofege Ntemfac <> a écrit :

De: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Objet: Re: Ntemfac Ofege I will never give you a dime to speak well of me or ill of others///CORRECTION// Pa Taku A Moses which church ordained you as a Pastor/Rev?[camnetwork] CPDM catholic women scared of being sanctioned by CWA?
Cc: "" <>, "Awasom Jonathan" <>, "" <>, "Martin Yembe" <>, "" <>
Date: Mardi 4 décembre 2012, 16h24

Delusions+dementia in full bloom = MADNESS..QED!

On 12/4/12, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
> Ntemfac Ofege
> May be you thought I would contact you to bribe you to write well about
> me!You can cry your die all the way! Those bad spirits and demons cannot
> stand my presence.I am out to x-ray and expose all of you , counterfeit
> Christians!I spit fire against any evil and bad spirits and demons.
> You have to live by your conscience and if you are a journalist act
> professionally and get paid as a professional and not as a member of a
> gang!
> Your gang master ,Kenneth Fru Ndeh has been giving you money to the point
> where you 've become obsessed and it worst under your DWS5 ! Just put
> yourselves together and seek treatment for all your BPD and PIBOLAR DISORDER
> and stop fooling yourself in public!The problems of Cameroon are not about
> Francophones against anglophones or anglophones against Francophones.
> You cannot force me to join children of thieves and murderers and I will
> never give you a dime so that you should be writings nonsense against my
> fellow Cameroonian like you and Kenneth fru Ndeh are doing.
> I see the delusions and distortions of counterfeit Christians like you You
> have been rebuked enough and the truth will always prevailYou can get stuck
> with your counterfeit waysThat is your curse foreverHow can a self-hateful
> and speech filled anglophone like some of you teach francophones about love
> when you are filled with hatred and bitterness against your own fellow
> Anglophones?
> You hypocrites!
> Rev Jonathan Awasom
> The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for
> humanity I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt
> tyranny and dictatorship.
> Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking
> truth to power, a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping
> African policies in 21st century
> Blog:
> The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the
> Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)
> The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil
> rights) and prosperity for all
> Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved
> global village that builds bridges
> Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System
> of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and
> tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages.
> Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation
> Blog:
> --- On Tue, 12/4/12, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
> Subject: Re: CORRECTION// Pa Taku A Moses which church ordained you as a
> Pastor/Rev?[camnetwork] CPDM catholic women scared of being sanctioned by
> CWA?
> To:
> Cc: "" <>, "Awasom
> Jonathan" <>, "" <>,
> "Martin Yembe" <>, ""
> <>
> Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 6:55 AM
> The Loon, Jonathan or Jonathan the Loon.
> One who goes about CURSING people is a WIZARD or a WITCH, as the case may
> be.
> You qualify the aforementioned billing on all counts but see this...
> Nu 23:23 Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is
> there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall
> be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought!
> Hence, Loony Wizard..your curse (or threats) thereof is an idle wind -
> a figment of your delusions+dementia+ ever-increasing madness.
> On 12/4/12, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
>> Pa Taku Moses
>> There is a reason why I have never addressed YOU as a Pastor or Rev. I
>> don't
>> know you as one and I have no information on that either.
>> Stop your witch-hunt. I am not interested in your absurdities. Don't
>> cause
>> me to curse you, Pa Taku Moses. Touch not my anointed! You have been
>> writing about me very well and just because I disagree with some of the
>> that are peddled by outcasts , you are becoming ridiculous now !I am not
>> fighting for hatred of Francophones or anglophones but for a virtuous and
>> free Cameroon.Is
>> that clear to you now?Listen I am not the son of Late Moderator H.A
>> Awasom.
>> Stop spreading lies.I have my own father and I am proud of him just as I
>> have
>> had the courage to tell you old men the brutal truth
>> This same CPDM thief man, Mishe Fon insulted you here as a fake prophet
>> !I
>> have asked you that where were did you study to become a Pastor?What
>> church
>> ordained you because I am don't KNOW you as a Pastor or Rev until you
>> furnish me with the detailsI have told you that www is a place where all
>> kinds of
>> people come and hideStop writing stuff! We are not competing over
>> anything
>> !Just keep me out of your hatefilled speechesDo you understand this very
>> well?I am not your kind of man of GodI have called you to order a lot and
>> you don't getI don't like to deal with people who are inconsistent and
>> when
>> the spirit of truth has revealED to me traitors, I don't even waste my
>> energy debating with themSo, Mr TakU Moses back up or else I will expose
>> you
>> Rev Jonathan Awasom
>> The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for
>> humanity I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt
>> tyranny and dictatorship.
>> Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking
>> truth to power, a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is
>> shaping
>> African policies in 21st century
>> Blog:
>> The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the
>> Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)
>> The Rally-cry for freedom, justice,
>> peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all
>> Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved
>> global village that builds bridges
>> Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal
>> System
>> of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic
>> and
>> tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages.
>> Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation
>> Blog:
>> --- On Tue, 12/4/12, Taku A. A. Moses <> wrote:
>> From: Taku A. A. Moses <>
>> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] CPDM catholic women scared of being sanctioned
>> by
>> CWA?
>> To: "" <>,
>> "" <>
>> Cc: "Awasom Jonathan" <>, ""
>> <>, "Martin Yembe" <>,
>> "" <>
>> Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 12:57 AM
>> Mishe Fon,I am thankful for the revelation that our brother Awasum
>> Jonathan was a PCC Bambili Pastor before his exit by force by the
>> Authorities that be of the PCC.
>> What has been baffling me was the fact that if he was the son of late
>> Moderator Awasum Henry of PCC, he will not be thrown out easily.It is
>> therefore very obvious that his crime in a methodical church like the PCC
>> was very gravious that even natural eyes of unregenerated
>> members could see and judge him to be
>> wrong. The 2 young Pastors in PCC-NW who were sacked because of
>> spirituality as stated in John 4; 23-24 had some congregants
>> as sympathizers
>> who left the PCC church with them, but I presume Awasum had no one to his
>> side. Heaven is backing the 2 young Pastors who are doing the right thing
>> as
>> Nicodemus as God is to be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth not with
>> lies-John 4:23-24.;Acts 1:8. I am praying for those 2 young men to win
>> many
>> souls to the Lord thru miracles in the church.
>> Some of them jumped to the prestigious call to be a Servant of God without
>> a
>> revelation and Testimony of the call by the Lord Jesus as He called the
>> Apostles or as He called me while sick on a Hospital Bed in Italy during
>> FIFA fOOTBALL jamboree. I have a testimony of Call as Moses in the
>> Burning
>> Bush and Paul on the Damascus road, including the various Apostles in the
>> scriptures.Can any PCC Pastor attest of the calling of God in his/her
>> life?
>> The answer is no as they go to the seminary just as needed or as
>> frustrated.
>> Jonathan Awasom has never written any of his write-ups in the forum to
>> carry
>> any Biblical or Spiritual language but too academic in his write-ups. But
>> this well learned young man has good academic knowledge and not Biblical
>> knowledge at such to be a Pastor and therefore was rightly thrown away
>> from
>> that carnal Pulpit of the PCC. He knows the Bible as Biblical History
>> that
>> can not help in any given situation. The Jews knew the Laws of Moses but
>> the
>> LAWS could not help them in the era of Jesus' Ministry. Jesus told them
>> that
>> Except a man be BORN-AGAIN he can not see the Kingdom of God and their
>> man
>> who was like their own Moderator-Nicodemus came by night to
>> receive that Truth and he was not
>> involved in the Killing of Jesus because he knew the Truth. Awasum does
>> not
>> belong to any where. He is not PCC and he is not Pentecostal-Born Again
>> Preacher. He is no where at all.
>> Mishe Fon, please forgive him as he is now like a snake whose head has
>> been
>> cut off and does not know where to go and will surely need your
>> assistance
>> in anything that you can help to direct him. He was wrongly poured with
>> wrong carnal oils by PCC that are speaking against him. PCC has obviously
>> pronounced negative words upon him and those words are speaking
>> condemnation
>> to him
>> as at now. He needs
>> deliverance.
>> Yours in His Vine Yard,Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses-Pentecostal Gospel
>> Co-ordinator Cameroon.
>> From: Mishe Fon <>
>> To: "" <>;
>> "" <>;
>> "" <>
>> Sent: Monday, December 3, 2012 6:51 PM
>> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] CPDM catholic women scared of being
>> sanctioned
>> by CWA?
>> My Dear Broda: Ex Pastor Awasum
>> You are neither an authority in anything "Religious", a practicing
>> catholic
>> nor a woman. You were given an opportunity to talk to a handful of
>> presbyterian congregants when you were mistakenly ordained a Pastor.
>> Instead
>> of capitalizing on that monumental mistake by the church, you still went
>> ahead with your habitual "BIG MOP" and insulted their intelligence with
>> the
>> heresy you were preaching from your Bambili pulpit.
>> Sensing an opportunity to correct themselves, you were ambushed and you
>> fell
>> like a "Ngombe" in their trap...hence came the reasons for your being
>> DEFROCKED and sacked. Since then (almost fifteen years now) you have not
>> recovered from the shock. Here you are, jumping from one issue after
>> another
>> with no mastery in any. From Tax exempt, Non Profit entities to Political
>> voodism...You venture an opinion.
>> You will be the last person the CWA will be calling on for any kind of
>> assistance or advice. Just get lost.
>> You even had the guts to be begging for Cardinal Tumi,s phone number.
>> Vraiement de Dieu. What did you really want his number for? To go and
>> confess your numerous sins? Bande Njuh Man. Moof.
>> Let me help you out as usual.
>> If you want to discuss with Paul Biya how to "CHOP-CHAIR" his post,
>> call his hotline @ 011 237 22 23 40 25
>> If you want to speak to his wife Chantoux, call the same # but ask for
>> extension 4360 and tell her:
>> "Ici, c,est la ex-Pasto Awasing John-Atang. Je suis aux Americas et c,est
>> moi qui vas prend la chaise de ton mari very soon. Pour le moment je suis
>> pauvre mais quand je sera Fhresident, je vais eu beaucoup d,argent. Je
>> suis
>> encore jeune bachelor et si tu me envoyer un peu d,argent de poche , je
>> peut
>> meme te laisser comme la First Lady quand ton mari va rentrer au village
>> pour son retirement. Ton nouveau nom sera Chantale Biya Pulcherie Awasing
>> John-Atang Vigoureuse. Je suis un Nango-Boko de Mankung du cote de
>> Bamenda.
>> Envoie moi un reply mail sur mon Blog a Tu
>> peut
>> aussi m,ecoute sur mon radio a New Jersey. Tu viens quand me rendre
>> visite?
>> Le Gourveneur Chris Chritie m,a dash
>> une appartement. C,est very propre dedans. Tu vas aimer ma chambre. Est
>> ce
>> que tu lis souvents mes jolis emails que j,envoi aux Cameroonians? C,est
>> a
>> mon Blog".
>> From: Jonathan Awasom <>
>> To: camnet <>
>> Cc: SDF <>
>> Sent: Monday, December 3, 2012 11:13 AM
>> Subject: [camnetwork] CPDM catholic women scared of being sanctioned by
>> CWA?
>> Some Catholo ( Catholic) Women who behave badly in public and have
>> brought
>> shame to the entire Cameroon Catholic community are scared of the
>> possibility of facing the ecclesiastical guilotine of the Catholic
>> Church
>> but unless CWA intervenes, the usual arthodox and autocratic hammer and
>> nail
>> style of discipleship by the Catholic authorities is very likely to be
>> unleashed .
>> Will these group of badly brought up CPDM Catholic women sowing seeds of
>> confusion within the Catholic family repent or continue to disgrace the
>> Catholic Christian Women Association(CWA)?
>> Women who behave badly are a danger to the family as the basic unit and
>> foundation upon, which community and society is built through nurturing
>> children to grow up as responsible christians and citizens
>> Jonathan Awasom
>> The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
>> The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for
>> all
>> Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved
>> global village
>> Blog:
& gt;
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
> a thing makes it happen.


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.
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