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Thursday, December 6, 2012


Cameroon 10 places up from the bottom of  2012 World corruption Index.

Corruption index 2012 from Transparency International: find out how countries compare

Which country is most corrupt? North Korea is still officially considered the world's most corrupt country, along with Somalia and Afghanistan. But why has the US gone up six places and the UK's score worsened? See how the annual corruption index has changed
Corruption index 2012 graphic View larger picture
Corruption index 2012 graphic. Click image to enlarge
How corrupt is your government? Troubled regimes may have fallen around the globe but the latest corruption index from Transparency International shows the old problems are as rife as they ever were.
The CPI scores countries on a scale of zero to 100, with zero indicating high levels of corruption and 100, low levels. Two thirds of the 176 countries ranked in the 2012 index score below 50 - meaning they are considered significantly corrupt.
The lowest scored country in Europe, however, is troubled Greece - ranked down 14 places to number 36. Syria too, presently in the middle of civil war, is down 15 places to number 144, making it one of the most corrupt countries on earth. Egypt, presently in the middle of demonstrations, is down six places to 118 out of 174 countries ranked by the index.
And the most corrupt places in the world are not the most surprising. Unstable governments, often with a legacy of conflict, continue to dominate the bottom rungs of the CPI. Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia share last place with a score of only eight out of 100 for transparency.
Corruption interactive map of the world Corruption interactive map of the world. Click image to explore it
Unsurprisingly, at the top are some of the world's most stable countries - New Zealand, Denmark and Finland are number one. That's a move up of one place for the latter two.
The US has had a larger rise though - up five places to number 19, in contrast to the UK's drop of one place to number 18.
Changes in methodology mean scores cannot be compared, year on year, although the relative placing of each country can be.
The Index, which is closely watched by investors, economists, and civil society campaigners, is based on expert assessments and data from 13 surveys from independent institutions, covering issues such as access to information, bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, and the enforcement of anti-corruption laws. While critics note that measuring perceptions of corruption is not the same as measuring corruption itself, the latter is almost impossible to do - as the corrupt are usually keen to cover up their tracks, hard data on graft and bribery is notoriously difficult to come by.
The full data is below - what can you do with it?

Data summary

Transparency international world corruption index (1=least corrupt)

Click heading to sort table. Download this data
Country Rank, 2012
Country / Territory
CPI 2012 Score
Change in rank since 2011
2011 rank
2008 rank
1 New Zealand 90 0 1 4
1 Denmark 90 1 2 1
1 Finland 90 1 2 1
4 Sweden 88 0 4 9
5 Singapore 87 0 5 5
6 Switzerland 86 2 8 14
7 Norway 85 -1 6 7
7 Australia 85 1 8 5
9 Netherlands 84 -2 7 9
9 Canada 84 1 10 7
11 Iceland 82 2 13 11
12 Luxembourg 80 -1 11 12
13 Germany 79 1 14 22
14 Hong Kong 77 -2 12 16
15 Barbados 76 1 16 18
16 Belgium 75 3 19 18
17 Japan 74 -3 14 28
17 United Kingdom 74 -1 16 23
19 United States 73 5 24 23
20 Chile 72 2 22 18
20 Uruguay 72 5 25 23
22 Bahamas 71 -1 21 0
22 France 71 3 25 27
22 Saint Lucia 71 3 25 0
25 Austria 69 -9 16 14
25 Ireland 69 -6 19 12
27 Qatar 68 -5 22 16
27 United Arab Emirates 68 1 28 33
29 Cyprus 66 1 30 35
30 Spain 65 1 31 32
30 Botswana 65 2 32 36
32 Estonia 64 -3 29 26
33 Portugal 63 -1 32 36
33 Bhutan 63 5 38 36
33 Puerto Rico 63 6 39 39
36 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 62 0 36 0
37 Taiwan 61 -5 32 45
37 Slovenia 61 -2 35 31
39 Israel 60 -3 36 28
39 Cape Verde 60 2 41 58
41 Poland 58 0 41 33
41 Dominica 58 3 44 47
43 Malta 57 -4 39 0
43 Mauritius 57 3 46 47
45 Korea (South) 56 -2 43 41
46 Brunei 55 -2 44 40
46 Hungary 55 8 54 47
48 Costa Rica 54 2 50 41
48 Lithuania 54 2 50 43
50 Rwanda 53 -1 49 55
51 Seychelles 52 -1 50 47
51 Georgia 52 13 64 80
53 Bahrain 51 -7 46 55
54 Czech Republic 49 3 57 65
54 Malaysia 49 6 60 61
54 Latvia 49 7 61 52
54 Turkey 49 7 61 52
58 Jordan 48 -2 56 80
58 Namibia 48 -1 57 58
58 Cuba 48 3 61 85
61 Oman 47 -11 50 58
62 Croatia 46 4 66 72
62 Slovakia 46 4 66 62
64 Ghana 45 5 69 62
64 Lesotho 45 13 77 72
66 Kuwait 44 -12 54 54
66 Saudi Arabia 44 -9 57 45
66 Romania 44 9 75 72
69 South Africa 43 -5 64 47
69 Macedonia 43 0 69 67
69 Brazil 43 4 73 65
72 Italy 42 -3 69 67
72 Bosnia and Herzegovina 42 19 91 102
72 Sao Tome & Principe 42 28 100 138
75 Montenegro 41 -9 66 70
75 Tunisia 41 -2 73 62
75 Bulgaria 41 11 86 67
75 Liberia 41 16 91 92
79 Sri Lanka 40 7 86 72
80 China 39 -5 75 70
80 Serbia 39 6 86 80
80 Trinidad and Tobago 39 11 91 109
83 El Salvador 38 -3 80 85
83 Peru 38 -3 80 85
83 Jamaica 38 3 86 138
83 Panama 38 3 86 72
83 Burkina Faso 38 17 100 115
88 Morocco 37 -8 80 85
88 Thailand 37 -8 80 115
88 Zambia 37 3 91 92
88 Swaziland 37 7 95 80
88 Malawi 37 12 100 80
88 Suriname 37 12 100 0
94 Colombia 36 -14 80 57
94 Greece 36 -14 80 92
94 India 36 1 95 96
94 Benin 36 6 100 102
94 Djibouti 36 6 100 158
94 Moldova 36 18 112 85
94 Senegal 36 18 112 96
94 Mongolia 36 26 120 126
102 Argentina 35 -2 100 145
102 Gabon 35 -2 100 126
102 Tanzania 35 -2 100 121
105 Gambia 34 -28 77 96
105 Mexico 34 -5 100 102
105 Algeria 34 7 112 109
105 Kosovo 34 7 112 109
105 Bolivia 34 13 118 96
105 Mali 34 13 118 102
105 Armenia 34 24 129 126
105 Philippines 34 24 129 158
113 Albania 33 -18 95 85
113 Ethiopia 33 7 120 126
113 Guatemala 33 7 120 96
113 Niger 33 21 134 151
113 Timor-Leste 33 30 143 126
118 Indonesia 32 -18 100 0
118 Madagascar 32 -18 100 115
118 Egypt 32 -6 112 72
118 Ecuador 32 2 120 102
118 Dominican Republic 32 11 129 121
123 Vietnam 31 -11 112 109
123 Mozambique 31 -3 120 102
123 Sierra Leone 31 11 134 121
123 Belarus 31 20 143 151
123 Mauritania 31 20 143 134
128 Lebanon 30 6 134 134
128 Togo 30 15 143 134
130 Nicaragua 29 4 134 147
130 Uganda 29 13 143 158
130 Côte d´Ivoire 29 24 154 177
133 Iran 28 -13 120 126
133 Kazakhstan 28 -13 120 109
133 Honduras 28 -4 129 121
133 Guyana 28 1 134 96
133 Comoros 28 10 143 158
133 Russia 28 10 143 151
139 Pakistan 27 -5 134 141
139 Azerbaijan 27 4 143 147
139 Nigeria 27 4 143 141
139 Kenya 27 15 154 151
139 Nepal 27 15 154 138
144 Bangladesh 26 -24 120 126
144 Syria 26 -15 129 145
144 Cameroon 26 -10 134 151
144 Ukraine 26 8 152 166
144 Central African Republic 26 10 154 134
144 Congo 26 10 154 158
150 Eritrea 25 -16 134 85
150 Guinea-Bissau 25 4 154 147
150 Papua New Guinea 25 4 154 147
150 Paraguay 25 4 154 141
154 Guinea 24 10 164 166
154 Kyrgyzstan 24 10 164 158
156 Yemen 23 8 164 166
157 Tajikistan 22 -5 152 171
157 Cambodia 22 7 164 151
157 Angola 22 11 168 171
160 Laos 21 -6 154 151
160 Congo, Dem Rep 21 8 168 173
160 Libya 21 8 168 121
163 Zimbabwe 20 -9 154 115
163 Equatorial Guinea 20 9 172 158
165 Chad 19 3 168 173
165 Burundi 19 7 172 173
165 Venezuela 19 7 172 158
165 Haiti 19 10 175 141
169 Iraq 18 6 175 176
170 Turkmenistan 17 7 177 166
170 Uzbekistan 17 7 177 178
172 Myanmar 15 8 180 180
173 Sudan 13 4 177 166
174 Afghanistan 8 6 180 178
174 Korea (North) 8 8 182 0
174 Somalia 8 8 182 0

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