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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Re: [Cameroonpatriots]"..asking what Cameroon's oil revenue has been used for.."

We are not an insentitive people, the truth is just that our patience have been treached to
the inelastic limit.This problem have been going on for just too long and when all channels
for agitations, petition and redress have been closed, any iota of morality will prompt that
the annexed, occupied and colonised people may take use or any means possible to seek
for justice against perpetual abuses, anarchy and annihilation of a people whose only crime
is because they "decided"  to join their socalled brothers to seek common ways of cohabi-
tation despite experiencing different ways of life, political, educational and legal culture for
43 years. These are the values that we are defending not cheap politics for power  as
exemplified by most Cameroun Republicans.
The govt  and people of La Republique have (individually and collectively) not only looked
low on Southern Cameroonians for the past 50 years but have benefited from the largese of
Southern Cameroons since the begining of German occupation through the collaboration of
some local chiefs, that forced some of your ancestors to flee that part of the world from the
invading Germans to neigbouring territories along the frontier with  Nigeria and even to Nigeria
to take permenant residence until this date.
Again in 1955-1970 when France and Ahidjo launched their anti UPC war in French Cameroun
several of your grand parents sought refuge in British Cameroons' free territory, ie the  govt of
Southern Cameroons as an international entity, since 1948 could guarantee the safety of those
whose lives were in danger( refugees) from the forces of oppression that ravenged your territory
and could not enter a foreign land to massacre freedom fighters and nationalist of leaders of
Now the truth is some of you guys have been benefiting from the Anglosaxon system due to birthrights
in the Southern Cameroons and whom oftentimes are considered as brothers and what we've been
asking  the Anglobami or Anglobassa, etc, since 1993  in the AAC and SCNC is that those born or
atleast grew up in the Southern Cameroons have the right of nationality by birth as grounded in law
except they chose otherwise. That means,Southern Cameroons will not be a state of revenge to its
offsprings. Those who are not even born or have no statutory links can also acquire nationality by
international law standards.
We Southern Cameroonians are condamned to mourn our territory like we do our dead relatives and
will never allow others to cry and mourn for us. Southern Cameroonians will for ever remain resolute on
 the fight to free our people from bondage and occupation, which is different from fighting to change a
govt  that  is unchangeable in law and acts. The Constitution is changeable only when it concerns
prolonging the terms of the "Chef du Shame"
NB- We are also aware of people like PAT10000000000, and their Gestapo type auto defence groups
in the then University of Yaounde in the 1990s with mission to eliminate the trouble shooters, "ANGLO-
FOOLS" and our message to these Nazists terrorists is clear,as they didnt succeed then, they will never
succeed today, tomorrow and  FOREVR to intimidate, sidetrack or kill our aspirations for our Independent
HOMELAND, Southern Cameroons!
From: Brice Nitcheu <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 30 November 2012, 16:04
Subject: Re: [Cameroonpatriots]"..asking what Cameroon's oil revenue has been used for.."
Dear Brothers

Our Anglophone Brothers anger is genuine and well founded. But by targeting all their Francophone Brothers instead of directing their missiles at the oligarchs in Yde, they are alienating those like me, who have been very supportive for their struggle.

Should I remind my Anglophone Brothers that in 1992, the vast majority of Francophone choose Fru Ndi as their President?

Brice Nitcheu

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