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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Re: [camnetwork] The Cameroon 2013 Budget Could Incite Uprising rarely stutter!
Dis one don pass you...sotey you stutter!
Welcome to the Jungle.

On 12/6/12, <> wrote:
> Can you all see me shaking my head? No, a not smiling.
> What a shame
> In a message dated 12/6/2012 6:24:05 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> _Attachment(s)_ (mip://0c11c2e0/default.html#TopText) from Akoson Raymond
> included below]
> The Cameroon 2013 Budget Could Incite Uprising
> * The SG at the presidency's DAILY fuel allowance stands at some 2.5
> million frs (Approx. the cost to fuel a Boeing 747 plane to fly Douala to
> Yaounde and back);
> * Something called 'Depenses Communes' (whatever that means), which is at
> the mercy of someone, was allocated some 198 billions for 2013. That is, if
> money for the subvention of political parties and the 2013 elections as
> prescribed for by Law No. 2012/001 of April 19, 2012 were deducted, that
> someone would have about 480 million EVERY DAY to play about with at their
> whims!
> * External Relations Ministry has been allocated some 2.4 billion
> (two-thousand million plus) EVERY MONTH for the purchase of office
> equipment,
> official feasts & entertainment allowances;
> * If we cut back on our outlandish expenses, we would have enough to
> employ thousands of youths with a salary of 100.000 frs each in the next ten
> years.
> The figures above are most often than not the same for every other 72
> ministries or departments ranking as such plus institutions such as the
> Supreme
> Court, Public Security, Econpmic and Social Council etc. It is a mockery
> to the youths that while outside the so-called 25.000 job placements, just
> 4.000 are with salaries! It is even the more hurting that a huge percentage
> of our roads are untarred, yet, this administration continue in their
> stubborn refusal to equitably distribute the national pie but are busy
> diverting
> monies from such wastes to private bank accounts abroad!
> In fact, I feel an iressistible urge to equally mention that:
> * A Combination of PM's provisions, fuel, entertainment & mission
> allowances is some 8.8 million EVERY DAY. And note that every other ministry
> spends billions of hard earned tax payers' monies on entertainment and so
> called
> allowances;
> * PM's purchase of office materials & vehicles stands at some (3.8
> billions yearly), that is 318 million EVERY MONTH. If you go through the
> budget of
> the other ministries, you'll notice that, just like the PM, every other
> ministry change their office furniture and other equipment every year. That
> is to say that, in Cameroon, all office furniture become unfit for use
> after
> every year!
> * The Economic & Social Council, an institution we don't even know where
> their office is. Neither have we ever heard of a meeting they ever held
> lavish some 5 million EVERY DAY as running provisions;
> The aforementioned analysis of the 2013 Finance Law is a product of
> Cameroon's parliament, which, as has been previously echoed by many, needs a
> complete rebirth! The Biya gerontocracy teleguides an overwhelming CPDM
> parliament to do his bidding. A gerontocracy that is increasingly looking
> like the
> pre-Gorbatchev Soviet Union whose entire leadership was made up of the
> infirm, senile and "walking dead" of the Politburo. No right thinking
> executive can ever come up with such a waste scheme called a bill.
> Question: Why with so much waste, Cameroon still parades the international
> community begging for loans? Loans which shall be repaid not by this
> gerontocracy but by the youths tomorrow at exhobitant interest rates.
> Youths, septuagenarians and octogenarians still occupy key positions at
> all levels of the executive, public service, public corporations, the
> police
> and armed forces, effectively preventing the much needed and long overdue
> renewal of state institutions. In the process, an entire generation of
> young
> Cameroonians -- you and me -- has been permanently sidelined. We are now
> left with the options of taking control of our councils and parliament.
> I can only reiterate that the Cameroonian youths must wake up from slumber
> and join some of us to go to parliament and bring sanity to the way
> parliamentary business is been conducted. Even if at parliament, it would
> entail
> the rolling up of sleeves and exchange a few punches, disconnect the mics
> and bring nonsesical deliberations to a halt, then 'make yi be'!
> PS: For those who want copies of the 2013 Finance Law, please go to the
> NA. See the attached books you'll want me to scan copies and send.
> Akoson Raymond,
> PAP Parliamentary Aspirant,
> Mamfe Central/Upper Bayang
> 78 35 80 29
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths
> to take over the mantle. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does
> not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side
> by
> side on the round table for policy and decision making and thorough
> brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues.
> Ayah
> Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to
> work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> (
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