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Monday, December 31, 2012

Re: [camnetwork] Ntemfac Ofege agent of Pastor Nyansa-Ni-Nku now confirmed ****or the attention of that thieving, lie-telling, lunatic ex-pastor of the PCC Bishop terms same sex unions crime against humanity

In a nutshell, these are the few words I could pick up from the posted PCC synod suspension mail to the former pastor Jonathan Awasom. 
TITLE: Your Memorandum on Church Reformation
Reverend Awasom Jonathan;
Your memorandum entitled "Church Reform Case Study: Presbyterian Church in Cameroon" was received by the synod committee during its seating of 10th to 18th April 1998 with great disgust.
             The committee was amazed that having been in the Ministry for only 2 years and 3 months after your ordination, you claim to know so much about the church already to the point of claiming to have been sent by God to save the church now before it collapses.
             Your memorandum was deemed to be highly offensive, inflammatory and sensational with preposterous and ludicrous declarations based on falsehood, innuendos and wild gossip. Your document even questioned the integrity of the synod and make criminal allegations against institutions and officials of the church based on very unfounded conclusions.
              The committee was disappointed to note that an ordained pastor with a Masters Degree like you does not yet know that facts are sacred for proper analysis. If you had made even the slightest attempt to obtain reliable information on the issues you raised, you would have been given such easily and freely. Rather, you preferred to to resort to falsehood and things you cooked up in your warped mind in order to execute your sinister plan. The result has been a piece of sensational thrash to slander the church and smear its image.
              Thus it was sad for the committee to hear that you have embarked on a ruthless campaign of inciting groups, personalities and congregants to rise up in rebellion against the body of Christ. Otherwise how would you explain that you were conspicuously absent and away from your parish during the crucial period of the holy week choosing instead to distribute your ugly memorandum........
              Your memorandum has raised very serious doubts as to your emotional stability, your state of mind, your honesty, integrity and your general temperament and comportment as a pastor of the PCC. Such brazen indiscipline and foolishness as exhibited by your paper is unacceptable and.....(not very lisible)
               Consequently, the synod committee unanimously reviewed and accepted to SUSPEND you for a period of 3 months on half pay with effect from 1st May 1998 to give you an opportunity to reconcile you to yourself and to reflect on whether you really feel called to be a Minister of the lord and sacrament. During this time, you will be expected to vacate your official residence and not perform any official church functions. Nevertheless, you should stay close to a senior pastor, the Rev. Ignatius K Jum for counseling.
                We hope that God in his merciful wisdom will sustain you and direct you on which way to go. I shall personally pray for you, hoping that you yourself will give yourself to prayers.
Thanks in anticipation and peace.
Reverend Nyasa-Ni-Nku

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 4:10 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] Ntemfac Ofege agent of Pastor Nyansa-Ni-Nku now confirmed ****or the attention of that thieving, lie-telling, lunatic ex-pastor of the PCC Bishop terms same sex unions crime against humanity

Ofege Ntemfac

I am pursuing you for the right reasons. You are a corrupt, fake journalist and false prophet. This is what I figured out about you because you 're an agent of some of those PCC thieves and I warned you to no avail. I fear no evil and no principalities. Listen to the FEAR already expressed by the other corrupt Pastor's son Mukoi! There is time for accountability and we will get to the bottom of all these.

Hahahahahaha,Nyansa-ni-Nku seem to be restless and sleeping with his one eye opened! Let them repent and give back all the stolen fortunes of the PCC back to the people before they die because God's Judgment on them will be severe! Thieves and liars! 

They think that they can outdo God! Stealing in the name of God! Who is Nyansa-Ni-Nku to be writing letters to people because  of free speech? Did the memorandum concern him as a person or why would he take matters that concern the community of PCC personal to the point of writing such letters? 

It looks like there is some heat and pressure coming from somewhere forcing these letters to be published. But I have always focused on the truth! What kind of church is that, Rev Andoungatou  was arrested and is in jail in Bafoussam because he is accused for being part of a gang that conspired and killed the Pastor of PC Ntamulung ! Rev Achowa Omenei is being audited by the current Moderator and the pressure  and heat is on ! All the mafia of the CPDM, regime inside the PCC is now out and the judgement day is fast coming and getting them panicking ! 

Ntemfac ofege you 've  been working with Nyansa-ni-Nku against me for a very long time and you just confirmed that to every person who might have been doubting! Now, you know what it means not to fool around with God's anointed. What does the letter say and why is he publishing half-hazard letters ? Where is my response to him? Have you asked him to give you  my rebuttal to his foolish letter as well as the rebuttal of the Christians who querried him and his corrupt Synod? Thieves and embezzlers, bullies and liars who were hiding behind CPDM  to abuse Christians and Pastors. All these is about to change and what goes around comes around! 

When I told some of you that Nyansa-ni-Nku was a bully, dictator and intellectual dishonest liar, some of you thought I was making up !
I had called for the Sovereign conference in the PCC to probe into the abuse of power , corruption and lies of these Church people as well as for everyone to declare their assets. I was thinking that since Nyansa-ni-Nku thinks that he CPDM behind his back  he would just file a complaint against  to the US officials so that I am prosecuted! 

Now, you can see for yourselves the sort of useless letters this corrupt PCC Synod Pastor, a CPDM man who used the PCC for over 30 years to steal and embezzle mission money and money meant for refugees from Namibia to buy a fleet of cars and big big mansions and opened bank accounts overseas for his children wrote to me and Christians. Let him publish all his correspondences with the Christians as well as the letters that the Christians wrote to him !

Nyansa-ni-Nku is not even a Cameroonian legally! By all indication, the US officials will have to probe into the abuses of this fraudulent PCC Pastor who in spite of his foreign nationality intentionally forced himself to become Moderator whereas he knew he was not supposed to seek that office !

I am not surprised because I knew that you are eating and dinning with Nyansa-ni-Nku because the man is very troubled by my presence and existence in this world

Nyansa-ni-Nku has embezzled and stolen millions of dollars from the PCC and is believed to have embezzled and stolen even more than some of the CPDM crooks in government

Nyansa-ni-Nku should be prepared to declared all his assets along with all their corrupt Synod who ganged up against me and innocent Christians and perpetrated our persecution with the help of the CPDM regime Anglophones

Yes, make sure you publish all the letters because I am taking this one to the US officials because it has come from Ntemfac Ofege and Nyansa-ni-Nku! If you think that you and Nyansa-ni-Nku will continue to exploit the CPDM regime  to forment divisions and hatred in the church, then you 're mistaken

Did Nyansa-Ni-Nku allow me to appear before the Synod to defend my writings? No, he did because he had power and today the mighty humpty-dumpty of the church who thought he would never leave power is desperate and publishing some of his ridiculous letters he wrote and he is not even ashamed  to remember that I rejected it as well as the Christians

God has no mercy for unjust hypocrites in the church and the PCC was and will never be a private plantation for thieves .


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Camerpress Ap <>; "" <>; cameroonianjournalists <>; camasej group all members <>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 9:29 AM
Subject: [cameroons_sdf_party] For the attention of that thieving, lie-telling, lunatic ex-pastor of the PCC Bishop terms same sex unions crime against humanity

From my archives....

"Pr. Baby Mukoi" <billymukoi@yahoo. com> wrote:
Mr. Ofege:
I am sure you are not using Rev. Nyansako-ni- ku's
name on camnet to fulfill your camnet fantasies by
claiming that he thinks Awasom Jonathan is mentally
unstable. I will call him tonite to confirm if he is
sure that Awasom Jonathan is mentally unstable.These
are serious accusations coming from the leader of my
church in Cameroon(the PCC) and someone(Rev.
Nyansako-ni- ku) I personally know.
Prof. Billy
--- Ofege Ntemfac <ntemfacofege@ YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> I thought I was have an intellectual discourse with
> an emotionally (and mentally) stable person. Rev.
> Nyansako-ni- ku just confirmed my worst fears. Let me
> leave you to play with the bliss of THE STATE. I
> also pray for you, hoping that you yourself will
> give yourself to prayer.

On 12/31/12, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
> Hey Awasom,
> Why don't you published the DISMISSAL LETTER...which the Moderator of
> PCC wrote to you?
> The one over which you threatened to sue me.
> Publish it very fast before I find it and RE-PUBLISH.
> On 12/31/12, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
>> Jonathan Awasom,
>> I refrained for getting involved in your infantile personal grouse
>> with Kenneth John Begheni Ndeh and secondly, were I to ask you what
>> exactly you are talking about regarding $100 dollars and for tangible
>> proofs you would be at a loss.
>> Listen, this I know. Once upon a distant past, the Presbyterian Church
>> made you a pastor in one of their churches - Bambili, I think.
>> Not some much because you have the calling and the choosing of a
>> pastor but because you were related to the then Moderator.
>> Instead of remaining humble and sitting in that quiet corner reserved
>> for ignoramuses and coattail hangers of your ilk you used this
>> ill-gotten position and the umbrella of your mentor and father to
>> become arrogant and pompous.
>> You could not help yourself, you see - the then Moderator, your family
>> member, covered for you failed to see the mean streak of schizophrenia
>> running all over you.
>> Reason why, as you vomited rubbish on the pulpit of the CCAST
>> congregation, you continue vomiting the same rubbish on free
>> cyberspace.
>> Jonathan, you are not a pstor and you were never one. You are a mere
>> fraud with zero gainful employment squatting on free cyberspace and
>> vomiting rubbish.
>> If your relative of a moderator covered for you, the next Moderator,
>> Nyamsaku-ni-ku saw through your fakeness and falseness.
>> He speedily and rightly called you a schizophrenic and threw you out
>> of the church.
>> You now surface on FREE cybespace to continue your lunacy.
>> Wasted life...truly wasted.
>> A pity.
>> Unfortunately normal human beings would have to stomach the antics of
>> a MAD MONK and a lunatic.
>> Prophet Ntemfac Ofege
>> A no buy am..
>> On 12/30/12, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
>>> You forgot to send him $100 .00 and he is getting confused and lost .
>>> Who is he to join a Priest to condemn people because of their
>>> sexuality?
>>> How does not concern the State to the point where they are arrested and
>>> jailed plus fined to incure expenses for nothing? We will change that
>>> foolish law and enforce the proper laws against thieves and embezzlers,
>>> instead!
>>> Rev Jonathan Awasom
>>> The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
>>> The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for
>>> all
>>> Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved
>>> global village
>>> Blog:
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Pa Fru Ndeh <mailto:PaFruNdeh%40YAHOO.COM>
>>> To: ""
>>> <>;
>>> "" <>
>>> Cc: CAMNETWORK list <>; Camerpress Ap
>>> <>; ""
>>> <>; cameroonianjournalists
>>> <>; SDF
>>> <>; camasej group all members
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 8:42 PM
>>> Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] Bishop terms same sex
>>> unions
>>> crime against humanity
>>> Ntemfac OBOUH Fegue:
>>> Again, again, you are diluting the argument further & even CONFOUNDING
>>> matters .......
>>> Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Jews etc... also belong to the brotherhood.
>>> Why make this condemnation based solely on the Holy Book that you know?
>>> The peculiarity in Cameroon is that there are people who had very long
>>> time
>>> ago, even before they discovered Freemasonry been engaging in homosexual
>>> acts. After joining the brotherhood, because certain degrees involve
>>> these
>>> acts, many issues around this have been thoroughly confusing in the
>>> public
>>> eye. Whatever two adults decide to do is their business. But just as
>>> we
>>> condemn pedophilia for example so too should we make a wholesale
>>> condemnation when young boys are used for "pederasty". Again with
>>> adults,
>>> in the workplace for example there are sexual harassment laws too. So
>>> like
>>> at MTN in Cameroon, adults do not have to be pederatized for promotions
>>> or
>>> jobs, either. That is sexual harassment!!!
>>> Did someone say 10% of the population is born like that? It is a lie.
>>> It
>>> is more like 2%!!
>>> Blessed Be Cameroon
>>> Pa Fru Ndeh
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
>>> To:
>>> Cc: cameroon_politics <>; CAMNETWORK
>>> list
>>> <>; Camerpress Ap <>;
>>> "" <>;
>>> cameroonianjournalists <>; SDF
>>> <>; camasej group all members
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 5:46 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Bishop terms same sex
>>> unions crime against humanity
>>> Hi Gabriel,
>>> I do understand your feelings and I,
>>> personally, I disappoint you - No
>>> You see, some folks crucified the Lord Jesus because they thought he
>>> was de-legitimizing their religion.
>>> Hence your name-calling is nothing.
>>> Quarrel with the word of God if you can and prove me just
>>> one item..only one and I will doff my hat to you.
>>> You talk about changing Cameroun.
>>> As you may know I am a frontline crusader for the actualization of the
>>> statehood of the Southern Cameroons..hence changing Cameroun is none
>>> of my business.
>>> Wethin concern me withi okro soup?
>>> But if you knew what you were talking would have known that
>>> the issue that some treat with such levity (homosexuality+ pederasty
>>> +Free masonry+the character of homosexuals+the disrespect of the 2nd
>>> and 3rd commandment+etc) is at the very heart of the sorry state of
>>> the Camerounese State...and many other states that learn towards an
>>> acceptation of homosexuality.
>>> Since
>>> Sodom Gomorrah and nations+states+entire civilisations - the
>>> Greek+Romans+Egyptians - have been wiped off the face of the earth for
>>> making sodomy-homosexuality the state religion.
>>> You perceive the problem with the Camerounese state as political. It
>>> is not. What with a government full of ministers who this day wear
>>> diapers..and whose charecter is even pre-defined in the Bible. Read
>>> Romans 1..They are..filled with all manner of wickedness, evil,
>>> covetousness, malice. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity,
>>> they are gossips,
>>> 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors
>>> of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless,
>>> ruthless. 32 Though they know God's decree that those who do such
>>> things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who
>>> practice them.
>>> On 12/28/12, GABRIEL ASONGWE <> wrote:
>>>> As a young teenager in Cameroon, I read about and watched some of these
>>>> Mishes on TV etc with total reverence and awe.I had so much juvenile
>>>> admiration & respect for them, I would still worship them and kiss
>>>> their
>>>> feet.Today, I share the same eforums with them and can hardly believe
>>>> just
>>>> how uncouth some truly are.This is sad indeed. Please stop the self
>>>> deprecation. It is boring us out of our wits.You have enough clout to
>>>> stir
>>>> Cameroonians on more substantive issues.G.
>>>>> To:
>>>>> CC:;;
>>>>> From:
>>>>> Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 17:07:56 +0000
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Bishop terms same sex
>>>>> unions crime against
>>> humanity
>>>>> Kenneth John Begheni Ndeh,
>>>>> Mt 15:3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress
>>>>> the commandment of God by your tradition?
>>>>> 2. Mr 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your
>>>>> tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
>>>>> Young man, the Scriptures CANNOT BE BROKEN.
>>>>> On 12/28/12, Pa Fru Ndeh <> wrote:
>>>>> > When Ntemfac Ofege approaches this matter from a strictly religiuous
>>>>> > &
>>>>> > even
>>>>> > Christian standpoint, it basically dilutes the point. Suppose
>>>>> > weapproach
>>>>> > the issue from an angle, more on the CANNONS of AFRICAN TRADITION as
>>>>> > opposed
>>>>> > to the "CANNONS" of
>>> WESTERN TRADITION. It is fine for us Africans to
>>>>> > adopt
>>>>> > and adapt to aspects of Western Culture, that enable our society to
>>>>> > "advance" further. Typical example is even writing in the English
>>>>> > or
>>>>> > French
>>>>> > Language. This has enabled us to even communicate largel with each
>>>>> > other.
>>>>> > When it comes to matters of the heart & emotion, I submit that the
>>>>> > West
>>>>> > needs to LEARN from us! The West is eons of years, backwards when
>>>>> > it
>>>>> > comes
>>>>> > to matters of the heart. When the West adopts and adapts POLYGAMY
>>>>> > in
>>>>> > it's
>>>>> > culture, then we as Africans shall also start thinking about things
>>>>> > that
>>>>> > are
>>>>> > anathema to the cannons of African Culture.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Blessed Be
>>> Cameroon
>>>>> > Pa Fru Ndeh
>>>>> >
>>>>> > From: Herbert Boh <>
>>>>> > To: "" <>
>>>>> > Cc: ""
>>>>> > <>;
>>>>> > ACCDF <>; SDF-Forum
>>>>> > <>;
>>>>> > "" <>; Shesa 23
>>>>> > <>; ""
>>>>> > <>; bali C. P. C <>
>>>>> > Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:51 AM
>>> > Subject: Re: [camasej] Re: [cameroon_politics] Bishop terms same sex
>>>>> > unions
>>>>> > crime against humanity
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Prophet Ofege,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Your brother is the same Christian of the Catholic Church who was
>>>>> > opposed to
>>>>> > Mendo Ze abusing CRTV to promote Catholicism or Mariology.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Whatever it is we believe, we have no right to impose it on other
>>>>> > Cameroonians who believe something else.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Religions, which waged crusades in which they killed millions; which
>>>>> > failed
>>>>> > to denounce slavery and genocide against Jews in Nazi Germany, have
>>>>> > committed tons of crimes against humanity. It is not for a pastor of
>>>>> > the
>>>>> > Catholic Church to proclaim from the pulpit what are crimes against
>>> > humanity. Especially of the pastor has not bothered to clear his name
>>>>> > on
>>>>> > charges of tribalism against Bamilekes in a Catholic University.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Christ, my dear prophet, instructed you to judge not, to cast the
>>>>> > stone
>>>>> > only
>>>>> > if you are without sin, and to love your neighbor as yourself. All
>>>>> > your
>>>>> > neighbors, including the straight and not so straight, including the
>>>>> > thief
>>>>> > and the sinner. He asked us to be not like the hypocrites.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > That's the only influence I'm under and I'm damn proud I am.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Boh Herbert
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Dec 27, 2012, at 6:50 AM, Ofege Ntemfac
>>>>> > <>
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> Herein I fail to recognise my friend and brother, Boh Herbert.
>>>>> >> And there can be only one justification - Mr Boh is caught in the
>>>>> >> self-destructive influence of Western decadence and civilization.
>>>>> >> See why.
>>>>> >> The Lord God is our creator and our maker.
>>>>> >> He says: Leviticus 18:22. 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as
>>>>> >> with
>>>>> >> womankind: it is abomination.
>>>>> >> Without pausing to ask himself..why God, who knows WHY...puts this
>>>>> >> injunction..Boh Herbert takes off at a tangent.
>>>>> >> No. This is no longer my brother.
>>>>> >> Or, my brother is under the influence of...
>>>>> >> If the Lord God wanted the anus to be for more than the shit
>>> he would
>>>>> >> have said so.
>>>>> >> But every pederast has more than the abomination of pederasty ties
>>>>> >> to
>>>>> >> the character.
>>>>> >> Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him
>>>>> >> not
>>>>> >> as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their
>>>>> >> imaginations,
>>>>> >> and their foolish heart was darkened.
>>>>> >> 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
>>>>> >> 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image
>>>>> >> made
>>>>> >> like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and
>>>>> >> creeping things.
>>>>> >> 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts
>>>>> >> of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between
>>>>> >> themselves:
>>>>> >> 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and
>>> served
>>>>> >> the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
>>>>> >> 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even
>>>>> >> their women did change the natural use into that which is against
>>>>> >> nature:
>>>>> >> 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
>>>>> >> burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that
>>>>> >> which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of
>>>>> >> their error which was meet.
>>>>> >> 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
>>>>> >> God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which
>>>>> >> are
>>>>> >> not convenient;
>>>>> >> 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
>>>>> >> covetousness, maliciousness;
>>> full of envy, murder, debate, deceit,
>>>>> >> malignity; whisperers,
>>>>> >> 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters,
>>>>> >> inventors
>>>>> >> of evil things, disobedient to parents,
>>>>> >> 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural
>>>>> >> affection, implacable, unmerciful:
>>>>> >> 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such
>>>>> >> things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure
>>>>> >> in
>>>>> >> them that do them.
>>>>> >> (KJV)
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> EVERY PEDERAST IS...filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
>>>>> >> wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder,
>>>>> >> debate,
>>>>> >> deceit, malignity; whisperers,
>>>>> >> 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters,
>>>>> >> inventors
>>> >> of evil things, disobedient to parents,
>>>>> >> 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural
>>>>> >> affection, implacable, unmerciful:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> n 12/26/12, Herbert Boh <> wrote:
>>>>> >>> It is asking for and expecting too much, but Cameroon should be
>>>>> >>> ashamed
>>>>> >>> of
>>>>> >>> this madness. So much hatred seems to have overtaken so-called
>>>>> >>> religious
>>>>> >>> leaders and courts.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> (1) A man who sends a text message to another man professing love
>>>>> >>> now
>>> >>> knows
>>>>> >>> they should expect to go to jail for three years or more.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> (2) The Archbishop of the Catholic Church, which has its own
>>>>> >>> sexual
>>>>> >>> skeletons in the cupboards not the lest of which is homosexuality,
>>>>> >>> now
>>>>> >>> calls
>>>>> >>> same-sex marriages a crime against humanity.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> (3) I wonder what they would do with men who opt for the procedure
>>>>> >>> to
>>>>> >>> become
>>>>> >>> women or women who elect to take on the body of a man.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> How caught in the last century can we be? Why does the Church that
>>>>> >>> should
>>>>> >>> preach forgiveness; that should be the last to cast a stone and
>>>>> >>> the
>>>>> >>> last
>>> >>> to
>>>>> >>> judge be helping ramp up such hatred? Did the Church not learn
>>>>> >>> anything
>>>>> >>> about arguing against science when it first said the world is
>>>>> >>> round?
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> As for the Injustice System in Cameroon, it is sad to see how
>>>>> >>> tough
>>>>> >>> they
>>>>> >>> can
>>>>> >>> punish the weak and poor, instead of identifying and bringing to
>>>>> >>> justice
>>>>> >>> those who are truly perpetrating crimes against humanity in
>>>>> >>> Cameroon.
>>>>> >>> Those
>>>>> >>> who lead in perpetrating these crimes and who pay youngsters to
>>>>> >>> have
>>>>> >>> homosexual relations with them receive Holy Communion from the
>>>>> >>> hands
>>>>> >>> of
>>>>> >>> the
>>>>> >>> Pope, the First Pastor of the
>>> Flock.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> New Year 2013 is a few days away and every Cameroonian
>>>>> >>> irrespective
>>>>> >>> of
>>>>> >>> sexual orientation deserves to have a Happy New Year; to enjoy
>>>>> >>> peace;
>>>>> >>> to
>>>>> >>> know love; to be physically secure; and to dream of knowing
>>>>> >>> prosperity
>>>>> >>> no
>>>>> >>> matter how badly they get robbed of it by the regime in power.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Boh Herbert
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> On Dec 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Pa Fru Ndeh <mailto:PaFruNdeh%40YAHOO.COM>
>>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Cameroon bishop terms same sex unions crime against humanityBy
>>>>> >>>> YUH
>>>>> >>>> TIMCHIA
>>>>> >>>> in Yaoundé | Wednesday, December 26 2012 at 12:39
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> 3 1 3
>>>>> >>>> Font size: A+ | Reset | A-
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Catholic Archbishop of Yaoundé Victor Tonyé Bakot. YUH TIMCHIA |
>>>>> >>>> NATION
>>>>> >>>> MEDIA GROUP
>>>>> >>>> A senior Roman Catholic clergy in
>>> Cameroon has castigated same sex
>>>>> >>>> relationships as "a crime against humanity".
>>>>> >>>> "Marriage between persons of the same sex is a serious crime
>>>>> >>>> against
>>>>> >>>> humanity," said Victor Tonyé Bakot, who is the Archbishop of
>>>>> >>>> Cameroon's
>>>>> >>>> capital Yaoundé during Mass on Christmas Day.
>>>>> >>>> "We must stand up and fight it with all our might."
>>>>> >>>> Consensual same-gender sex and relationships are criminal
>>>>> >>>> offences
>>>>> >>>> in
>>>>> >>>> the
>>>>> >>>> Central African nation, punishable by a jail sentence from six
>>>>> >>>> months
>>>>> >>>> to
>>>>> >>>> five years and a fine ranging from $38 to $374.
>>>>> >>>> Last year, 14 people were
>>> prosecuted for homosexuality and at least
>>>>> >>>> 12
>>>>> >>>> have been convicted this year, according to the ministry of
>>>>> >>>> Justice.
>>>>> >>>> Local and international gay rights defenders have been calling
>>>>> >>>> for
>>>>> >>>> the
>>>>> >>>> laws that forbid homosexuality, widely regarded in the country as
>>>>> >>>> an
>>>>> >>>> unwelcome cultural intrusion from the West, repealed.
>>>>> >>>> The archbishop's declaration comes after an appeals court in the
>>>>> >>>> capital
>>>>> >>>> upheld a three-year sentence early this month against 32-year-old
>>>>> >>>> Jean-Claude Roger Mbédé.
>>>>> >>>> He was found guilty of homosexual conduct after he sent a text
>>>>> >>>> message
>>>>> >>>> to
>>>>> >>>> another man
>>> telling him he loved him.
>>>>> >>>> Leading local campaigner against same sex relationships Sismondi
>>>>> >>>> Barlev
>>>>> >>>> Bidjoka, has backed the prelate's condemnation of homosexuality.
>>>>> >>>> "Cameroonian youths should support the archbishop in this fight
>>>>> >>>> because
>>>>> >>>> it
>>>>> >>>> will determine the survival of the human race," Mr Sismondi said
>>>>> >>>> in
>>>>> >>>> a
>>>>> >>>> post
>>>>> >>>> on his blog.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> --
>>>>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>>>>> a thing makes it happen.
>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>>> --
>>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>>> a thing makes it happen.
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> (Yahoo! ID required)
>> --
>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>> a thing makes it happen.
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
> a thing makes it happen.


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.


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