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Saturday, December 1, 2012


Would Dr Larry Ayamba formerly in Belgium presently working with the European Parliament in Brussels  urgently get into contact with the father on  Mobile  7757 26 77  for an urgent family discussion?  Anybody who knows him should kindly draws his attention on this very important communique.

--- On Sun, 11/25/12, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Subject: Re: In a New Book POPE Throws another Controvertial Bombshell
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012, 3:36 AM

Lucas Fon,
Hos do you go from one of the many false teachings that the Roman
Catholic Church has made for centuries into your sweeping "Pope says
portions of the New and Old Testaments are pure fiction?"
This is pure satanism and witchcraft which only YOU can practice.
Whereas, most Christians know that Yeshua the Christ was born on
August 19, 7BC ie seven full years before our Calendar says he was
He did not die of the so-called Good Friday either - neither did he
resurrect on the so-called Easter Sunday.
Reason being... Mt 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights
in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three
nights in the heart of the earth.
Lucas Fon, you can COUNT, can't you? Friday 3pm to Sunday morning is
not 3 days and 3 nights!
Strange that THE POPE is not saying anything about this MOTHER OF ALL
By the way, the word POPE is not found in the Bible. Neither does the
Bible mention a religious-rite-ritual called THE MASS.

Prophet Ntemfac Ofege.

On 11/24/12, Mishe Fon <> wrote:
> "Pope says portions of the New and Old Testaments  are pure fiction".
> Pope Benedict Disputes Jesus' Date of Birth
> By Sorcha PollakNov. 22, 20120
> REUTERS / Osservatore Romano
> Pope Benedict XVI holds a copy of his book "Jesus' Childhood" as he meets
> RCS publisher Paolo Mieli and Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the
> Pontifical Council for Culture, in the Vaticanon Nov. 20, 2012
> Related
> Pope Benedict XVIhas revealed in the third installment of his trilogy,
> dedicated to the life of Christ, that Jesus may have been born earlier than
> previously thought.The calendar we use today, which commences with the birth
> of Christ and was created by a Dionysius Exiguus, a 6th century monk, may be
> mistaken. According to the Telegraph, the Pope explains in his book
> thatExiguus, who is considered the inventor of the Christian calendar, "made
> a mistake in his calculations by several years. The actual date of Jesus'
> birth was several years before."The suggestion that Jesus wasn't actually
> born on Dec. 25 has been tirelessly debated by theologians, historians and
> spiritual leaders, but what makes this case different is that now the leader
> of the Catholic Church is the one asking the questions.
> Pope Benedict's book, Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives, was
> published on Tuesday. Like the previous two installments, it's predicted to
> be a best seller, and a million copies of the book have already been
> printed. It is expected that the book will be translated into another 20
> languages for publication in 72 countries. The Infancy Narratives follows
> the life of Jesus from conception to his presentation in the temple at the
> age of 12. The Pope describes this third book as a "small antechamber" to
> the trilogy on Jesus of Nazareth, reports the Vatican Press Office.
> MORE: Holy Hashtags! The Pope Will Soon Join the Tweeting Masses)
> Pope Benedict makes some controversial statements in the book. He writes of
> how the Gospel of Matthew claims that Jesus was born whenHerod the Great
> ruled in Judea. However, given that Herod died in 4 B.C., Jesus must have
> been born earlier than Exiguus originally documented. Arguments surrounding
> Jesus' exact date of birth have confounded scholars for centuries.Even the
> Gospel of Luke contends that the birth took place when Quirinius was
> governor of Syriain A.D. 6.
> The author takes the opportunity not only to dispute the date of Jesus'
> birth, but also to reaffirm the doctrine of the virgin birth as an
> "unequivocal" truth of faith. Reuters writes that Pope Benedict reminds his
> readers that sexual intercourse did not play a part in the conception of
> Jesus. He states that a belief in the virgin birth of Christ is a
> "cornerstone of faith" and a sign of "God's creative power." "If God does
> not also have power over matter, then he simplyis not God,"the Pope argues.
> "But he does have this power, and through the conception and resurrection of
> Jesus Christ he has ushered in a new creation."
> Pope Benedict also examines the "question of interpreted history," referring
> in particular to the attempts of the Gospels, like those of Matthew and
> Luke, to make sense of events after they had occurred, notes Reuters. "The
> aim of the evangelists was not to produce an exhaustive account,"the Pope
> explains, "but a record of what seemed important for the nascent faith
> community in the light of the word. The infancy narratives are interpreted
> history, condensed and written down in accordance with the interpretation."
> (MORE: Why Popes Never Have to Say Sorry)
> There have been countless interpretations of the birth, life and death of
> Christ throughout history. One such interpreter is Bill Darlison, former
> UnitarianChurchminister and current vice president of the General Assembly
> of Unitarian and FreeChristianChurchesin the United Kingdom. Like others
> before him, he asks whether Christ was actually born on Dec. 25 or whether
> perhaps he was born "on one of about 150 other dates which have been
> proposed down through the centuries. Was Jesus born in Nazarethor in
> Bethlehemand, if Bethlehem, was it Bethlehemin Judeaor Bethlehemin
> Galilee?"He also argues that the spiritual birth "is always a virgin birth,
> because it is not related in any sense (except symbolically) to physical
> birth." In 2004, TIME asked the same question, with David Van Biema
> wondering if "one might be tempted to abandon the whole Nativity bible story
> as `unhistoric,' mere theological backing and filling."
> The historical revisionism continues with the Pope raising the issue of the
> presence of animals at the birth of Christ. He reveals in Jesus of
> Nazareth that "there is no mention of animals in the Gospels." This may come
> as a shock to the thousands of schools currently preparing their Nativity
> plays. But Pope Benedict reassures his readers not to worry — that "no one
> will give up the oxen and the donkey in their Nativity scenes," notes
> theTelegraph. Even if animals did not feature at the birth, the Vaticanseems
> happy to keep up the myth as it presents an elaborate life-size Nativity
> scene in St. Peter's Square this Christmas.
> Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narrativesis available in English and
> published by Image Books. It follows the first two books, which dealt with
> Christ's adult life and death.
> This article has been amended. The original version referred to the
> conception of Jesus as "the Immaculate Conception." The term refers to the
> life of Mary, mother of Jesus.
> Read more:


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.

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