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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Re: [ACEsthetics] Crib appliance?

“about that thing they will be putting in..”
Why isn’t she asking “them”??
Assume “they’re” trying to “treat” a fwrd tongue thrust??
I think they’re missing something...

On 1/31/13 5:59 PM, "DReinerdds" <> wrote:

My patient sent this email about her daughter.....I've never used them & have only seen a few....and although I think they look barbaric, I wanted to know ACErs experience.
She wrote:

" I have a couple more questions for you about that thing they will be putting in Rachel's mouth in 2 weeks.

1. How long does it remain in? i know they said they will cement it in and it's long term. How long is long term? 2. Will it affect her speech? If so, I'm not sure that's going to be so great for her. She's our more quiet one anyway."

Any insight would be greatly appreciated,! Thx z Debbie

Debbie Reiner, DDS

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