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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Re: [AfricansPolitics] Re:Motion.../ Biya should name ANGLOPHONE Vice-President for Sake of UNITY-> Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation Letter from the CPDM: More about the KNDP and its founders

Who is this bastard call Celestin Bedzigui is he not interested of becoming a vice president or what a hell is the fool saying here?
By the way Mr moderator is Bedzigui a Southern Cameroonian if he is not then i propose that he should be blocked from puriing his nonsencial stuff here.
Thanks Sama Thomas Atsoah

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Celestin Bedzigui <> wrote:
I second this motion... But who??? John B. Ndeh? John Fru Ndi? Atanga Nji...? Or Ofege Ntemfack??? Laughing!!!Those seem to be the ''political material '' available... It doesn' t  obviously seem to be enough....
Fellow Anglophones should work to build up more national political figures rather than drawning their energy in a illusional "Ambazonia''.
C. B.

From: Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; Cameroon Creative group <>; Ambazonia Group <>; Shesa 23 <>; AMACAM <>; bali C. P. C <>; CAMNETWORK <>; ACCDF <>; Mwananchi Mwananchi <>; Africa Politics <>; Nigerian Politics <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 11:22 AM
Subject: [AfricansPolitics] Re: Biya should name ANGLOPHONE Vice-President for Sake of UNITY-> Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation Letter from the CPDM: More about the KNDP and its founders
The PAAWCE Presidential quest is very multi-lateral in nature.
The Southern Cameroons question or equation is part and parcel of this mult-lateral conquest.
Blessed Be CameroonPa Fru Ndeh
From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; Cameroon Creative group <>; SDF-Forum <>; Ambazonia Group <>; Shesa 23 <>; AMACAM <>; bali C. P. C <>; CAMNETWORK <>; ACCDF <>; Mwananchi Mwananchi <>; Africa Politics <>; Nigerian Politics <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 11:02 AM
Subject: [SDF-FORUM] Re: [Shesadc] Biya should name ANGLOPHONE Vice-President for Sake of UNITY-> Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation Letter from the CPDM: More about the KNDP and its founders
You have now gone from Vice President?They told you that the Southern Cameroons Question is a matter of vicepresidency?On 12/23/12, Pa Fru Ndeh <> wrote:> Fw: Biya should name ANGLOPHONE Vice-President for Sake of UNITY>>> Blessed Be Cameroon> Pa Fru Ndeh>> ----- Forwarded Message -----> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>> To:> Cc: Camnet Camnetwork <>> Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 10:54 AM> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation Letter from> the CPDM: More about the KNDP and its founders>> Dr. J.N. Foncha's Resignation Letter:>> Yaounde, 9th June 1990> Your Excellency,> RESIGNATION FROM THE CPDM> I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that after careful> considera-tion and careful thought, I have decided to address to you> my resigna-tion from the Cameroon's People's Democratic Movement> (CPDM) and my reasons for resigning are as follows:>> The CPDM which elected me as its first National Vice President is the> party which forms the GOC and has been responsible for shaping> government policies.>> As the National Vice President of the party, I have found it> impossible to use my exalted position to help in any way shape or> influence the policies of the party and nation because:>> 1) Demands by me for audience with the Chairman (President) of the> party to discuss issues have been systematically turned down.>> 2) Several memos and representations I have made in writing on several> important national issues have been ignored.>> During my political career which spans over forty years, I headed the> group that campaigned for and got the peoples of the then  the> Southern Cameroons to vote for unification, after which I went from> village to village in the then East Cameroun at the risk of my life to> calm terrorism which existed at the time. I even housed some> Cameroonians wanted in East Cameroon. I successfully had them> reconcile with the Ahidjo government. I missed being shot down on my> way from Bafang on peace making mission.>> After unification, a lot of Cameroonians had confidence in me and when> the first Presidential elections were coming up, many people urged me> to stand against President Ahidjo. I decided to go for the Vice> Presiden-cy instead in order to avoid unnecessary conflict and further> bloodshed.>> When President Ahidjo decided to get rid of me as the Vice President,> a lot of Cameroonians sympathized with me and urged me to make an> issue out of it, but for the love of peace, I came back quietly to> live in my village as a private citizen.>> After settling in my village, I was occasionally consulted on some> national issues and I accepted to serve the people of Cameroun in> whatever capacity it pleased the powers that be to put me. When the> leadership of Cameroun changed hands and Your Excellency became the> President of the Republic and eventually head of the CNU, I assured> Your Excellency that I was at your disposal and ready from my> experience to give you advice you may need on national issues.> 1)    Unfortunately this was not to be as it became clear to me that I> had become an irrelevant nuisance that had to be ignored and> ridiculed.> - I was to be used now only as window dressing and not listened to. I> am most of the time summoned to meetings by radio with-out any> courtesy of my consultation on the agenda.> 2)    All projects of the former West Cameroon I had either initiated or> held very dear to my heart had to be taken over, mismanaged and> ruined, e.g. Cameroon Bank, West Cameroon Marketing Board, WADA in> Wum, West Cameroon Cooperative Movement.> 3)    Whereas I spent all my life fighting to have a deep sea port in> Limbe(Victoria) developed, this project had to be shelved and in-stead> an expensive pipeline is to be built from SONARA in Limbe to Douala in> order to pipe the oil to Douala.> 4)    All the roads in West Cameroon my government had either built,> improved or maintained were allowed to deteriorate making Kumba-Mamfe,> Mamfe-Bamenda, Bamenda-Wum-Nkambe, Bamenda-Mom inaccessible by road.> Projects were shelved even after petrol produced enough money for> building them and the Limbe sea port.> 5)    All progress of employment, appointments, etc. meant to pro-mote> adequate regional representation in government and its services have> been revised or changed at the expense of those who stood for TRUTH> and justice. They are identified as "Fon-cha-man" and put aside.> 6)    The anglophone Cameroonian whom I brought into the Union have been> ridiculed and referred to as "les Biafrians", les ene-mies dans la> maison", "les traites', etc., and the constitutional provisions which> protected this anglophone minority have been suppressed, their voices> drowned while the rule of the gun has replaced the dialogue which> anglophones cherish very much.> 7)    The national media has been used by the government through people> who never voted for unification to misinform the citizens about> Bamenda, deliberate lies have been told over the mass media all in an> attempt to isolate the anglophone Cameroonians who voted for> unification and subject them to hatred and more discrimination and> harassment from other Cameroonians.> 8)    Embezzlement of Public funds in all forms and illegal exportation> of our currency by the privileged class seems to go without rep-rimand> but is rather condoned.> 9)    The constitution which I have held and preached as the supreme law> of the land is in many respects being ignored or manipulat-ed... Let> the CPDM not move towards the direction where it will find itself> collapsing faster than many of the "strong" govern-ments that have> collapsed in recent memory. My resignation is effective from today the> 9th June 1990.> Thank You.> I have the Honor to be>> Yours Respectfully,>> Dr. J.N. Foncha>>>> On 12/22/12, SAF <> wrote:>> FEN and Dr. Atang,>> Since you guys are doubting what I wrote>> about the KNDP I have a source for you. Unfortunately, it does not>> provide>> all>> the information, but if you  take the>> time to connect the dots you will see that the KNDP was a UPC creation>> and>> Foncha was only the titular leader.  In order to piece the information,>> you>> will have to read from other>> sources and connect the dots.>>        Before I provide the>> evidence to you, I will like to draw some parallels with the formation of>> the>> SDF. You all know that Ni John Fru Ndi did not found the SDF. The SDF was>> actually created by a few lawyers in secrecy in Yaounde, with Ben Muna a>> major>> player. Ben told us when he visited the US some 20 years ago that after>> creating it they met and asked Ni John Fru Ndi if he was willing to bell>> the>> cat or act as the party's place holder? Ni John Fru Ndi accepted and when>> the>> political storm was over, he rose from the political ashes as a sphinx>> and>> refused to hand over the party to the persons who created it.  That>> explains>> why the real founders of the>> SDF and the place holder have been at odds for years.  Today most people>> think that Ni John Fru Ndi>> founded the SDF Party - he didn't.>>        This is exactly what>> happened in Southern Cameroons. All the "K" parties with the>> exception of the Kamerun United Party (KUP) were created by UPC>> nationalist>> who>> were operating freely in Southern Cameroon until they were banned. The>> parties>> were then led by native Southern Cameroonians as fronts of the UPC>> "re-unificationist.">> The goal of all the "K" parties was to re-unify the Southern>> Cameroons with the French Cameroun.>>        Here is a link I>> want you to read. It is actually a book and cost about $95. If you don't>> want>> to buy the book I would like you to scroll down to page 210. Start>> reading>> from>> there. You will see how the UPC helped to create the KNC.>>>>>>>>>> I will summarize it for you here:>>>>        First, Mr. P.M. Kale while in Nigeria cofounded>> the Cameroon Youth League, the Bakweri Union and the Bamenda Improvement>> Association and later founded the Cameroon National Federation (CNF).  He>> returns to Southern Cameroon in 1953 and with>> Mbile "founded" the Kameroons People Party (KPP).  Actually the brain>> behind this is Mr. Z.N.>> Efamba (not mentioned in the book) but in Mbile's book.  In 1959, P.M.>> Kale>> leave the KPP and founds>> the Kamerun United Party (KUP) which advocated the independence of>> British>> Southern Cameroon as an independent entity.  The KUP is not affiliated>> with>> unificationist or UPC.>>        The second party was>> the KNC.  In 1949, several Southern>> Cameroons groups met in Kumba and formed the Cameroons National>> Federation>> (CNF).  The primary goal of CNF was>> reunification of Southern Cameroons with French Cameroun.  The founders>> of>> CNF then contacted the UPC>> which then led to the founding of Kamerun United National Congress>> (KUNC).>> The KUNC then merged with the CNF in 1952 to>> form the Kamerun National Congres (KNC); the party led by Dr. E.M.>> Endely.>> Not mentioned in this document is the>> founding role of Mr. R.K. Debongue.  This>> is mentioned on page 50 of Mr. Mbile's book.  This first phase thus>> established the nationalist party in the Southern>> Cameroons.>>        The second phase of>> the party was to disengage the party from National Convention of Nigeria>> and>> Cameroons  (NCNC).  Let me digress here for a moment.  To make it brief,>> there was a crisis in the>> Eastern House of Assembly in Enugu.  The>> Cameroon block which was in partnership with the NCNC was caught in the>> crisis.  Some members of the Eastern>> House of Assembly broke away from the NCNC but the 13 members of the>> Southern>> Cameroons delegation or block of the NCNC allied with the main faction.>> The>> matter shifted to Lagos and Dr. Endely was advised by the Governor of the>> Executive Council of the Federal House of Assembly to reconsider his>> positions>> with regard to the NCNC.  Dr. Endely then>> made an about face which stunned some members of the Cameroons>> delegation.>> He told the members of the delegation that it>> was in Southern Cameroons interest to no longer associate itself with the>> NCNC.  This angered some members of the>> delegation, particularly Mr. Mbile and not long after that Mr. Efamba>> founded>> the Kamerun People's Party.  The KPP>> would later merge with the KNC to form the Cameroon People National>> Convention>> (CPNC) and no longer pursing unification with French Cameroon.>>        In 1955 the KNDP was formedunder the leadership of John>> Ngu Foncha.Note that the document on page 216 says Foncha was the leader>> of>> the party and>> not necessarily the founder of the party.  The founders as I have said>> before were UPC unionist in Fiango>> Kumba.  The document then further goes on>> to sate as follows:  "The KNDP was virtually the governing party of West>> Cameroon from>> 1959 to 1966.  It is widely assumed the>> party was formed to serve as the platform for the pursuit of Cameroon>> reunification after the KNC failed to reach a consensus on the>> reunification>> issue. The KNDP's enthusiasm for reunification led to its short-lived>> collaboration with the outlawed Union de Population du Cameroun (UPC)>> party>> of>> French Cameroun...">>>> From the above quote it is obvious that the KNDP was never created>> to serve the interest of Southern Cameroonians but to unify the Southern>> Cameroons with the French Cameroons.  This>> should help you connect the dots as to why Foncha behaved the way he did>> in>> handing Southern Cameroons to the French Cameroons.  He wasn't stupid; he>> knew what he was doing.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________________________________>>>>>> Make a tax deductible donation or buy our book to support our language>> development efforts>> _______________________________________________________________________>>> -->>>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in> a thing makes it happen.>>> ------------------------------------>>>>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief ina thing makes it happen.------------------------------------Power to the PeoplePouvoir au PeupleLiens Yahoo! 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