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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

zimleague:33012 Digest for - 10 Messages in 10 Topics


    cutmore makumbirofa <> Jan 01 03:12AM -0800  

    We are offering parking space to citizens abroad and local.
    If you are not using your car for a long period or staying outside Zimbabwe we can keep your vehicle secured until you are back home or when you need it.
    We are located in Greencroft Surburb,our yard is fully monitored by security guards 24/7.
    We can arrange for outside cleaning for the period its parked.
    Call us to arrange parking.


    cutmore makumbirofa <> Jan 01 02:58AM -0800  

    Honda CRV,RD5,2002,pearl in colour,clean,$10500.00
    Mercedes Benz Viano,2007,12100km,almost new,dvd,full leather,$40000.00
    Nissan X-Trail,2005,recent import UK,MANUAL,very neat,$17000.00
    Land-Rover Freelander,2002,convertible,recent import UK,very neat,$12000.00
    Audi TT, Quattro,1999,silver,recent import UK,VERY NEAT AND LOVELY,$15000.00
    Lexus IS 200,1999,blue,manual,$7500.00
    Leyland DAF,2005,4 CAR CARRIER,with winch,recent import UK,very neat and excellent condition service history available,also good for Towing


    cutmore makumbirofa <> Jan 01 02:52AM -0800  

    We are looking for a number of used & new sedans,station wagons,coupes,pick-ups,minibuses,lorries 1 ton to 10 tonnes,horses and rigid trucks all sizes in the price range of  $1000.00 to $180000.00.On our database we have clients interested in these stocks.You can visit our  car sales off  Lomangundi road  just after Greencroft Shopping centre.
    Call us on:


    cutmore makumbirofa <> Jan 01 02:41AM -0800  

    We have ( 3 ) 10 tonnes trucks to hire out,all boxed recent imports in excellent condition/s can go anywhere throughout Zimbabwe.
    (2) of the trucks are refrigerated but can be switched off if not needed.
    If you want to move property,groceries,farming implements and other NOT  BRICKS & CEMENT
    Our rates our very favourable,we can take long and short term contracts.
    Please call us:


    David Matsatsa <> Jan 01 12:00PM +0200  

    Wanted ice maker frigerator technician plz cal 0712 737 182


    "Lists" <> Dec 31 06:21PM +0200  

    ory&id=14&Itemid=39> | Strategy Services
    <> | Innov8Online
    Bookshop <file:///F:\Newsletters\>
    Issue 372: 31 December 2012:
    It's Your New Year!!!!
    UNLEASHING GREATNESS is a weekly electronic publication of Innov8- The
    Motivation Company -
    Quote of the Week
    " Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate
    and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their
    target with their eyes closed."
    Paulo Coelho
    Verse of the Week
    "Do not be conformed to this world (this age) but be transformed by the
    renewal of your mind (by its new ideals and its new attitude) so that you
    may prove what is the good and acceptable will of God, the thing which is
    good and acceptable and perfect (in His sight for you).
    Romans 12:2

    Where to find us
    Innov8 Motivation
    The Boston Place,
    13 Boston Avenue
    Eastlea, Harare
    Tel: 496737, 0772 471 368 <;>
    Where to find the bookshops
    Innov8 Ascot Bulawayo
    Shop 17
    Ascot shopping centre
    09 257000
    0773 374 535
    Innov8 Bulawayo Bookshop
    107 J. Moyo Street
    Tel: 09 882 607
    Innov8 Bookshop
    23 George Silundika Ave
    Tel: 764401 <;>
    Innov8 Bookshop
    Thaine Building, 99 Robert
    Mugabe Road.
    0775 001 838
    Scholastic Centre
    Advanx House Branch
    Along George Silundika Ave,
    Btwn Angwa St. and First St.
    Tel: 0773 369851
    Innov8 Bookshop
    Rezende, The Spiritual Centre
    Upper Room Church, Rezende Street, Tel: (04) 773581
    Arundel Bookshop
    Shop 12, Arundel Village, Quorn Ave, Mt Pleasant
    Tel; 369696, Email:
    Avondale Bookshop
    Shop 9, Shamrock House, King George Road, Avondale, Harare
    Tel: (04) 335 478
    Innov8 Bookshop
    Shop 106, First Floor,
    Joina City Mall
    Tel: (04) 777661
    Innov8 Online Bookshop

    Testimony Corner
    Thank you so much for your inspiring words. I had lost all hope and thought
    my future was bleak. I was always tired and angry because I thought my life
    was over and nothing couldn't be done ,but you through your issues told me
    otherwise. You gave me hope and I have started believing in myself again. I
    now know that without hope there is no life and that the last thing anyone
    should lose is hope. I thank God for your issues.
    Thank you very much for your quotations and wise words, I find them of
    value especially in my experience in the MLM industry. Thank you. I wish to
    receive more.



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    It's Your New Year !!!


    It's a brand new year, it's a new season, your season of greatness. Welcome!
    Every new year is an opportunity to begin again, more intelligently. The
    earth circles the sun in the span of a year. Each step in the solar turn of
    the earth gives rise to a pattern of days, weeks, months and seasons. Each
    new year, is another opportunity to run another course, take another
    challenge and commit to the journey of life. The vicissitudes of life
    themselves give rise to the seasons of our life experiences. As the earth
    turns around the sun, it is almost a routine process for the uninformed. It
    is also easy for life to become an empty routine grinding merry-go-round,
    especially for those who do not choose otherwise. Choose to break the circle
    of routine, boredom and listlessness by setting some empowering, challenging
    and exciting goals. Boredom is a symptom of weak, impotent goals. A
    goal-less life is a wasted existence. An unfocused life will likely result
    in empty abusive passions and misdirected activity. Activity without purpose
    rarely yields measurable exploits. So what are you going to be doing in the
    new year? If you set your mind on nothing you are positioning yourself for

    Set fresh goals
    Your life will continue on its current trajectory until you set some new
    goals. Make your goals big, inspiring, exciting and bold. Look at the goals
    that you had ten years ago. Knowing what you now know, would you not have
    stretched those goals and made them bigger? At least ten years ago would
    have been the best time to have set some specific, empowering goals that you
    pursued with all you were and had. The next best time is now, today, this
    hour. You cannot afford to lose another decade. So do it now! Set and
    commitment to action. Spare no moment in hesitation, set great goals.
    Without goals you will just stumble into the new year, hoping for uncertain
    miracles. Hope is not a sustainable strategy. Gambling with your life is a
    sorry and sad joke.
    L-plate your life
    When learning how to drive you need to have an experienced driver by your
    side and you must display an "L" plate at the front and back of your
    vehicle. The plate helps other drivers become patient with you. I believe
    that this same attitude should apply to everyone and everything about your
    life. Life is a continual process of learning and growth. What is your
    learning agenda this year? what do you want to learn? Instead of going
    around behaving like an authority in everything better don an L-plate. Be a
    life student, learn all the time, in every place and from anyone. Let your
    house be a temple of learning not just frivolous unmetered television. The
    exalted position in life is that of an eternal scholar. Determine to make
    the new year your season of aggressive learning. Be so hungry to learn that
    you do not go to bed with the same ignorance level that you woke up with.
    The desired things.
    The Latin word desiderata means desired things. In 1927 author, Max Erhmann
    (1872-1945) wrote the now popular Desiderata poem. In his life time he never
    got credit for it. After his death the poem gained momentum including
    mistaken attribution to the 17th Century. The poem's message continues to be
    relevant to this day, your day of new beginnings. As you step into this new
    year, may you take to heart the message of the Desiderata here: "Go placidly
    amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull
    and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive
    persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with
    others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and
    lesser persons than yourself.
    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession
    in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs;
    for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue
    there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full
    of heroism.
    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in
    the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of
    youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do
    not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue
    and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You
    are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have
    a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the
    universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever
    you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the
    noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its shams,
    drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy."
    Stop hesitating, step forth
    Charge forward with the resolve of a charging hungry lion. Run forward with
    the sprint of a hunted gazelle. You have 365 days to fill with purpose, love
    and achievement. If this new year ends empty, it has nothing to do with the
    calendar, but you. Step forth to greatness, small steps taken consistently
    lead to great things. Greatness is abundant, it is an open inviting field
    looking out for those who hunger for it.
    See you in the greatness arena in 2013.
    Committed to your greatness.
    Milton Kamwendo





    great arrivals !!!!
    It's Cross-Over Time and you need to crush the demonic forces, now available
    these two great books by Daniel Olukoya......Scriptural prayers that will
    help you during your prayers !!
    Online bookshop

    The first ever Zimbabwean bookstore to go online. We are offering exciting
    titles, bargains and a fast delivery system. Shop for books, stationery etc
    from the comfort of your home or anywhere in the world. All you need is a
    VISA or MASTER card and we also accept bank transfers. Just Go ahead click
    and buy, we deliver for FREE!!!
    social networking
    Add us as a friend on facebook and get to meet and network with potential
    clients, mentors and friends:
    Innovate Motivation <>
    Or follow us on twitter for instant news and updates on the events we're
    Or Join Zimbabwe's most exciting social networking site at <> , for people
    with passion for great goals.
    TOP 5 BOOKS In the Bookshop:
    Good Gold
    The material in this book is pure, unadulterated gold !!!!
    Whether you are a student, a businessman, an entrepreneur, or a teacher, you
    will glean much information from shared material in this volume. By using
    the shared secrets uncovered during his lifetime of research and practice,
    Dr Hill guides you step by step in becoming the person you were meant to be.
    When a plan comes through to your conscious mind while you are open to the
    guidance of Infinite Intelligence, accept it with appreciation and gratitude
    and act on it at once. Do not hesitate, o not argue, challenge, worry, fret
    about, or wonder if its right. Act on it!!!
    <> Get yours
    All these book available on <file:///F:\Newsletters\>
    Innov8 Online Bookshop

    All content Copyright (c)2012 Innov8- The Motivation Company Milton
    Kamwendo. All Rights Reserved.
    This newsletter is powered by <> Innov8

  Dec 31 06:22AM -0800  


    Angel & Walt <> Dec 31 05:46AM -0800  

    Experience how beautiful your wedding video can be with our range of the
    latest Sony High Definition (HD) and stunning low-light environment
    cameras. Blend that in with our high resolution photos and have your
    wedding covered in style.
    We also offer our services for parties, funerals and corporate functions.
    Our wedding packages are as follows:
    *BASIC PACKAGE ($200):
    *» 1 HD video camera
    » 3 surface printed DVDs in designed DVD cases
    *» 2 HD video cameras
    » 3 surface printed DVDs in designed DVD cases
    *PREMIER PACKAGE ($500):
    *» 2 HD video cameras
    » 3 surface printed DVDs in designed DVD cases
    » Wedding photos on DVD
    » Photo slideshow
    » A3 bridal calendar
    » A3 bridal team poster
    » A4 bride portrait
    » A4 groom portrait
    » A4 bride & groom portrait
    » Printed photos - 50c each
    » >400 photos on DVD - $100
    Angel & Walt
    Suite 504, Regal Star House.
    Corner First & George Silundika Ave, Harare.
    (Between Wimpy & Herald)
    Landlines: 08644 069 399, 08644 064 283
    Cell & Whatsapp: 0772 957 786/ 0772 745 905/ 0734 108 064

  Dec 31 12:32PM +0100  

    To Our Beloved Clients,




    Wishing you all the best in 2013!
    Warm Wishes
    Peppers Restaurant


    "Dickson A Nyamhinda" <> Dec 31 11:14AM +0200  

    Specialised in Office and House carpets cleaning, Sofas, House walls, Car
    seats and Coach cleaning services.

    Do not hesitate to invite us for unmatched touch in ALL your cleaning

    Contacts: Cell 0772 960 192


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