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The topic , I propose for discussion is Higgs Boson, which is relevant to us more because , it is a renowned Indian scientist who deserved to be a Nobel prize winner, Satyendra Nath Bose who along with Alfred Einstein laid the foundation for Bosons in the Particle theory in physics.

 This is a tough subject to discuss. It is extremely technical on one side and prone to high imagination on the other. But we can reduce the intricacy considerably by not going too deep into technicalities. But we have to understand what is a 'Hadron' that figures in the name L.H.C, the Large HadronCollider, with the help of which the God Particle was detected. And also what is a 'Boson'. For this we have to understand the relevant sub-atomic particles.                                                  

          We know that an atom consists of protons and electrons. There is a third component, the Neutron, which is a particle with no charge compared to proton having positive electric charge and the electron with a negative charge. Protons and Neutrons belong to the class of nuclear particles called Hadrons. Hadrons are those particles which has within, an atomic force called 'strong interaction' which enables them to keep its components, the quarks together without them flying off from the particle due to the repulsion of like positive charges in each component. Hadrons are of many types. But electrons are not hadrons because they are not affected by the force, the strong interaction. Apart from protons and neutrons, there are hundreds of other hadrons also. Some are composite 'Bosons' the force particles. But most of them are all not stable and they disintegrate as soon as they are formed. It is the protons and neutrons that are therefore used for collision in LHC to knock out the component particles including bosons from them. The boson is so named because it was discovered by Satyendra Nath Bose and the existence of Higgs boson was first found out by Peter Higgs, although physically it was 'caught' or actually detected only very recently last year on 4th July 2012. Peter Higgs, the physicist was trying to find out how and where from the sub-atomic particles got their mass. He came to the conclusion that there should be a weak force field in space that gave resistance to the particles against movement. He suggested  a boson which later was named 'Higgs Boson' It is this Higgs Boson that is referred to as the God Particle.

          While Electron, Proton and Neutron are material particles, the bosons are forces or force particles when expressed as quanta. Photon is a boson of electro-magnetic force, graviton is a boson of gravity, gluon is a boson of strong nuclear force, and 'w'. 'z' bosons represent weak nuclear force. Higgs Boson is a weak force mediating 'mass'.  

When the 'God Particle' was found in July last year. Director of the State Institute of Encyclopedic Publication (Prof. Pappooty), said in a seminar that the 'God Particle' has nothing to do with God, and that the words God Particle' was not even its intended name. On the other hand it was first called 'Goddamn particle' by physicist Leon Lederman. It was also mentioned by some that while the scientists strive to understand the God Particle through materialistic means, those who believe in the concept of Brhamanstrive to understand it spiritually. It is better to try to understand it both ways. It is an interesting contrast to read both views. So, let us examine it from both the angles.

          Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, the well known spiritual master said that mythically speaking, the Big Bang could be the roar of God 'Siva' on His sudden waking up from lying absolutely still. And what came out of that roar was first a mass-less universe, and then acquiring mass on cooling down and touching the omnipresent and omnipotent Siva (read Higgs Boson or God Particle), the particles slowly condensed and formed the real universe. The scientists have actually found that although elusive to detect, the Higgs Boson (God Particle) pervades the whole space, that is, (i.e., omnipresent). And it gives 'mass' to every other particle. Mass is generally mistaken for weight; but mass is not weight; it is the measure of resistance or inertia against movement or acceleration. Weight is the measure of resistance due to gravity alone. Higgs boson that gives mass to every particle in the universe would therefore mean it possesses energy unlimited. Without mass we all will be non-existent, gravity cannot be there because earth will have no mass, and the whole universe will be nothing but chaotic particles of all sorts moving with the speed of light. Therefore, 1) Existence of everything depends upon this particle 2) It is omnipresent. Are these not enough qualifications for it to be called the God Particle? We are yet to find out whether it possesses also intelligence, because omniscience is God's other essential quality. We can see energy's action everywhere in nature. A seed sprouts and a tree grows by the energy which pushes it up from the earth. A fertilized cell grows in the womb to be a man later. But without the intelligence packed in the DNA, nothing can grow in an organized way. A liver does not develop in the head. But for the tremendous intelligence in nature nothing can exist, grow and develop in the universe.

Prof Richard Hay 


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