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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Re: [ACEsthetics] Barry Glassman's take on TruDenta

True and not true Rick
Just think about this for a second. 
This ACE group started with me in Austin Texas where a bunch of LVI NM docs came to talk about Marketing. All thanks to RICK COKER.
And Rick went out with his money and bought a dozen Black Cowboy hats and a dozen White Cowboy hats for the NM and non-NM docs to wear.
A joke, a friendly greeting, a challenge, a way to laugh at ourselves, a warm gesture.
Now after several years ACE accepts NM, has respect for it, understands TMD way better, embraces OSA therapy, and all in a couple of years. 
MEANWHILE, the real dental world is still stuck in how to make a contact with a resin filling and what whitening product to give away to get more patients in their office.
ACE has moved this forward for a large group of dentists. The guys at LVI have moved this forward for a large group of dentists. Clayton Chan has moved this forward for a large group of dentists. Myotronics has moved this forward for a large group of dentists. Kent Smith has moved this forward for a large group of dentists. ETC, ETC.
If Trudenta gets people to dip their toes into pain management and learn more about their patients then good on them. Way to go. They have stuck their money and necks out and are doing something.
Barry is correct in that you cannot make grandiose claims. It will bite you in the ass. I am getting more humble every year (OK, that is an outright bullshit lie but it is what I tell myself) and as you treat TMD it is more evident that there is ALWAYS more to learn. But start somewhere.
Now I would suggest that in my experience you can't beat LVI for an overall education in this. Pretty top notch. Unfortunately LVI has it's enemies so much of what they can do gets lost in the background noise of politics and egos. Clayton suffers from the same bullshit. 
If you really want to "dip your toes" into TMD then go to the next ICCMO meeting in Scottsdale in October. That is fantastic at getting a feel for what is possible. Say I recommended you and I get a cool pin. :-)) 
But learn more. Anyone can criticize. It takes balls to actually try and make a difference.

On 2013-02-27, at 7:43 AM, Rick Coker wrote:

I copied this from Dentaltown!

The key isn't how much you buy.,
The key isn't how much "Technology" you have.  
I am not questioning the technology individually; but the "package" certainly deserves some questioning.

One doesn't become a neurologist in a weekend course because he buys and EMG unit.
I don't know that T Scan and JVA and their chosen laser would be the way I would START to learn about 
pain managment.

Sure; any treatment pattern can result in some success in some cases.
Keep in mind that Stohler points out that 75 percent of all PRIMARY care patients will have some degree of 
improvement no matter what therapy is provided.  

One one states that they are now treating myofacial pain, the number of secondary and tertiary care
 patients one may interview increases.  The greatest risk is that you can't identify those patients and treat them in
 your primary care model. 
The one that gets.. according to their ads... 95 percent of the patients resolved.

Oh my.
That is pandering to the dental model and reeling in unsuspecting dentists;
And those of us who have spend a career learning about pain and dysfunction should be 
offended and concerned.

Count me in.

Vice President of Education and Training - Therapeutic Solutions International, Inc.
Diplomate of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
Diplomate of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
Diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management
Fellow of the International College of Craniomanidbular Orthopedics
Fellow of Dentistry International
Medical Staff - St. Lukes Headache Center
Resident Instructor for the Lehigh Valley Hospital in Craniomandibular Disorders and Sleep Disorders

Dr. Rick Coker, DDS, FACE
Director, Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics,

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