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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Re: Dr Tumansang Martin : I , Jonathan Awasom will like to volunteer on the BOARD of this financial organization RE: Dr Tumansang M , establish the organization structure legally before donations****Re: [camnetwork] SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUND

Massa Tumasang
Don,t listen to this Mankon boy. He is just a trouble shooter and empty noise maker. He is neither an accountant nor a member of the civil society. From his own declarations, he says his main expertise is on "Confrontational Religious Politics with a sub-specialty on Sexual Counseling". If you bring this boy close to "Sudden Kamalloon discusions"; then the battle has totally "Pafuka". In the morning, the guy is against Southern Cameroons and in the afternoon, he is begging to be a member of the Board that is incharge of the Finances of SC. How sleek is that? Wuna go kill man with lap 4 Internet.
Mishe Fon

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To:; "" <>
Cc: "" <>; Chief Charles A.Taku <>; Carlson Anyangwe <>; Augustine Ndangam <>; Mola Litumbe <>; ngwang gumne <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 3:25 PM
Subject: Dr Tumansang Martin : I , Jonathan Awasom will like to volunteer on the BOARD of this financial organization RE: Dr Tumansang M , establish the organization structure legally before donations****Re: [camnetwork] SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUND
Well, I will like to volunteer on the BOD of this organization as demanded by law as well.
So, post the criteria for recruitment of BOARD members and others. 
There is  no need for a private call !  When the registration of this organization is complete, please, furnish us with the details . If you consider my volunteer  offer, then here is my number for anyone to call me with the details 201-878-5829
This is all I ask of  because these are documented evidence to show that  you approached the civil society with this and the civil society responded
In fact the wheel of transparency and accountability has just started working and this is what it is
You can withold whatever information you want to withold, make sure you study the operation  of other organizations to know what is expected of you because nothing should be done in hiding because it will be called to question and appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that there is transparency and accountability
You can be as evasive as you want ! That is your choice
Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity 
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power,  a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century 

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all

Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village that builds bridges

Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages. 

Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation


--- On Wed, 2/6/13, Tumasang Martin <> wrote:

From: Tumasang Martin <>
Subject: RE: Dr Tumansang M , establish the organization structure legally before donations****Re: [camnetwork] SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUND
To: "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "" <>, "Chief Charles A.Taku" <>, "Carlson Anyangwe" <>, "Augustine Ndangam" <>, "Mola Litumbe" <>, "ngwang gumne" <>
Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 8:04 AM

Hi Awasom, thanks for your interest. I am prohibited to engage in all these discussions, arguments and all at the moment. Once the spokesperson for the Fund is appointed he will deal with it. Those who are interested and want to contribute, they can send a private call and will be connected to the others who will give them information on the issues for them to make up their minds like many have done. For those who are hungry for more information for academic purposes and not to make up their minds but just to comment, they should kindly wait for the spokesperson who will satisfy their demands and give them the opportunity to ventilate their knowledge of such issues as raising funds. Thanks again for your elevated interest in our initiative. Regards Tumasang 
To:; camnetwork@yahoogroups.comCC:;;;;;; camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.comDate: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 07:51:38 -0800Subject: RE: Dr Tumansang M , establish the organization structure legally before donations****Re: [camnetwork] SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUND 
Dr Tumansang Martin
You did not answer my questions or concerns. Remember that if people are corrupt and unaccountable like the CPDM regime and the likes of SDF, if we want to do things differently, we must always start by demonstrating to Cameroonians and the world  that we understand the concept of GOOD GOVERNANCE and the RULE OF LAW  in theory and practice. You have started by violating due process according to  organizational ethics and development.
Transparency and accountability are the hallmark of good governance ,which is why we should be  very carefully when articulating any initiative for the common good ! 
The only way to gain legitimacy over any initiative involving finance with large chunks intended for development initiatives is to register the organization legally under an appropriate rule of law where there is room for enforcement of the rule of law. This is one way to guarantee people that there are already structures of transparency and accountability, which  will  send a note of caution to Board Members with respect to professional ethics
I am very concern that you have started another kind of SDF thing called Founders! Well if you have your founders in hiding, then why did you come to the public to Brain Storm? You came to Brain Storm in order to listen,learn and then proceed to create. So, you have already founded your organization and have a set of people whom you have chosen and we don't even know the criteria you are using  but you call them founders! This is very fishy ! 
Dr Tumansang, this is fraud right from the onset. You should never play such games because when you have a vision or idea and believe in collective conscience, the goal of brainstorming is intended to enable one to know those who resonate with you as well as have the right attitude and energy  for the initiative. By choosing your own people without any due process is only going to repeat the same problems that we are all facing, which is sooner or later you are going to say that the organization is OWNED by you or by that person! 
That is a problem right there. 
Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity 
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power,  a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century 

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all

Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village that builds bridges

Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages. 

Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation

--- On Wed, 2/6/13, Tumasang Martin <> wrote:

From: Tumasang Martin <>
Subject: RE: Dr Tumansang M , establish the organization structure legally before donations****Re: [camnetwork] SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUND
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "Chief Charles A.Taku" <>, "Carlson Anyangwe" <>, "Augustine Ndangam" <>, "Mola Litumbe" <>, "ngwang gumne" <>
Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 2:11 AM

Dear Gov, there we go again. You fought Ntemfac for so long claiming he was an infiltrator and now you might attempt to extend those labels if in an academic argument one takes a side different from you and try to prove his point. You might not have agreed with my position but at least respect it for I brought facts and the law to support it. I might not have agreed fully with what you said also but I respect your points also. This is not about those arguments which the Chief had recommended we suspend which we did. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT IN TERMS OF DONATIONS/PLEDGES MORE THAN THE 10,000 POUNDS I originally envisaged was raised yesterday which was only day one so we are moving on. In terms of collecting donations and raising funds without a structure, we have not yet gone out of Southern Cameroonians to raise funds. We will do that once the structures are in place. This original fund raising is within the founding fathers. The calibre of people involved so far is high, they are no fools, they know we are still to put all the structures in place but because of the seriousness of purpose, they commit their hard earned money knowing that it would be safe until the trustees are appointed to manage same. On the issue of taking over the struggle or infiltrating to take over the country or whatever, I am not sure how this can work but rest assured I am not taking over anything. Once the founding fathers of the Reserve Fund put the structures in place, trustees will be appointed or voted and they will take over management of the Fund. My role will END. I am avoiding to say too much because the trustees and founders might decide something else once fully instituted. Dear Gov, if you are interested, contact we privately and I will put you in contact with other contributors. As originator of the idea, I might recommend to the founding fathers of the Reserve Fund not to vote me or appoint me in any active role so that some people might not accuse me of trying to take over the struggle. The fund is not part of any liberation struggle and operates independent of all the liberation groups. It belongs to the people and territory of Southern Cameroons. Dear Gov, from your antecedents, I know you mean well for the people and country of Southern Cameroons, if you want to shape how the Reserve Fund operates, then join us and have the opportunity to have your say. The fund is not a replacement of any initiative or any grouping. It is not the taking over of any movement, government, or struggle. It is mainly to raise and accumulate reserves for the people and territory of Southern Cameroons. Regards Tumasang 
CC:;;;;;;; gamya39@yahoo.comSubject: Re: Dr Tumansang M , establish the organization structure legally before donations****Re: [camnetwork] SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUNDDate: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 02:10:17 -0500To:
Dr. Tumasang, 
As one contributor has said, one should not decide to raise funds  for a group  before it exist to set goals.  Here, without a mandate, you appear to have arrogated to yourself authority in this matter - ignoring the fact that Southern Cameroons and its restorationists are represented by a number of organizations, the main ones being SCNC and SCAPO, accredited by the AFRICAN UNION In 2009 to settle the  conflict  with the Republic of Cameroun  through dialogue or mediation. 
From your statements on these forums it is difficult to know where you stand on the main issue of self-determination. That is, whether the inhabitants of the Southern Cameroons, as the African Union has acknowledged , are a people with an inalienable right to self-determination - here, sovereign independence, because under international law, Southern Cameroons did not form an enforceable association with Cameroun when the trust administration ended in 1961. 
Therefore, it would be necessary for restorationists to know that you are really one of them, not a Trojan Horse of the occupier or its allies, striving to embed itself in the struggle.
 I say this because, a few years ago, one of your learned friends, infiltrated SCAPO and attempted to takeover the negotiation with Cameroun. When he was unmasked, he jumped ship and crossed the carpet  to collaborate with the occupier to find "a space" for himself.. As its known, he was rebuffed as he strove in vain to find the "space".  
I am not suggesting that you may be such. Just that the people have been once bitten and may now be twice shy. Shy, because of your recent  activism coupled with ambiguous positions. For instance, on  the Herakles Farms land issue. After treating it as an environmental issue; after condoning the concession you advised that people hurry up to gab a share of it "before it is too late". As a lawyer you know that circumstantial evidence is good proof - at times compelling. I am referring to the RES IPSA LOQUITUR DOCTRINE. In a number of recent emails you were virtually holding brief for the occupier and Herakles Farms.  Specifically, you applied  the international law of occupation, generally designed  to protect human rights in states and territories under foreign occupation.  You even  wrongly applied it to characterize and justify the Herakles Farms/cameroun deal as an international agreement. which Cameroun as occupier  has the authority to sign. 
Finally,you are, while discounting the liberation groups, launching a fund raising operation and counting on  some Southern Cameroons opponents of restoration and some citizens of the imperial  state for help in the project.  If my reservations here  are misplaced,  let  our readers know why. 
 George Achu. 
Sent from my iPad
On Feb 5, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Tumasang Martin <> wrote:
Dear Awasom, thanks for your good advice. We will be contacting experienced people in dealing with donors like Msjoe for help in introducing us to the movers and shakersand other help once are structures are in place. For now the founding fathers/mothers are working together to see what can be raised internally in the interim and once structures are in place, we will be contacting external donors. I hope this information is ok for now at least. Regards Tumasang 
To:;;;;;;; camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.comDate: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 12:26:24 -0800Subject: Dr Tumansang M , establish the organization structure legally before donations****Re: [camnetwork] SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUND 

Dr Tumansang Martin

First things first. Before I get to the substance of this initiative, which I applaud, why are you rushing to ask for donations without the legal organizational structure in place with the BOD ?
We should be learning from past mistakes except you want it to be just a random free will donation for short term missions ! 

But if you want to carry out big projects in Southern Cameroon, which is definitely a noble idea, then you need to establish the organization first according to the rule of law wherever you are as well as the branches . If you don't do this, then any money donated will be stolen by some of you because this is what has been happening ! You cited LESA-USA, PEMEXAN, ETC but have you consulted with them to know exactly how they are going about it? Msjoe Evelyn is right around the corner as a very resourceful person! 

If you cannot demonstrate that you have the legal capacity ,which can go to any extent to hold people accountable for ill- gotten wealth as well as for embezzlement in the past, present and future, I just want to be honest with you that this will be a very unproductive venture. 

You have to first of all stop the bleeding of theft in Cameroon before any great cause concerning money can succeed provided you have good intentions. You need to put up a legal fight , one that will first of all enable people to confiscate ill gotten wealth as we proceed to overcome the corrupt system before you can claim a sense of transparency and accountability. 

I will be very glad to contribute to your legal fund provided you assure us that you will not only be pouring your legal knowledge here but will actually file a legal case against all those Southern Cameroonians thieves and embezzlers so that we can recuperate the money they have stolen . 

How can you develop Southern Cameroonians when the Southern Cameroon wolves are in a connivance with the regime and embezzling everything  and investing overseas for their children?

You  want a fund-raising initiative to help the people of Southern Cameroon who are suffering !  What a great initiative but  Dr Tumansang, you still have corrupt Southern Cameroonians in powerful positions who control every institution of Cameroon . 

How are you going to help Southern Cameroonians when these corrupt and fraudulent men in government and the church are still unaccountable and apparently above the law? 

  • Mr Ni John Fru Ndi is still there stilling from the SDF like a rat put inside a sag of peanut
  • Mr Achidi Achu is still there living off of what he had stolen and amassed while scratching people's back during the days that France misused him like a spoiler of the opposition
  • Mr Mafany Musonge is still there raising millions of frs CFA in Buea to celebrate Reunification coupled with what he had also stolen while PM
  • Pastor Nyansa-ni-Nku of the PCC is still there  with  Mr Abange at the PRESSBOOK with stolen PCC money and wealth to the tune of about 2 billions frs CFA unaccountable for , some of the money was mission money donated from overseas to help the Christians but they conspired and stole everything while occupying top positions in the church during the last 40 years

That is why your friend Njoy Litumbe defends the PCC Synod because some of the money  and favors have been given to him ! This is how corrupt some of you are and I mince no words that before you expect people to donate, you need to prove yourselves and  right now, I doubt your actions .

I am talking about some of the biggest Southern Cameroon corrupt men and women who have a very dangerous alliance with Paul Biya and CPDM protecting their mafia financial network and dealings with the West !  All the others like Governors,  Government Delegates ,Chancellors, SDO , Managers of corporations etc  come in any order . 

If you cannot employ the tool of law to set a legal precedence in terms of accountability, then I am afraid that  you will be wasting our time because your so called Southern Cameroon leaders are thieves !  There are not only thieves but are wicked and dangerously malicious ! Never in my life imagine that our own leaders could be so corrupt and at the sametime enjoy the Western countries where they vacate and spend time with their children ! 
For many years we learned about financial donations to SCNC and various fund -raising initiatives, some of ,which were through creation of asylum documents to Cameroonians around the world who sought asylum through SCNC !

In UK, Dr Rexon Nting was the leading chairman of SCNC who coordinated the activities of SCNC 

In North America , there was quite a long list of men like Larry Eyong and Howard Njeck who raised thousands of dollars in the name of SCNC and your causes! 

There are many of such fund -raising initiatives , some,which Cameroonians  don't even know !  This is besides the point. My point is there is no single record of accountability to any of the financial activities that any of you folks have ever carried out!  I mean just a record telling us you  paid the legal fees of this or that person or that in Europe or you raised this amount and in North America you raised this or that amount !

Now, I want to wish you good luck but be mindful that when you start an initiative like this, you make people  even more suspicious because you can put down 10 millions frs CFA but that can only be viewed a tactic to drag people into yet another corrupt and fraudulent action

Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity 
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power,  a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century 

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all

Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village that builds bridges

Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages. 

Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation


--- On Tue, 2/5/13, Dr. Christopher Atang <> wrote:

From: Dr. Christopher Atang <>
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Charles Taku" <>, "Carlson Anyangwe" <>, "Augustine Ndangam" <>, "Mola Litumbe" <>, "ngwang gumne" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 11:44 AM

Dr. Tumasang:
Please, ignore my earlier mail about this subject.  Thanks.
Christopher Atang, Ph.D.,
5507 Pipingwood Drive
Houston, Texas 77084

The mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work unless it's open.

From: Tumasang Martin <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; Charles Taku <>; Carlson Anyangwe <>; Augustine Ndangam <>; Mola Litumbe <>; ngwang gumne <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 2:35 AM

Dear All,
our weakness as a people starts from the fact that we are not dedicated in the struggle. We as a people cannot operate or exist without at least some minimum financial capability. For this reason, I propose the launching of the SOUTHERN CAMEROONS RESERVE FUND.
1) The fund is for no particular reason just our reasons as a people
2) The sums in the fund will be carried over from year to year.
3) We are targeting to raise millions of dollars within a few years.
4) Independent Trustees of Southern Cameroon extraction will be appointed from time to time to run the fund.
5) These trustees who will be at least 3 in number will be joint signatories to the fund account to be domiciled in America, UK or other European country.
6) It is not compulsory to be a contributory member of the fund.
The minimum annual contribution to be meaningful is 1000 pounds paid as a lump sum or instalmentally but MUST be fully paid by 30 NOVEMBER each year since the found accounts will be published each December.
If anyone donates to us e.g. in their will they donate a HOUSE in Cameroon or in Europe to the people of Southern Cameroon we will accept.
We also accept anonymous donations if you do not want your name to be published.
Once the fund goes operational, it will be registered in the country where it is domiciled and operated transparently. It will be easy to pay in but extremely difficult to remove a cent from the fund. The target is accumulation.
WE NEED JUST 10 NAMES FOR THE FUND TO GO OPERATIONAL. In fact we now need only 9 names since my is the first
1) Tumasang Martin   2000.00 pounds
NB: If we had started this some years back, we, the people of Southern Cameroons will be sitting on millions of dollars as reserves today.





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