Re: La France se sucre allegrement au Cameroun avec la Complicite de nos Dirigeants

Hello Mishe Fon
I will vote for you.
If You do not know Your  Capabilities and Limitations, You are a Danger to Yourself and Society.

From: Mishe Fon <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: La France se sucre allegrement au Cameroun avec la Complicite de nos Dirigeants
Tata Esale
Governance is not Rocket Science. Any seasoned administrator if given the opportunity can change Cameroon...very easily and significantly.
Even with the present moribund hand clapping CPDM National Assembly (which no Governor, Minister, Prime Minister or even the President needs for anything); Give me the post of a Real Prime Minister with REAL PAWA as Head of Cameroon Government...with a Genuine Mandate to ACT and Deliver.
Here is what I will do within my first 180 days in office...and if no tangible signs of progress are noticed...I will resign immediately and ask for forgiveness from the Cameroonian people.
1) Embark on a gargantuan Low Cost Housing and Road Infrastructure Projects; a Trans-Cameroonian Dual Carriage Modern Road Network linking all Provinces:
How to Finance it? Don,t worry, Be Happy. There is a lot of MONEY in Cameroon. I will get to that shortly.
2) Immediate Modernization of Agriculture to increase and boost Local Food Production...Kum Kum, Wata Fufu, Njapssi, Mintouba, Baton de Manioc, Achu, Bameta Kucu, Kassara bon ne pia, Pinyin Biscuits, Eru, Njama Njama, Amala, Poff Poff, Planty, Nkun, Kondre, Jakatu, Beauregards, Ndole, Rice, Fufu Corn, Nkwem, Nnam Ewondo etc
3) Mandatory School Enrollment for all with compulsory subjects of Maths and Science up to Secondary Form Five Level...(Girls and Boys alike). Creation of a State University of Technology in each Province. I will cancel that French training called BEPC and Baccalaureat and replace it with GCE (General Certificate of Education) or WAEC as a pre-requisite for Higher Education.
4) Total overhaul of the present inefficient and outdated Healthcare System.
5) There is no WAR in Cameroon hence 3/4 of our Military and Para-Military Personnel who are presently practically raiding Banks for "Overdrafts" will not be sacked BUT will be converted to Road and Building workers. Genie Militaire (or the Engineering wing of the Army) will be given a Performance matrix to deliver within measurable time-frames or QUIT. All those Military Caterpillars, Tractors, Pay-Loaders which are all lying in ruins all over the country will be rehabilitated for Road Construction and building Government facilities at the new National Capital.
6) I will seek authority to transfer the present badly dilapidated, structurally deficient Capital from Yaounde to a locality near Bafia by the River Sanaga. Yaounde has outlived its usefullness. This project alone will create more than two million jobs.
7) By the end of my first 100 days, Cameroonians would no longer have need to be hanging around shamelessly on winding lines infront of the French Embassy to BEG for a proverbial one month Entry Visa to France. The French will be Begging to do Business with us and not vice versa. The Chinese will not operate with impunity doing what they will not allow Cameroonians to do in China. We will not have need to sever Diplomatic Ties with our partners BUT they will deal with us on our own terms.  The World Bank, IMF, Bretton Woods and other "Donors" will have to NEGOTIATE favorable conditions with us or...? Well na dem sabi.
8) By the end of 120 days, we would have put in place "An Independent Electoral Commission" at Provincial levels to organize Gubernatorial elections initially.
Present day Embezzlers will be asked to return all stolen Government monies as a Plea Bargain for either a small penalty or reduced Jail time. No former dignitary will be arrested for "smol Teep" if they BEG and apologize for stealing the "People,s Nkap"...By the way, Kondengui is too small to contain all those who have "Teep smol ting".
Now Massa Esale, Do you agree with me that, with a little bit of Honesty, "Ngoum" and desire to improve our Country, you can use less than SIX months to become like GHANA, RWANDA, MAURITIUS and other progressive African countries that have embraced a very SIMPLE path to progress.
Do I need an MBA or PhD to implement any of these achievable GOALs set forth in this Positive Manifesto? I sincerely don,t think so. Tell me what you think.
Mishe Fon

From: SAM ESALE <>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: La France se sucre allegrement au Cameroun avec la Complicite de nos Dirigeants
Mishe Fon et al,
You make a very powerful case for the "nationalization" of some of those French companies operating in Penda Mboko. But I have a few concerns or questions, if you will permit me....
a) How many jobs, in the aggregate, have these companies created for Cameroonians over the years? Your powerful stats do not account for that relevant piece of information.
b) Who will guard the hen house when the old fox is evicted? Yes, Cameroonians are well educated, but is the education in corruption or is it in efficient and effective business management and leadership? Would you want to replace one fox of color with a more dangerous insect like the locust?
I still think that your analysis on this subject is very insightful and Manu's input in clever, but I am more worried about the outcome of a less than thoughtful reaction to such important information as you provide here. In fact, I am constantly reminded of the conditions of the common folks in Uganda, after Idi Amin's "nationalization" of British conglomerates and the suffering of the people in Zimbabwe following a similar move by Robert Mugabe. The results in both cases have been considered by some African development economists as disastrous, especially to the underprivileged class or the poor. Food for thought......
2013/2/25 MANU Tayong <>
Cameroon Chain of Command (CCC) 

*DO-- I am here to represent the SDO,
*SDO.. I am here to represent to Governor,
*Governor: I am here to represent the HEAD OF STATE
*HEAD OF STATE:.. I am here to represent the President of France
*President of France; I am here to SCREW all of the above!!!! "Self-government won't work without self-discipline," Paul Harvey
"People never plan to fail. They just fail to plan"
--- On Sun, 2/24/13, Mishe Fon <> wrote:

From: Mishe Fon <>
Subject: La France se sucre allegrement au Cameroun avec la Complicite de nos Dirigeants
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Sunday, February 24, 2013, 11:59 PM

Herewith some of the French companies that are "Milking" the Cameroon Economy dry with the "benediction" of some of our leaders. Are we Cameroonians not "politically emancipated or ripe enough" to re-negotiate some if not all of those "Bilateral Agreements" that were hastilly signed at Independence?
Is Cameroon (a Bilingual  country) obliged to belong to the CFA Franc zone when France itself has absconded to join the EURO zone?
Is Cameroon obliged to domicile its "Reserves" pecked to the French Treasury?
Why is the French Embassy strategically located at the Cameroon Military Head Quarters in Yaounde?
What are all these "French Expatriates" still doing in our country when Cameroonians with equivalent qualifications are languishing as "Ben-Skinneurs" and "Sauveteurs"? 
Les intérêts français sont présents dans de très nombreux domaines d'activité au Cameroun. Ils sont
bien représentés dans les secteurs des infrastructures tels que : 
l'énergie (Total, Elf, Norelec, Alstom), 
  le BTP (Bouygues, Colas, Spie, Fougerolles, Dumez, Sogea, Razel, Jean Lefèvre),
  la grande distribution (Cfao), 
  le transport (Air France, Peugeot, Renault, Citroen), 
  les services (Accor, BnpParibas, Société Générale, Crédit Lyonnais, Groupe Bolloré, Véolia, Ondeo, Saur ... ), 
 l'agro-industrie (Cfdt, Saupiquet, Brasseries du groupe Castel, Cemoi, Lesaffre, ... ),
  l'industrie (Lafarge, Air Liquide, Vicat, Dagris), 
  les télécommunications (France Télécom, Alcatel, Satom, ... ). Les parts de marché françaises reflètent la prédominance de ses entreprises dans l'activité économique des pays de la zone. 
Pharmaceutique & Sante ( Laborex, Sedapharm, Centre Pasteur )
En effet, la moyenne des parts de marché de la France, sur la période 2008-2011, est supérieure à 44% au Cameroun, aux Comores, au Sénégal, et au Tchad, et comprise entre 15% et 23% au Bénin, au Burkina, en Centrafrique, au Congo, en Côte d'Ivoire, au Gabon et au Niger. 

En revanche, si les parts de marché de la France sont moins fortes au Togo, au Mali, et en Guinée équatoriale, elles s'établissent cependant entre 9% et 12%.

Pour illustrer l'importance des implantations françaises, on peut citer les cas suivants :  au Cameroun, 172 entreprises filiales ou ayant des participations de sociétés françaises en 2008 qui emploient 1620 expatriés ont réalisé un chiffre d'affaires supérieur à 7 500 MdFCFA, soit 5,2MdEUR, dans un contexte socio-politique pourtant tres difficile pour les Camerounais.
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