Dear Dr. Peter Forchu Chesmi,
I just read your posting on the internet and felt terribly disappointed with you.Before I proceed with my reaction,I would like you to understand that nothing destroys a society like intellectual dishonesty. That is why la Republique du Cameroun whose intellectuals should have constituted a strong civil society to counter the ills of the ooccultic regime is diving nose deep into the abyss because its intellectuals have become praise singers in exchange for sinecure political appointments.

To be very precise, the publication you mention in your write up is a mere plagiarism from The Southern Cameroons; " The Truth of the Matter" earlier published by Dr. nfor Ngala Nfor.Moreover, you talk of having been  elected in a meeting by the S.C.N.C. Frontliners to take over from the former National Vice Chairman Nfor Ngala Nfor whose attitude became questionable. Is there any organ in the S.C.N.C. constitution as frontliners?

As holder of a PhD in whatever discipline, I would have expected you to use your intellect to bring some sanity to the senile clique you call frontliners. On the contrary like your peers in La Republique du Cameroun, you went ahead and condoned illegality in exchange for the unenviable post of National Vice Chairman of the frontliners S.C.N.C.It is embarrassing to note that a man of your calibre will endorse anti-constitutionalism by eight members of a structure of the S.C.N.C. namely Fako County who passed a vote of no confidence on Dr. Nfor Ngala Nfor Natioal Vice Chairman and insisted on imposing it on the National Council.

Curiously enough, the then National Chairman, Chief Ayamba Ette Otun whose constituency is Mamfe L.G.A. and to whom the vote of no confidence was supposed to be addressed signed it. We of Meme County noticed the blunder and reacted immediately challenging the vote of no confidence and requested the Frontliners to refer the matter to the National Council for arbitration. Chief Ayamba did not only oppose our proposal but declared that the National council is of Nfor Nfor`s making and that trying him there will be like trying biya in the central committee of the C.P.D.M.

Mark you that the frontliners had the illusion that the U.N.will ask Chief Ayamba to name his cabinet come 1st October 2011 and so were seriously opposed to the Patriotic coalition Front (P.C.F.) which Nfor Nfor signed on behalf of the S.C.N.C. Seeing their positions threatened, they had to give him a bad name in order to hang him. For close to 18 months since the vote of no confidence they have not been able to prove a single charge against the man they destituted.

Worse still, to justify their conspiracy, they resorted to spreading falsehood on the achievements of the S.C.N.C. under Chief Ayamba`s stewardship.And as falsehood stupefies even its propagators, they listed the B.I.R.( Bataillon d`Intervention Rapide) as a Southern Cameroons` defence force put in place by Chief Ayamba. In a meeting in Victoria on Dec. 5 2011, during which the frontliners almost blocked Dr. Nfor from participating, Chief Ayamba assured everyone present that 2011 will not end without Southern Cameroons becoming independent.

In January 2012 the Frontliners spread another falsehood that after the burial of the Chairman of the Norhtern Zone,Prince Humphrey Mbinglo on Dec.16 2011, Chief Ayamba and Besong Mathias Arrey met with one of the U.N. officials along the Bamenda Commercial Avenue who assured them that they were here for the Southern Cameroons problem.They went on to say the man told them they were going on a one month recess and would be back in January 2012 to finalize all independence arrangements.

After the S.C.N.C. case in Buea on 17 April 2012, the Frontliners held a meeting in Kumba and told participants that Chief Ayamba will be leaving for the U.N. on May 5 2012 and that Chief had assured them that the struggle had got to a stage where he could stretch his hand to any sovereign nation and get any amount of money he needed to bring the independence.Paradoxically, in that same meeting, they asked participants to contribute money for U.N.P.O. dues.We are today in Feb. 2013 and the U.N. is still waiting for Chief Ayamba.

Embarrassingly enough Chief Ayamba who despised the P.C.F. and its initiators the S.C.Y.L.finally recognized their strength and appealed to the S.C.Y.L.for financial support to enable him meet up with his U.N.P.O. dues;the legendary story of the dog that returned to its vomit for fear of starvation.

Dr. Chesami, I will like you to answer the following questions:
1) Does spending 14 months in an underground cell qualify someone to be the sole and everlasting leader of a liberation front even when he runs out of ideas and strategy? If so the Nelson Mandela should still have been President of South Africa till date.
2) Where is the secretariat of the Frontliners situated anywhere within our national territory; not in your brief case I suppose?
3) Why has the leadership of the frontliners abandoned its flock to be slaughtered in La REpublique du Cameroun`s courts?
4) What have the Frontliners achieved ever since passing their vote of no confidence on Dr. Nfor Ngala?
5) Where were you before surfacing to become National Vice Chairman after Dr. Nfor because I had never heard of you talk less of seeing you in any national Council meetings? And why is it that shortly after your vote of no confidence you the frontliners yourselves are in total disarray?

My learned Doctor, if you were ever chanced to read late Dr. Bernard Fonlon`s "The Genuine Intellectual", then you will think twice before you post any writing in this website.I implore you to sit up and not let emotions override your reason.
Thanks for understanding.

Yours in the struggle

Simon Fuh Ngwa
S.C.N.C. Meme County

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