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Friday, March 1, 2013

Does he have a Personality?

Does he have a Personality


Elections Cameroon (ELECAM) is a Public Administrative Entreprise with financial and managerial autonomy. ELECAM is said to be an independent body responsible for the organization and management of all elections in Cameroon from beginning to the end. This implies that ELECAM must be independent with respect to all decision making in election matters. It implies that ELECAM must ensure that the minimum conditions are met and that all the actors (political parties) involved have reached some acceptable consensus before any election is programmed. ELECAM has a board chairperson in the person of Dr Fokam Azu'u. What has he been doing so far in this powerful structure?


His first action was in the presidential election of 2011. He inherited an outdated electoral register from the Ministry of territorial Administration. Nearly all the voices in the land called his attention to the need of a recompilation of the electoral register. He ignored it            

Saying that it was expensive to do so. He was sure that this was one of the ways of pleasing the boss by economizing the resources. A few months after, a decree was signed, certainly without his knowledge, for a recompilation of the register.


An electoral code proposed by the government was validated by the CPDM parliamentarians despite visible flaws that were indicated by the opposition parties. If you are responsible for elections, you must have something to say on the electoral code. ELECAM said nothing. After some months, this electoral code was sent back to the assembly for review, although it remains controversial to date.    


Presently, ELECAM is still struggling with the recompilation exercise, not exactly sure that the legal deadlines shall give the expected number of voters for the elections, but the head of state has signed a decree fixing the date for the senatorial elections. This date appears not to respect any logic in the terrain of elections, but the board chairperson has already acted accordingly! SEE ATTACHMENT  

Nsom Joseph
BUCREP - Yaounde
BP 12932 Yaounde
Telephone: 77218948
You can take a child out of the village. But you cannot take the village out of the child.

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