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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Re: [ACEsthetics] Endo so skip if not interested


. My canals are never without one of those disinfectants in them.  Ozonenated oil would probably do the same thing but it is hard to move away from bleach.


Guy W. Moorman, Jr., D.D.S.

Not sure whatcha mean by ozonated oils being hard to 'move away from the bleach'.
Talking about getting it out of the canals when ready to seal?
Talking about keeping the bleach out of the canals because you've used the oil?
Not clear where you're going with this.
In any event, your bud Liviu Steier has sent several articles from time to time showing the resistance of some of the worst and most common offenders to bleach and CHX.  Not so with ozone.
And Huth's work has clarified the cytotoxicity issues with irrigants such as hypochlorite or CHX.   Not so with ozone.
Penetration into the tubules is a heckuva lot better with ozone, especially the gas.  We're looking at the PIPS laser now, and I suspect the combination of PIPS and ozone will be the most ideal solution we've got for getting live bugs and—maybe even more important-- antigenic contaminants out of the hard to reach tubule structures.
Ozonated oils can be removed by organic solvents if desired. But they just disappear by themselves if left in a canal a few days before obturation.  No one seems to be reporting any obturation issues when using ozonated oils.
bill domb

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