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Sunday, March 3, 2013


There is something about this particular University of Buea Demonstration that makes me feel this insatiable barathrumic Konde Fellow knows more than he is  telling us. The guy is so agitated and restless and has not slept for the past two weeks. One minute he is in agreement with the SW Chiefs that the University problems are caused by the majority NW ill behaved, lack of Home Training and (BBU...Badly Brought Up)students. In his legendary tabloidese style, he pushed the thesis of Hostage Taking and kidnapping and even went as far as agreeing with Mbua Louis and Jude Okafor (Remember the TRIO-MADJESI of CAMFOUND) that the Buea demonstration was a TERRORIST Attack on the Home Land. When that galimatias did not fly, he went back to his popular diversionary and incendiary signature specialty: "Primitive, unruly NWteners who have a tendency of wanting to dominate the enlightened "Coastal" SWteners...ochestrated the Buea incidence.
Again that strategy and "attack line" produced no tangible he went back to his drawing boards and hatched this "Long Cable from Buea".
In reality, the Cable is not long and has absolutely no new developments. One minute, Konde claims Prof. Yanou is objective and the next, Konde the theomanic camnet guru says Yanou is an equal opportunity machiavelic. The man relies on hear-say and kongossa like most of us who are not on the ground in Buea. He transforms personal opinion into Facts and ascribes reality to them.
It begs the question: Have CAMFOUND founders; Jude Okafor, Konde Emmanuel and Louis Mbua any suspect ties to the constant agitation at the Buea University?
I sincerely think it is time for Cameroon Law Enforcement to call Konde and his two CAMFOUND surrogates to order. We may be seeing a Cameroon version of the Billderberg Operation unfolding infront of our own very eyes. Yes, it is clear from this mail that the man Konde would do and say anything to be brought to the TABLE of Paul Biya PAWA-PLAY. It is very apparent from this "Non-Academic Mail" filled with hidden threats that Konde Emmanuel and his friends want the VC,s job so badly. That "Mammie" who is VC should lookut these three peepoo.
Konde is not a poor guy by any stretch of imagination. He has a rental property in Limbe and like all other Bassa peopee ih own "Trong Hand" pass Japanese hand Brakes. Konde yi Fap dollars ne cherchent jamais son frere. Konde ne boit pas, ne fume pas et ne "nyiox" meme pas avec les petites. My question therefore is: Could the very ambitious Mr. Konde Emmanuel, a millionaire (by CFA standards), a self declared hater of "Graffis" and Bamendrous people, a historian, a Bassa Man and his accomplices Naija/Camer Business man Jude Okafor all CPDM apparatchiks...I was wondering...could they be behind the constant skirmishes and wahala at the Buea University? Why was Louis Mbua so quick to call a University Student demonstration an act of Terrorism and did you notice the lightening speed and alacrity of Mr. Konde who jumped in to defend a Business Partner when Mbua found himself in hot waters?
And this is the deal. This Buea thing is very serious. CAMFOUND which receives its Funding from various occultic sources; successfully planted their agent there in Buea/Muea (Jude Okafor) a dangerous element with several nationalities and has a propensity to "Enter and Kommot" as situation on the ground dictates. Louis Mbua a Join-Join Blood Bakweri/Nyangee is a British Cameroonian and is the "Man-In-Charge" of Europe and Asia while Commandant "Kissamba" Konde Emmanuel controls the Americas. It begs the natural question: What is CAMFOUND up to in Cameroon? Should we take a closer look at the members of this Opaque organization? And now, in light of this new development; Should the Bakweri Chiefs who rushed to condemn the demonstration as the handiwork of "Unrully Graffi Students" now appologize to their NW brothers?
Mishe Fon

Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2013 6:37 AM

Money is the roots of all evils,yet we chase it with vengeance. For institutional  improvements to be a success, democracy must play a part. Forced demands are never long-lasting.
Pa jing
On Mar 3, 2013 5:04 AM, "Emmanuel Konde" <> wrote:
How UBSU Brought Dishonor to the Fatherland
The "untold truth" about the UBSU hostage-taking of the Vice Chancellor has not been told, at least not on camnet. Professor Yanou did not tell the "untold truth"; neither did Minang Ronald. Admittedly, the students and faculty of the University of Buea have lots of grievances that need to be resolved. But there is no justification for the traumatic experience the Vice Chancellor was subjected to, no rationalization of the disgrace inflicted on Cameroon, by UBSU.
Grievances of Ub Students
For the students, their grievance range from delay in payment of student annual bursaries of 50,000 FCFA for those who make a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.o scale, the raising of the required GPA for bursary from 2.5 to 3.0 by the V.C., to administration's requirement that students register online and bring an assigned code before they could seat for examinations. This requirement was more than the students had bargained for when they enrolled at UB, especially given the fact that the internet is problematic in some parts of Cameroon. These are some of the grievances that students held against the administration, along with other positive changes that the newly appointed Vice Chancellor was implementing that found onerous.
For a university accustomed to disorder and disorganization, the program of change introduced by the new V.C. was confronted by formidable opposition from nearly every quarter. Those who opposed the V.C.'s thrust did so not on the "demerits" of the proposed changes but because they could not understand what she wanted to prove. "Why is she trying to do things that the previous V.C. left in place?"
At bottom of the recurrent student agitation at UB is the special status the government has accorded UBSU. To contain the restive students of UB, the government banned the forces of law and order from entering the campus and thus gave the UBSU a carte blanche to do whatever they pleased on campus. UBSU can correspond the Minister of Higher Education directly and can schedule meetings with the minister without passing through the University Administration. Privileges like these no doubt fed the leadership of UBSU with strange ideas of importance, prompting Acting UBSU President Minang Ronald to write disparagingly of Professor Ngoh to the Vice Chancellor.
UBSU was special, untouchable, a power house within the power structure of the University of Buea. Intoxicated by this power, UBSU undertook to require and compel all students to pay a union membership fee of 3,000 FCFA. Students who failed to comply were roughed up. Yet, membership in UBSU is optional. The Vice Chancellor and her administration opposed this extortionist practice, which was one of the new policies the Vice Chancellor was instituting. This, too, became a major grievance of the students against the new Vice Chancellor, who opposed UBSU harassing and forcing students to pay student union membership fees even before they had settled their tuition bills of 60,000 FCFA.
Bursary qualifications, union fees, and arrogation of power appear to be the reasons that caused the UBSU to take the Vice Chancellor hostage for four hours.
The Grievances of Faculty
The faculty members of UB also have their own grievances. Poorly compensated by the government, lecturers at UB depend not so much on their meager salaries but on the special allowances allocated for them by the government. These allowances cover such things as research and other activities that can be subsumed under faculty development. Lecturers are supposed to receive their allowances on a quarterly basis. Unfortunately, delays are commonplace, and when the allowances finally come, only a select few, and not all faculty members, get their disbursements.
With students unhappy, and the faculty also unhappy, relations between the administration and these "stakeholders" of UB are often wobbly, tension-packed, and, on rare occasions, rise to combustible proportions and flare up into conflagrations called strikes for the faculty, and protests for the UBSU.
Naturally, these dissatisfied stakeholders are drawn together by their common enemy, whom they consider to be the Vice Chancellor--even though the occupant of that office has neither the power nor autonomy to address and redress the problems afflicting the University.
The Unconscionable and Barbaric UBSU
On that fateful day of "terrorism" on the campus of the Univesrsity of Buea, the University of Buea Students Union (UBSU) took the Vice Chancellor hostage for four hours. It is said that dissension erupted within the UBSU leadership that resulted in resignation of the president (of Manyu heritage) because he was opposed to the plan. Thus arose the position of Acting President. Under the direction of the Acting President of UBSU, the Vice Chancellor and her driver were held in her car by UBSU, who immediately deflated the tires to prevent a spirited escape. During her four-hour ordeal, the captive Vice Chancellor requested of her captors to permit her to go and use the restroom… promising to return. But the UBSU "thugs" refused and pointedly told her that she could urinate where she was.
To ensure that their actions remained secret on campus, the UBSU leadership ordered all students not to record what was happening with their cell phones and even seized the devices of some spectators. However, one student was able to record that episode of terrorism on UB Campus and transmitted the footage to a local television station.
UBSU Loses Support of Populace
Yes, Cameroon television audiences were treated to a spectacle of barbaric proportions, which this writer cannot summon the courage to narrate here. For those who are supporting the hostage-taking of the Vice Chancellor of UB on false pretexts of "student rights", I ask that they should call Cameroon and learn about what happened. They should think of their mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, nieces, wives, and daughters caught in a similar predicament. The humiliation that UBSU exacted on the Vice Chancellor was a national disgrace.
What happened on that day, when UBSU aspired to become a terrorist student union, has elicited condemnation from all facets of Cameroonian society. UBSU has lost the support of parents, well-wishers, and sympathizers who now feel that they crossed the line of decency.
"The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy


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