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Friday, March 29, 2013

Re: [MTC Global] Professor accused of demanding gifts acquitted on humanitarian grounds

dear friends,

thanks stars that these items are of temporary pains like M. Phil students to get him grinders, fans, pressure cookers and other household items a decade ago,but having life partner for life long Ph.D- MAY BE GOOD FOR FEW.THAT TOO 2 DECADES BACK.

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Anantram G <> wrote:
The interactions are so human that even the spouse is involved!! Vegetables/meats are ordered to be bought and brought, children are to be dropped and picked up from school/tuition classes, gold chains to be given for signing theses, question papers and answer scripts are to be set/corrected while the entire money is pocketed by the guide, ..........the list is endless!! Unpaid SLAVES. It is no wonder that research takes a back seat.

I was denied a Ph,D. admission on the ground that I worked in an institute that the Principal did not personally recognise! Yet people working from home doing share trading were given admission!!

Well the whole matter SUCKS!!


On 29 March 2013 11:05, ORS Rao ICFAI <> wrote:

Dear all,

The flg is not an isolated instance , as can be seen from the posts by the students and experiences of several Research scholars across the country.

While most of us tend to blame the ambience for the all-pervading corruption, perhaps, there is need for introspection on the part of academicians and  

become role models them selves. 


ORS Rao  


Professor accused of demanding gifts acquitted on humanitarian grounds

CHENNAI, March 23, 2013

A University of Madras history professor, accused of asking his M. Phil students to get him grinders, fans, pressure cookers and other household items a decade ago, in return for assessing their dissertations, has been acquitted of all charges "on humanitarian grounds" by the Syndicate.

Five students of S. Kuppusamy complained to the History department head that their guide was asking them to get him household items for clearing their dissertations.

Sought wet grinder

In her letter, an M. Phil student said the professor asked her and her friend to get him a wet grinder. "As he delayed taking up our drafts for correction, we brought him a small wet grinder. But he replaced it himself with a bigger one. Now, he is insisting that we pay the extra amount too," she wrote.

He demanded a pressure cooker from one student, while another complaint that he was dissatisfied with the pedestal fan he gave him, and insisted on cash too. From another, he wanted a 10-litre pressure cooker.

When the university suspended him pending an enquiry, the professor wrote to the Vice-Chancellor that he would "rectify the effect of his activities." He apologised and asked the university to revoke the suspension.

The university ordered a probe. The enquiry concluded that there was no evidence for the main charge, but his apology indicated that he could have demanded some sort of gratification. It recommended denial of three increments.

Posts by students on the news item

The Professor was ruining the life of so many students if they fail to give him the gifts he needed as per the apology tendered by the professor. When he is not having a human face, he cannot expect the same from others. The parents of the students are not rich enough to give such a dole to the professor. It is a clear cut corrupt deal which the professor was doing. Some students have got the guts and he was exposed. If not the day is not far off he will demand a car house and expensive gifts from the students depending on their capacity to pay. The courts should take note of the issues rather than on technicality. He should be dismissed from the service which will act as a deterrent for others.

 from:  M Rajendran

Posted on: Mar 24, 2013 at 19:23 IST

Humanitarian grounds??? So the M.Phil students were all not human?. I graduated with Masters from another department of the same university and these do not just happen in history department. M.Phil and Ph.D students are treated below dignity and are abused, at least during the years I was there, which is around the same time reported here. They act as (are forced to) grocery shoppers, bill payers (some times with their money), Drivers, mobile ATM. If only the syndicate stops seeing this on "humanitarian grounds" we may have a cleaner system.

from:  sriram

Posted on: Mar 24, 2013 at 17:57 IST

On the same humanitarian principles, all his research students should be awarded Ph.D degrees even if they had not submitted their dissertations.

from:  ssr

Posted on: Mar 24, 2013 at 05:04 IST


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