Re: Simply Replace 2006 with 2013 and Njeuma with Nalova: Results=Almost Identical


I hope those that have ears and believe wholeheartedly in the cause
can hear from you.


<> wrote:
> The people of of the Southern region are not a homogenous lot. So are those
> of the northern region. While the Bakwerians in particular have legitimate
> concerns which are porperly identified and a tentative solution already
> crafted, we should desist from playing the occupiers card. The occupier does
> not appoint its opponents to man institutions within our country. Buea
> university students have been killed in cold blood at point blank range.
> Students have gone through abysmal situations that are well documented. No
> occupiers appointee functions to foster neutral beneficial policies. The
> game we are playing here is extremely dangerous and especially dangerous
> because we are not oblivious to the implications of the positions we take
> and the arguments we advance. We are bound to engage in discussions but we
> must have baseline positions. Those positions must NOT advance the occupiers
> policies in any way
> Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 06:53:54 +0000
> From:
> Subject: Re: Simply Replace 2006 with 2013 and Njeuma with Nalova:
> Results=Almost Identical
> To:;;
> Nonsense. You are
> trying again to play the racist card but with abysmal failure. And what
> has the SCNC to do with the present crisis?
> Given what is happening, Dr. Njeuma was partially right in
> her assessment that ethnic demagogues are/were causing trouble given Sango
> Ph.D,
> Ndeh's disgraceful tribal attacks on Dr. Molua and others. It is a shame
> that I am reading that he was educated in the same University of Buea
> under the same Dr. Njeuma whom he also disgracefully attacked with his
> thoughtless and vicious composition conceived from naked hatred. He should
> grow
> up and graduate from his student's days instead of poisoning minds and
> the serene academic atmosphere with his naked and unsubstantiated
> Nazi-inspired attacks. People should come out from this pernicious
> tribalism that was instrumental to the destruction of the West Cameroon
> state!
> Intellectual disagreements or political opinion divergence
> should not degenerate into backward and primitive tribal-cum-verbal
> violence
> against an intellectual opponent's person.
> You all want the VC to be removed but sorry, it will not work
> this time around.
> Mishe Fon and co, you people should stop this dangerous and
> shameless tribal game. Positions in academia are dependent on talent and
> not by tribe and violence or by attempting a failed violent village Coup.
> Mbua--- On Mon, 25/3/13, Mishe Fon <> wrote:
> From: Mishe Fon <>
> Subject: Simply Replace 2006 with 2013 and Njeuma with Nalova:
> Results=Almost Identical
> To: "" <>,
> "" <>,
> "" <>
> Date: Monday, 25 March, 2013,
> 2:44
> The Dangerous Fallouts Of UB Strike (2005) By J. Tanch BueaFor most, the
> University of Buea strike has come and gone but for those perceived by the
> Vice- Chancellor as causing it, the threats to life, career and studentship
> have just begun. The unfolding drama can potentially spill out of control.
> It is apparent from a review of the extensive
> comments of the handling of the strike by Dr. Dorothy Dr. Njeuma maintains
> what she has said before and that some have read her tendency to cast a
> simple student strike in ethnocentric terms as capable of igniting a
> Rwandan-like Hutu/Tutsi pogrom in Cameroon. The signs are clearly ominous.
> The authorities insisted from the onset that the events in the University
> was either a Northwest conspiracy to militarily take over the University or
> an insurgency by the SCNC to achieve the same objective. It is obvious to
> any keen observer that this attempt at deceit through self-delusion was the
> result of two factors. Firstly, being an Ahidjoist adept at the
> totalitarianism of the past, the VC regards the use of maximum lethal force
> as the best method of breaking a strike by kids
> too young to be her
> grandchildren. She considers genuine dialogue with our children whom she
> has uncharitably labelled hooligans as amounting to bending "over backward
> to pat them on the back as if what they have done is right". The implication
> is that it is demeaning for her to do so since the "students, parents and
> lecturers criticise and run down" the regime every day.Secondly, there is
> also the profit motive in presenting the UB crisis as an SCNC insurgency. It
> was by this that the government was scared into sending enough gendarmes and
> police to guard the University against the "SCNC and its guerrillas." This
> way, the VC's sister who strangely won the contract to feed the troops at
> the battlefields of the University would make money. When SYNES UB branch
> indicated in their communiqué that the VC was unwilling to stop the strike,
> the naïve did not see
> this link! Rather, sadly, for the scheme, the visit of the Minister of
> Higher Education bust the bubble because there were no guerrillas of the
> SCNC or from the Northwest in sight. We are told that a list of about 16
> mostly Graffis and SYNES members at UB have been prepared for either
> elimination by thugs already imported for the purpose or the sack. The DVC
> Research, Prof. Emmanuel Chia, as well as one of the most dynamic deans on
> campus are heading this list. The misfortune in the whole of this is that no
> one seems to consider the repercussions that is certain to ensue, if the
> threat is carried through. Are we so naive to assume that the Graffis will
> sit idly by while their elite sons are liquidated in UB? Or, perhaps, the
> naivety is attributable to the idea that the Graffis are so populous that
> they will not notice the elimination of a few of their
> children? It may be recalled that in a speech replete with provocative
> extremism by the VC and published in The Post of June 6, 2005, it was
> asserted thus: "It is a shame that so-called Anglo-Saxon values which we are
> supposed to cultivate at the University of Buea are being turned upside down
> by some teachers with the complicity of some parents. It is certainly not in
> the Anglo-Saxon tradition for students to refuse to dialogue…It is common
> knowledge that members of SYNES UB have contributed little or nothing to
> make the University of Buea beautiful. Rather, they have continued to
> nurture a culture of lawlessness through their persistent defiance of
> authority and by instigating students to riot and to destroy…" As a
> sit-tight leader, one expects the VC to be incensed by the call by SYNES UB
> for her to resign over her inability to resolve the strike, yet find her
> allusions to
> Anglo-Saxon values at UB embarrassing. The refusal to dialogue may or may
> not be Anglo-Saxon, but how a woman who has hung on to her position as VC
> for over 13 years in total defiance of the decree creating the University of
> Buea finds the moral authority to yarn about Anglo-Saxon values and
> lawlessness is truly incredible. Is respect of the law creating an
> institution like UB not a basic Anglo-Saxon tenet? Rather than accuse SYNES
> UB of lawlessness, the VC should address the outrageous lawlessness of her
> tenure. It is rational to assume that the lawlessness that permeates the
> appointment of the leadership of UB would inevitably be transmitted downward
> and not otherwise. The contempt for a plurality of thought and opinion at
> UB is demonstrated in the University's hatred for SYNES as shown in her
> speech above and refusal to recognise an independent student union body, in
> spite of the advice of
> her boss, the Minister of Higher Education. This is not Anglo-Saxon, but
> rather an oppressive method of managing a university, which is bound to fail
> because times have changed and things must change either peacefully or
> through strikes. Regardless of the nostalgia for the one-party style of
> managing universities under the Ahidjo era, a management style where threats
> are issued to students to go to class or be dismissed can no longer be
> sustained in UB. Nor, would the University afford to revert to the era of
> banning courses (as some have suggested) such as political science because
> of their so-called potential for subversion. It is ludicrous to say that
> SYNES UB has not contributed to the beauty of the University when the school
> once placed members of this union on mission to Yaounde to source for credit
> and this, they successfully did to the relief of all and sundry. SYNES
> members, it
> may be recalled, teach courses, supervise research projects and publish in
> standard journals. Is it being suggested by this assertion that only those
> who issue contracts to their kith and kin at UB are contributing to the
> beauty of the University? One would naturally sympathise with the VC's
> pathetic position at UB, particularly as she noted in her speech: "anyone
> who comes near the Vice-Chancellor is an enemy to the rest of the staff."
> But has she asked herself why? Isn't that to be expected when she maintains
> a network of spies, attempts to sack staff who do not agree with her,
> suspend the salaries of scores of lecturers who are away on study leave,
> etc? Can one sow bitterness and hate but expect to reap peace and love? At
> what point would the cherished Anglo-Saxon tradition of resigning when
> things become untenable as they seem to be the case at UB be considered? The
> choices remain
> hers.
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Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
Journalist-OutCome Mapper
P.O.Box 5213
Telephone +237 73 42 71 27

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