Re: [visionaryleader] Press-release- A generational path to political transition in Cameroon

Mr. Howard Njeck,
I am writing from ambasbay discussion group whose aims and objectives are very clear. I am also writing as a Southern Cameroonian. From what I have gathered in your write-up here below, you are writing as a citizen of La Republique du Cameroun. If you are writing as a citizen of LRC, then this is not the forum for it. What you are witing here was relevant around 1993 in the AAC years. We had long passed that stage of seeking good governance, transformational leadership or whatever in LRC.
Actually, Mr. Njeck, the Southern Cameroons is about to free herself from annexation, colonization, and subjugation by LRC , and for you to be urging us Southern Cameroonians to stand up to fight for all what you are insinuating here is tantamount to disrespect, disdain, and disregarding the efforts of the Southern Cameroonians to take control of their territory, its resources, and its peoples.
Some Southern Cameroonians who have not read your write-up between the lines, might be tempted by your manipulation into thinking that you are for the Southern Cameroons. No! you are not. Please, I am urging you to stop doing these things. You know very well that in LRC you people have allowed one-man- rule to take hold, you condone it, and now you want the Southern Cameroons down by urging them to get involved in your scheme. This is wrong.
I apologize if I have been too harsh.
Thank you sir.
International Affairs Expert
From: Howard Njeck <>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 8:03 AM
Subject: [visionaryleader] Press-release- A generational path to political transition in Cameroon
 Fellow Cameroonians

We are currently preparing a political reform program for
Cameroon that is participatory, engaging and socially just, a program that will ignite our collective consciousness. 

 This initiative is a social force that advocates good governance, transformational leadership and cultivate a responsible citizenry.
A vehicle for real and lasting change in Cameroon "driven
by power of love not love for power"
, promote hope and clear hopelessness.
If fully implemented this initiative will set the stage for a new era in
Cameroon. It will bring to our memory and unforgettable image of pride and reconciliation; it will capture the essence of our beloved Nation.
The goal is to achieve a broad community support of national symbol and a unique contribution to our national life. It is clear that today a large number of Cameroonians from all walks of life are seeking to change the state of our country.
We are presently engaging and leading a national conversation on how to reform our political system; Cameroonians are called upon to whole heartedly participate in this process both at home and abroad. 

Participation will be by attending our public meetings, writing letters, emails or lodging email submission on our website. An expert panel will be created to capture the views of Cameroonians directly participating in the reform conversation process.
The change we seek to implement in our country is a total transformation of our political system; we are not only changing the 50 years of Ahidjo, Biya dictatorial system but we are also struggling to change the neo-colonial system of one man rule created in the 60s. 
We have to reform our constitution, bringing it up to date to reflect the realities of the 21st century and to create a share vision of the kind of nation we aspire to live in or leave to our
children.  Our people were never give the opportunity to participate democratically in drafting their founding document nor
were they given the chance to vote for it.

So our struggle is to give our people the unique opportunity to work
together, in the spirit of harmony, Respect, friendship and hope. 

Reforming our political system is nothing but giving our people the ultimate power and control over their governing body. Their full participation in this process will give them the guarantee that any proposed changes in both our constitution and political system is of real benefit to them. 

Therefore broad and active community participation is vital in order to enlist the full participation of every Cameroonian both at home and abroad and with the help of the INTERNET (social media)

  In this case Cameroonians must feel that they were adequately consulted and that their hopes and aspiration, opinions and ideas have been understood and are reflected in the proposals put forward for implementation.
A genuine sense of ownership, of any proposed change can be nurtured by an appropriate consultation period that will give the entire nation time to inform it self about the essence of reforming our country's political system and constitution. 

 The reform package must be able to reflect the hopes and aspiration of the whole people of
Cameroon, it must contribute to a more unified and progressive and reconciled Cameroon. It must be capable of being supported by an overwhelming majority of Cameroonians from across all political and social spectrums. It must be legally sound.

This type of change can have a far-reaching impact and will never be easily achieved, but with the collective will of Cameroonians nothing is impossible.

Launching this program will ignite a sense of belonging among Cameroonians and may corner the regime in Yaoundé to give up their quest for kingdom-ship and yield to our proposal.
Biya should be very ready to receive a shocking surprise if he refuses to yield and continue to manipulate our people as he is doing right now.
 Njeck Howard
Head of mission for Cameroonians for reform program
Visionary leaders are the builders of a new dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. They present a challenge that calls forth the best in people and brings them together around a shared sense of purpose. They work with the power of intentionality and alignment with a higher purpose. Their eyes are on the horizon, not just on the near at hand. They are social innovators and change agents, seeing the big picture and thinking strategically.
     There is a profound interconnectedness between the leader and the whole, and true visionary leaders serve the good of the whole. They recognize that there is some truth on both sides of most polarized issues in our society today. They search for solutions that transcend the usual adversarial approaches and address the causal level of problems. They find a higher synthesis of the best of both sides of an issue and address the systemic root causes of problems to create real breakthroughs.
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