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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Adopt the TRIAD doctrine and learn how we should "STAND OUR GROUND ON THE INVIOLATE RULES PRINCIPLE". This is the fastest and cheapest way we can invite "power" into the emancipation quest and take back what is ours: the sovereign state of Ambazonia (British Southern Cameroons). Our over 60 years of our languishing in CAMEROON and still the world does not understand our cause for independence is irrefutable evidence that we can never fight Cameroon as Southern Cameroonians no matter how hard we try! PAN-KAMERUN, whether inspired by outside forces (Cameroon) or by inside forces (Southern Cameroons) will always be there to sabotage our best efforts.

Adopt the TRIAD doctrine and learn how we should "STAND OUR GROUND ON THE INVIOLATE RULES PRINCIPLE". This is the fastest and cheapest way we can invite "power" into the emancipation quest and take back what is ours: the sovereign state of Ambazonia (British Southern Cameroons). Our over 60 years of our languishing in CAMEROON and still the world does not understand our cause for independence is irrefutable evidence that we can never fight Cameroon as Southern Cameroonians no matter how hard we try! PAN-KAMERUN, whether inspired by outside forces (Cameroon) or by inside forces (Southern Cameroons) will always be there to sabotage our best efforts.

The TRIAD PRINCIPLE < only the TRUTH will enable us understand our RIGHTS and recognize our true IDENTITY >

(1) The TRUTH:
It should never be in dispute that since 1984, the 1961 federation ceased operating! Some of our elites do not like this Fact of TRUTH since it stands to invalidate their thesis that there was never a federation. But in the world we live in where real politik defines EFFECTIVE POWER, what counts is the perception of acquiescence as defined by the incumbent. So like it or not, post 2013 pan-Cameroon inspired revisionism or not, we had a FEDERATION which Cameroon confirmed in its 2002 Banjul deposition. So by the fiat of the 1984 Restoration Law 84/01, this federation ceased to exist, and we stopped bearing the colonizing Cameroonian nationality for our successor State's nationality in the name of AMBAZONIA! While it was very natural for Cameroon returned to its pre-federation identity of "Republic of Cameroon", the proto-Ambazonian nationalist felt a return to the name "Southern Cameroons" would mean they have learnt nothing as second class citizens in pan-Cameroonia. That it would be a disaster to continue sharing the Cameroonian nationality with the offending Cameroon state and opted fir the completely differentiating and unique identity reinforcing name of Ambazonia. This tactic was very timely and absolves us from any accusation of acquiescence as it also met and exceeded the "best interest test" requirement of our emancipation. Please try testing it against those who love calling Ambazonians by the several pan- Cameroon re-colonizing names: "Southern Cameroons", UNO State of Cameroon, etc, etc?

<< to deny this TRUTH while not providing any better alternative, which in this emancipation universe can only be the next best option ((armed struggle)) is to fit the category of serving but Cameroon's and pan- Cameroon's best interest>>

Perhaps you will like to demonstrate how by clinging to the nationality base shared by the offending colonizer state amounts to serving the best interest of our people so crushed by the pervasive force of "pan-cameroonism? Maybe for supporters of that "SLAVE MENTALITY name, it does not matter that we invest some critical thinking before adopting and deploying strategies since history ordained that we remained glued to the abbreviated version of our real description of a name: the United Nations Trust Territory of The Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration" (1946-61)- our true name as the latest version of history had it in 1946. Prior to that the Treaty of Versailles had us as the "Mandatory Territories of the British Cameroons"(1922-46); and prior to that we could best be called "German Kamerun"!

We could go on backward but we would rather like to stay where our best properties of power existed: where we best met the definition of the state defined by the socio-economic processes that defined a collective of people at the same time it attached these people to a a well defined territory, which over time sedimented into political expression that embodies a nation as it evolved into the legal requirement of a state. The Southern Cameroons people deserved the best definition of a functional state in this region which they attained in 1960 by virtue of the termination of UN trusteeship. Even though its leaders failed to seize this opportunity, another one came when they acquired independence by way of forming a confederation if sovereign states with Cameroon. ONLY STATES CAN ENGAGE ANOTHER IN A TREATY OF EQUAL PARTNERS which was how UN Res 1608 (xv) GAOR mandated. Therefore, just why are politicians of Southern Cameroons vintage so prone to rejecting the best interest of our people (their already acquired sovereign rights) for inferior rights (our trusteeship status)? Have they been exempted from obeying the known rules of nature? Viz
1-///- that amongst a range of alternatives you are expected to serve and MAXIMIZE your best interest ONLY when you pick & stick with the best! There is no such thing as an "average" good (( by mixing the bad with the good )) when at the end of the day you still are short of the BEST ((when only the best won the day))..
2--///-- that when people "pick & stick" with the best, it is not only a sign of discipline (a quality all revolutions win or lose on), but more important for these people, it demonstrate a sense of SACRIFICE for the pre- determined common good of their future -- their independence as a distinctive sovereign state.

(2) Our RIGHTS
A slave will never know what are the good things out there for him if all he knows is what his master tells him! "Rights" just do not fall from the tree as that ripe mango, which incidentally, depending on some conscious effort done to frustrate those birds, may not even be of edible quality when it falls. The lesson here is that "rules exist which apply to all" including a people whose leaders love to call them Southern Cameroonians. That what nature has for all peoples, including the people of Southern Cameroon is that RIGHTS are a sacred thing to never leave to the care of anyone. To never leave to the chance that it could fall like that "ripe mango": yes it may fall, but not as an edible ripe mango, but as a raw or rotten mango. It goes also that our collective sovereign rights are never ti be delegated to people who should not be trusted to serve our best interest. That this right should never abbreviate; never compromise; never postponed nor speculated on etc,etc...So why are some leaders of the so called Southern Cameroons people always so keen to latch to an "inferior right" claiming history dictated so when far "superior rights" exist? As for instance: claim because "history" calls us "Southern Cameroonians" we must call ourselves by same name regardless of it's now recognized ineffectiveness in combating "Pan-Cameroonism"! Our rights to self- determination as an inalienable RIGHT, was achieved when in Febuary 11-1961, our forbears voted to gain independence via forming a union with Cameroon to be called "Federal United Cameroon Republics. That this was intentionally changed to simply "Federal Republic of Cameroon" with no protest from the Southern Cameroonians politicians is another testimony of our political naïveté. The fact remain then (1961) and still today (2013) that they are unaware of the importance of IDENTITY and its accompanying NATIONALISM to a newly created country (( a federation uniting two sovereign Republics )) and cared even lesser of it's future implications. Those who insist of maintaining the status quo where identity and nationalism do not matter will be recorded by history as having missed a very vital element (pre-requisite) of survival for an entire people in the face of imminent disaster. The fact that a FEDERATION can only be made between "subject of international law" has been completely ignored by theIr leadership for no logical reason, except that coming late into the game, but still insisting on presenting their IDEA as a unique one, they do not want to be seen as imitating Ambazonia-- they do not want to validate the Ambazonia podition and ideology by citing relevant facts of our history or even applying the principle of "best practices" to be the basis of us seeking only what should be in our "best interest"! By arguing against Ambazonia these politicians have denied for our people their much refined and HIGHER state of rights with all it's safeguards under international law for the uncertainties of "politicking" in the arena of UN Resolutions, UN Declarations and UN Articles. What a tragedy! These UN stuff do not have the binding force of the law as is with "international treaties" between sovereign states which was what happened when the federation was created in 1961 and died in 1984. That belated arguement of "ratification", stands no chance in any court of law as it will have to run the equivalent of a legal gauntlet from the UN, the UK and Cameroon on one side! Does the Banjul verdict's diminution of our rights from the "sovereign state status" already secured in the successor state of Ambazonia following the 1984 extinction of the Cameroon federation to just something called "the Southern Cameroons peoples" what we really want? Didn't our leaders read the 1971 Katangan precedence on peoples rights as subordinated by sovereign rights? Indeed what other "lower form of rights" is this race to the bottom going to unleash upon our confused and unsuspecting people ?

Thank God for the "Banjul Verdict road Junction"! For henceforth it shall be much clearer for our unsuspecting peoples to choose which road to follow!
(a) CLEARLY, on the one road will be those who have not wavered in the face of the Cameroon pre-determinism and it's pervasive evil called "pan-cameroonism"! If intellectual dishonesty is minimized, those like you and many others good people out there, who reserve their rights to be properly represented, will be expected to act as rational people for a change. The two entities that have remained true to their "stated ideology" and done this with laser focus are the SCYL and AMBAZONIA !
(b) CLEARLY, on the other side of this forked-road you will find those who are now jubilating because of the Banjul verdict and even worse, because of the speculation that the United Nations could take up our case and maybe that of the Northern Cameroon to form a greater State called UNO State of Cameroon. Maybe this will finally define them as Southern as a PEOPLE without the constraints if the Katangan precedence! They are now making preparations ((Plan-B)) to negotiate issues surrounding their "people rights" whenevet the sovereign state of Cameroon is ready! With the Banjulists ennumerating a long list of "complaints" should be reason why pan- Cameroonism is making some belated efforts to comply to Banjul decision along such measures as the tarring of the Bamenda-Mamfe road etc, etc. Or maybe this is the maximum VISION of rights those who are now embarking on this route ((Plan-B)) had for the people called "Southern Cameroonians"?

With this "forked" road ahead us, maybe, just maybe, the reign of CONFUSIONISM will be over!

It is only logical that our fellow compatriots of SCYL would come to appreciate POWER at any level since power starts when you "know who you are" <<Ambazonians>>. POWER adds on to this basic survivalist base when you secure your environment by "knowing what you want" <<independence>>! Ambazonia has never wavered and will only get more refined and intense since these are what our revolution would need to fight through "pan-cameroonism", and eventually, Cameroon. So as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west AMBAZONIA stands for the total, complete independence of our country we INSIST to differentiate from the colonizing Cameroonian state by calling it AMBAZONIA and ourselves Ambazonians.

Those who want to not be left stranded in pan-cameroonia are invited to join the ALIM (Ambazonia Liberation Movement) . -//- true to our sense of self-interest that seeks to maximize our rights, the "Ambazonia Liberation Movement" is fully operational as the mechanism that would automatically tap onto our peoples inalienable rights to their nationality pre-defined as Ambazonia. As evidenced by the 2013 CALABAR declaration recognizing Ambazonia as the successor state of the Southern Cameroons, ALIM through it's peoples power appeal is singularly dedicated to finding the ways and means of "taping on the powers" associated with Ambazonia as the sovereign State illegally as well as forcibly occupied by Cameroon.

Join the people self-determination movement where the LAW and most importantly, POWER will firmly be on our side.

Join ALIM and invoke your personal "rights of self-determination" so that COLLECTIVELY we can begin to actualize the sovereign powers we know we have. This is how people who empathize with our cause would want us to act-: take charge and stand your grounds for the rights our sovereign state you used to be in 1961!

Edwin Ngang
Free Ambazonian for ALIM ( Ambazonia Liberation Movement)

------------------>THE TRIAD PRINCIPLE<-------------------------
**Only when we acknowledge and remain steadfast to the TRUTH**
**Only when we recognize and never negotiate away our RIGHTS**
**Only when we accept the realities of our one and unique IDENTITY**

Only by adopting these TRIAD principles of survival and propagation
Can we expect to harness and maintain the power that belong to us as the people, the nation, the state and as the REPUBLIC OF AMBAZONIA (The United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration).

THIS IS OUR INALIENABLE RIGHT WHICH MUST BE RESTORED BY EVERY 'MEANS' POSSIBLE! We have only two options, the AMBAZONIA's Sovereignty-equality/Sovereignty-recognition model (the option-ONE) is here to enable us take advantage of the law as we mobilize our people to recognizing their rights to their AMBAZONIAN nationality. The other alternative left for us is the conflict model [option TWO], which still must be FULLY ENGAGED recognizing that it has its own set rules! CAUTION!! we must get our people "hurriedly" mobilized TO ACTUALIZED THEIR RIGHTS TO THEIR NATIONALITY as AMBAZONIANS and not fight Cameroon as 'southern cameroonians". To call ourselves 'SOUTHERN CAMEROONIANS', can hardly be recognized by observers as an act of "self-determination". It is time to think SMARTER even while we get Adopt the TRIAD doctrine!

Sent from my iPhone....because TIMING matters!

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