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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Re: [cameroon_politics] Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi - SDF DEMISE

Dictators are created by people whose unmiticated support sometimes
are exaggerated without allowing critisms of the leader. A revolution
can not be launched by one person but by the people's uprisings. As in
all revolutions a leader is always needed to transform the revolution
into a political transition, that calls for democratic and liberal
politiking. The SDF failed to harness the momentum to create a
political satalemate between LRC and BSC as was propounded by the
founding fathers. Lets ask ourselves why the founding fathers back
jumped some years after the New found SDF, when the Bamilikes
infiltrated the party and tune the song of their francophone hegemony
and the one and indivisible Cameloon? Who is to be blamed, the
founding fathers and patriotic Southern Cameroonians, who rendered
selfless services to the Southern Cameroons Cause or the unrependant
Mr. Chairman?

Since the dream of Mr. chairman was/is to replace the king of Etoudi,
like Joseph the slave boy in Egypt of old, Southern Cameroonians
should now learn to keep clear of SDF leadership and their
francophone actors who are benefiting. from the largess of SDF/CPDM.
The eye opener here is that the outcome of the recent selections in
the occupied territory, Southern Cameroons is unrepresented in the
socalled Senate and can justify that we are illegally occupied and
politically annexed by alien and foreign governors and La Republique
du Cameroun! I believe it's time to call for a UN international
sponsored Plebiscite in the territory.
Good Day!

2013/4/28, Mathias Afuh <>:
> mr Ben Awah sir if you dont know the history of the SDF you beter stay quite
> instead of passing out information which is not correct,for your information
> Fru Ndi signed as the chiarman and Mr Siga Asanga signed as the SG,  Mr FRU
> Ndi  was not alone.
> --- On Sat, 27/4/13, George Achu <> wrote:
> From: George Achu <>
> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi - SDF
> To: "" <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Date: Saturday, 27 April, 2013, 16:53
> Southern Cameroonians/Ambazonians do not seem to learn any lessons from
> history, domestic and International. Why are they moaning and worrying about
> the SDF, a political party in an annexed territory, nay state, that has for
> two decades been mainly an instrument used to legitimize and consolidate the
> colonization of their territory? Is its conduct different from that of the
> Vichy Regime during the German occupation of France during World War II? Has
> the SDF ever taken a public position on the African Union attempts in 2009
> to end the occupation ...... by dialogue or mediation as well as on the
> persecution of Southern Cameroons restorationists?Consequently, has the SDF
> not been the main obstacle and a distraction to the restoration struggle of
> the people of the state of Southern Cameroons? Would it have made any
> difference if the SDF won the sham senate elections in the occupied state -
> even countrywide? Therefore, is it clear why the occupiers
> characterize citizens of Southern Cameroons as Anglophones, even
> Anglo-fools? Tough love to the SDF and its life president who two decades
> ago were believed to be the Messiahs of the people of the Cameroons! The
> demise of the SDF may turn out to be a blessing in disguise - for all the
> people of the Cameroons striving to rid themselves of colonization and
> autocracy. Yes, for all freedom loving people.
> George Achu
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Bens Awaah:
> What you have written about the Chairman is quite accurate.
> However, don't you realize that he has torn down the institutional
> structures that were built around
> the party to safeguard in-house dictatorship?  That is why the
> thinking-heads pulled back. The hounding
> dogs are all gone.  And now since he is left alone, he does not realize his
> own faultlines.  How can he?
> Those who stood tall to try to maintain the institutional structures were
> berated as being anti-Fru Ndi.
> They were dealt the 8.2 knock-out blow.  So yes, the thinking heads are also
> to blame.
> Let me tell you something.  SDF is NOW owned by Fru Ndi contrary to what he
> himself may be thinking today.
> SDF is owned by THE PEOPLE.  The PEOPLE will soon take back their party,
> because for about 5 years or so now, the Chairman has held the party
> hostage..  He ought to have been gone from that position since the death of
> his wife, for PERSONAL REASONS too ............
> Bye for now.
> Blessed Be Cameroon
> Pa Fru Ndeh
> From: Bens Awaah <>
> To: Cameroon Politics <>
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 4:56 PM
> Subject: RE: [cameroon_politics] Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi
> The story goes that on that positively fateful date in 1989, in a strategy
> meeting in preparation for the public launching of the Social Democratic
> Front (SDF) party, somewhere unknown to the Bamenda and Cameroon public,
> when the crucial moment came, the great question was asked; who wants to be
> leader of this movement? All the actors remained mute, expecting the other
> to take up the mantle of leadership with all the challenges, risks and
> dangers entailed. Eventually, Ni John Fru Ndi stuck his neck out and
> accepted the responsibility, plunging himself into the position. The rest
> has been periods of great euphoria, numerous achievements and some setbacks.
> Who is to blame for the backward slide? Is it solely Ni John Fru Ndi or
> everyone including the SDF party actors and the ruling party with its
> Machiavellian political practices? My position is, it does not matter which
> individual or group of individuals is to blame, ultimately, the people who
> make up the given group are responsible for the kind of leadership they
> have, good or bad. This goes for the members of the SDF general assembly as
> pertains to the party's leadership or the Cameroon electorate in regard to
> the national leadership.
> I am yet to be convinced that Ni John Fru Ndi is singularly responsible for
> whatever political ills have befallen the party, therefore, responsible for
> the failure of the political opposition in Cameroon.  Since he became active
> in Cameroon politics, he has never stopped fighting for the people and for
> the advancement of democracy in Cameroon.  His party has tried many
> political tactics ranging from demonstrations, "Ghost Town", law suits,
> election boycotts to petitioning the International Community. Some of these
> tactics have been sabotaged by coalition partners, condemned by naysayers
> and ignored by the International Community and yet, some legal battles have
> been won, but the ruling government has conveniently failed to implement
> them as expected. It is easy to blame, but difficult to consider the
> complexity of the situation before making pronouncements.
> In yesteryears, when things got tough, many upper level party operatives who
> would have helped rebuild the party, jumped ship or abandoned the party for
> greener pastures. Some returned to the ruling government payroll as
> professors or civil servants. Others are overseas, having used the party to
> achieve legal status and now living comfortably. Their main function now is
> to constantly criticize Ni John Fru Ndi and the SDF without putting forward
> any credible alternative.
> How can these people positively influence party matters while outside the
> country? They should be engaging the party back home in a constructive way
> instead of joining the drumbeat of asking for Ni John Fru Ndi's head. For
> instance, they could support the party financially. They could invite the
> party's leadership to meet them in London, Vienna, Washington D.C., New
> York, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Atlanta or Paris to brainstorm on how to
> improve the party's operation. When any of them goes home, he/she should
> make it a point to seek audience with Ni John Fru Ndi and the party leaders
> to talk about the party. It is wrong to detach oneself from the party only
> to engage in constant, relentless destructive criticism or scapegoating an
> individual.
> What is the role of the people at home? As I have alluded to above, the
> people have the final say on who leads or rules them. Every year, some
> individuals call for the ouster of NJ John Fru Ndi as SDF Chairman. Every
> general assembly election session, he has been reelected overwhelmingly? Why
> is this so? I submit that at every one of the past sessions, the people have
> evaluated his qualification to continue as party chairman among others, if
> any, and concluded that his leadership is still better than that of every
> other contender, hence his reelections. Let us remind ourselves that Ni John
> Fru Ndi has never assumed leadership by fiat. He has always been elected
> democratically to the position of party Chairman. It is ironic that critics
> have not offered credible candidates to stand for elections and take over,
> but only enjoy calling for him to step down. If he steps down today,
> leaving the party leaderless, what happens? He has labored so hard for this
> party that he cannot afford to let it down. He is there by the people's
> permission through the electoral process. He has hung in there through thick
> and thin. Give SDF members a qualified replacement and he may step down.
> Until there is a clear qualified replacement to him, I will continue to hold
> this view point.
> Don't get me wrong; I agree with the concept of tough love. However, when
> dishing out tough love, one must be closely involved with the receiver. The
> most effective tough love is given in private in the company of those
> intimately involved in the subject matter with the recipient(s) - in the
> case of Ni John Fru Ndi (SDF), he and the party leadership. When tough love
> is given in public, it necessarily solicits defensiveness from the
> receiver(s) and would not precipitate change and progress. That is not what
> we really want. Calling for him to resign without preparing the way for a
> smooth transition is advocating for a colossal disaster. Southern Cameroons'
> independence is still on the table.
> Awaah
> "Permit Yourself to Learn to Forgive to be Forgiven"
>                B.U. Awaah
> To: CC: From:
> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 13:04:01 -0700 Subject: Re:
> [cameroon_politics] Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi
> Dear Mr. Boh,
> This is tough love indeed. Some amongst us had to go too low to purge
> ourselves of the anger developed by Pa Fru Ndi's selfish and egoistic
> 'politiking.' While most of us have the tendencies to analyze political
> situations to suit our emotional and selfish needs,this is an objective
> analysis.In a Cameroon where only heroes and villains exists,permit say this
> one is in the middle.
> Only a thin-skinned fool will dispute the fact that Ni John Fru Ndi's
> extended stay at the helm of the SDF has harmed the party a lot.
> For starters,the SDF was a revolutionary party,created to champion the
> interests of the marginalized-by this,I mean the 90 percentile left in the
> cold by the gangsterism and biyarism of the CPDM.Mishe Fon is part of the 90
> percentlile,but his good friend and leader of the aborginals (PAAWCE) is
> unfortunately in the 10th percentile...(laughing).
> Mr. Boh,SDF can came back,because it already has structures in the
> provinces,but heads must role at the top for this to happen. Mbah Ndam must
> also move to the reserve bench.As key adviser to the Chairman,he is equally
> responsible for the demise of the party.
> The reborn SDF must go back to basics-focus on unifying Cameroonians across
> region,religion,ethnicity,language,and colonial heritage. Capitalize on
> winning disgruntled CPDM
> politicians,farmers,intellectuals,students,workers,the unemployed and
> underemployed.These are the people that championed the manifestos of the
> early 1990s.
> The SDF must continue to stay away from secessionist movements, and take
> advantage of the fact that Northern Cameroon is still poorer than the
> South.The North is up for grasps,and a strategic and re-branded SDF can
> sweep the west,Northwest,southwest,littoral,and the northern provinces.
> But wait a minute,Biya will always steall elections! The only reason why
> Biya steals elections is the lack of collective action from the SDF,which
> was the only opposition party.SDF must go back to its principle of political
> and social change. Which means only political actions like
> demonstrations,insurrections,and other public incitement and collective
> actions can match Biya's strategy of stifling,demoralizing,and misdirecting
> opposition power. Street demonstration has led to the downfall of regimes in
> Spain,Africa,and elsewhere;it can happen in Cameroon Violent responds from
> Biya will only make the SDF strong.
> Biya made the SDF more popular in the early 1990s than even Ni Fru Ndi
> himself.It is Biya's attempt to violently suppress a large rally held by the
> SDF in Bamenda in May 1990 that hardened and popularize the movement.The
> ghost town (Villes mortes),also popularize the SDF.Only a peaceful
> revolution characterized by demonstrations,mass actions,riots,and swarms can
> break the regime in Yaounde.The new SDF must re-develop the capacity to
> champion such actions.If that is the path we have to follow to put our
> beloved country on track,so be it.
> Augustine Agbor
> The outcome of my life is not more than three lines:
> I was a raw material
> I became mature and cooked
> And I was burned into nothingness.
> Rumi
> --- On Fri, 4/26/13, Herbert Boh <> wrote:
> From: Herbert Boh <>
> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi
> To:,
> Date: Friday, April 26, 2013, 7:17 AM
> Sometime in the coming day or two, the Supreme Court will rule on the
> senatorial (s)elections of last April 14. Whatever the outcome, not much
> will change. The CPDM will stay firmly in charge. Dictatorship would have
> won another battle.
> It is no surprise.
> Not much was expected to change. At least, not with the die-hard, "come no
> go" CPDM so firmly committed to sabotaging the will of the people. Not after
> the SDF crawled into bed with the CPDM. Now we must deal with the by-product
> of this act of political incest.
> Seen from the angle of two monster, laying down together to bring forth
> (what else?) a monster, a lot will change. The SDF will never be the same
> again. Since its historic launch in 1990, up until and just before the
> (s)election to the Senate, the SDF and its leader were "sense pass king".
> They had skillfully avoided most political traps set them. Well, no more!
> Alas, the SDF may be on a path akin to that of the stupid fly that follows
> the CPDM corpse into the grave.
> Happily, there is an antidote. One thing could change - nay, reverse - that
> fate. The SDF leader, Ni John Fru Ndi, can confess his biggest political
> blunder and offer up his resignation. For a man who has committed few errors
> despite the enormous pressure of the past 20+ years, this was so monumental
> Fru Ndi can only survive if the SDF pays the price.
> The Supreme Court may yet correct the outcome of the election to ensure that
> the "right" (desired) people are selected for Senate. We know from history
> that the election result is not the selection result.
> This means that a senate seat is still possible for the SDF leader... by
> (s)election (preferred and possibly now negotiated). It could come about by
> invalidating a few CPDM councillor votes in the North West and inventing a
> draw that forces a sharing of seats. The SDF candidates in Mezam and Boyo
> divisions could, thus, be let into the new "ngumbah house" Biya is
> constituting.
> Why would the CPDM do such a thing, you may be asking? Well, for the same
> reason it disqualified its own lists in the Adamaoua and West regions in the
> first place. Secondly, Yaounde is not eager to deal with Fru Ndi (version
> 2.0), angered by the "Deal? No deal!" kind of "Njangui" which the CPDM wins
> "en aller et retour" all the time. Third, the CPDM does not want the SDF
> radicalized anew by the ignominious beating it just suffered at the ballot
> box at a time of unprecedented campaigns for the restoration of the
> independence of Southern Cameroons.
> But, I digress... Fru Ndi's resignation (the reason I write) would be a
> gift... it would be but a little price to pay for the big political sin of
> "ssssssleeping with the CPDM". In the absence of getting value for money, it
> would be accepted as a decent short-sale offer to help avoid foreclosure on
> the entire SDF.
> Let me be clear. Fru Ndi has proven beyond doubt that he is that
> once-in-a-generation kind of politician. He has earned his place in history
> and in the hearts of democracy lovers. He has stood tall at great risk to
> himself, his family and his followers. I personally saw him offer to be
> arrested instead of let gendarmes take me and another of his lieutenant's
> from his home while we were under house arrest in 1992. I can brag that I
> know him well. I have tons of respect and admiration for him. In fact, I
> call him "Pa" (the title for "pater"), not "Ni" (the "big brother" title any
> Tom, Dick, and Harry). I trust him like one of the SDF supporters who at one
> of our rallies held up a hand-written placard on one hand and pointed to his
> spouse with the other hand. The placard read: "Fru Ndi: Je te donne ma
> femme"!
> I love Fru Ndi still but believe that this is when his most intimate friends
> must privately and publicly urge him to do the right thing. Fru Ndi's true
> friends at this moment are only those who show him tough love. I do so
> convinced that I am rendering service to democracy. The urgent matter at
> hand is to crucify Fru Ndi or the SDF. I dare say the choice is clear, but
> was it not also clear when the people picked Barnabas, the thief and
> murderer, instead of Jesus, the Christ?
> As Christ is a light to sinners and to the world, the SDF, thanks in large
> part to Fru Ndi, was once Cameroon's brightest democracy light. As one of
> the strongest opposition movement in the country yet, it still can be that
> light. However, if Fru Ndi remains its leader, the SDF will be but a lamp
> lit and put under the bed.
> As some on this forum may remember... there was a time (right?) when both
> Fru Ndi and the SDF were considered eligible for political sainthood. Now,
> though, neither may qualify to approach the gates of purgatory (never mind
> that purgatory was taught "par erreur" by the church). There is a time to
> step up and provide leadership to the SDF and a time to step down and bow
> off the political stage. You cannot last almost as long as a certain Paul
> Biya and yet claim the moral authority to chant "Biya Must Go".
> Children who were suckled on their mother's milk at the time of the SDF's
> launch and chants of "power to the people" and"suffer don finish" are
> turning gray with Fru Ndi still in charge. We have known for a long time
> that  Biya's "democratie avancee" means more power to Biya. Now, we have
> ascertained that the SDF's "power to the people" really means "all power to
> Fru Ndi".
> There is a reason why the SDF of 2013 does not have the many political
> options that were available to its version of the 1990s. Shit happens. If
> you push any dog into a corner, expect one of two reactions. It can let out
> a bark... (witness the SDF threat that it will let out the boys, swinging
> machetes). Or, you can expect the dog to park its tail in between its
> hindsight and cowardly flee (witness the SDF's bending over backwards to woo
> the CPDM).
> The SDF forgot that it was dealing with a certain Popaul with whom what you
> don't see is what you get. The SDF's "grand bargain" with the CPDM is
> turning out to be its Waterloo. The man who was once hailed as Cameroon's
> political Moses may have ran the SDF into political bankruptcy.
> It did not happen overnight. Anyone who has eyes to see, had seen this
> coming. The SDF has been in a suppressed state of political decay for a long
> while now. Accepting the kiss of death from the CPDM was just owning up to
> that state of decay. But, while the SDF was simply in a state of political
> decline, the April 14 (s)election may set it in free fall... unless, of
> course... unless the man who has, indeed, made the SDF decides not to mar
> it.
> Like Bello Bouba before him, Fru Ndi's political relevance may now entirely
> depend on and flow from whatever crumbs the CPDM passes down to the Lazarus
> the CPDM has invited to diner. I mean, of course,  outside of what place he
> has earned in history books - for better, for worse.
> Speaking of crumbs... do not put it beyond the CPDM and the Supreme Court to
> correct the April 14 (s)election. If the correction wins Fru Ndi the vote,
> the SDF must make the case for its leader not to accumulate posts. Crumbs
> are not only a bad thing. Getting to the senate may do Fru Ndi sone good. An
> I mistaken or did Fru Ndi act so desperate to get into the Senate that we
> may all be forgiven for thinking that the SDF leader must dream of how nice
> it would be if electoral fraud could be perpetrated in his favor.
> Boh Herbert
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