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Friday, April 26, 2013

Re: [camnetwork] Re: Mme Victorine Katte Unleashes/// Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi

Mr. President Mishe Fon-As your Minster of woman's affairs, I endorse this message.Yours truly once met a Bassa woman and suffered from premature ejaculation.Guess what she told me: Pourquoi tu as vite VERSE comme ca alors que j'avais envie de faire--OOOOOOO!
Good advice to 'mbwe e Vic Katte!
Professeur Agrege en Sexologie.

From: Mishe Fon <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 7:29 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Mme Victorine Katte Unleashes/// Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi
You this Katie Katie Victorine
I know you even deny the existence of God. You are against everything and everyone. I am sure you don't even believe that your Reme slept with your Repe before you were produced.
Boh wrote an interesting piece and you want to water it down with your usual  epidermic cataclysmic abracadabra INSULTS. Why can't you disagree without being disagreeable. I strongly buy 110% into Boh's excellent critique of his erstwhile Party. Look hia Madame Kate, my grapevine informs me that prior to this Senatorial debacle "Fru Ndi's waterloo" some of our Internet "Espions" gathered weekly into a special folder all our SDF/CPDM exchanges here online and take to the "Chairman and his njumba Paul Biya"...for them to know what Cameroonians are thinking and saying. My source also informs me and threatens me with "You this Mishe, If you get sense, no put ya foot 4 Baminda bicos SDF peepoo go shu you manyaka". So Vat to do? Mme Katie Katie Victorine, talk is cheap. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything. You are too unpolished for a woman. Do you have Bassa genes in you? I remember this Ngog Mapubi Bassa lady who killed her husband bicos the "Mbom" could only knack One Round when she needed at least three. My advice to men has always been; If you see a Bassa woman (and they are always so cute) Run No Look Back. They will kill you ana dat plaba.
Mishe Fon

From: Vic Katte <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 3:21 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi
Hello Herbert,

I am glad the scales are at last falling from your eyes. My only surprise is that it took you so long even though the writing had been on the wall for long.

It has been known for a very long time that the idiotic and imbecillic Fru Ndi is no democrat, but a dictator poorly disguising as a democrat. Now that his true colours have been revealed, he now wishes to flock with the rest of his kind. But the damage this idiot has done to the cause of democracy in Cameroon is incalculable. Yes, it was thanks to his courage that things got moving in the 90s, but it take more than courage to be a leader. Thanks to him, the Biya regime has entrenched itself so deeply into the fabric of Cameroon that it will be almost impossible for it to be dislodged. The day he disappears from the political scene will never come too soon.
Vic Katte
"Easy is the road that leads to benightedness, superstitions and irrationalism". Victor Katte
"The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to tackle it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever infamous and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day, and exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding their heads in shame.

True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he pleases, provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force. He has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly he has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do not hold them. He has no right to demand that they be treated as sacred. He has no right to preach them without challenge." Mencken

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery - none but yourself can free your mind.

"Most people would rather die than think. And most people do"   Bertrand Russell.

From: Herbert Boh <>
Sent: Friday, 26 April 2013, 6:17
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Time to Show Tough Love to Fru Ndi
Sometime in the coming day or two, the Supreme Court will rule on the senatorial (s)elections of last April 14. Whatever the outcome, not much will change. The CPDM will stay firmly in charge. Dictatorship would have won another battle.

It is no surprise.

Not much was expected to change. At least, not with the die-hard, "come no go" CPDM so firmly committed to sabotaging the will of the people. Not after the SDF crawled into bed with the CPDM. Now we must deal with the by-product of this act of political incest.

Seen from the angle of two monster, laying down together to bring forth (what else?) a monster, a lot will change. The SDF will never be the same again. Since its historic launch in 1990, up until and just before the (s)election to the Senate, the SDF and its leader were "sense pass king". They had skillfully avoided most political traps set them. Well, no more! Alas, the SDF may be on a path akin to that of the stupid fly that follows the CPDM corpse into the grave.

Happily, there is an antidote. One thing could change - nay, reverse - that fate. The SDF leader, Ni John Fru Ndi, can confess his biggest political blunder and offer up his resignation. For a man who has committed few errors despite the enormous pressure of the past 20+ years, this was so monumental Fru Ndi can only survive if the SDF pays the price. 

The Supreme Court may yet correct the outcome of the election to ensure that the "right" (desired) people are selected for Senate. We know from history that the election result is not the selection result.

This means that a senate seat is still possible for the SDF leader... by (s)election (preferred and possibly now negotiated). It could come about by invalidating a few CPDM councillor votes in the North West and inventing a draw that forces a sharing of seats. The SDF candidates in Mezam and Boyo divisions could, thus, be let into the new "ngumbah house" Biya is constituting. 

Why would the CPDM do such a thing, you may be asking? Well, for the same reason it disqualified its own lists in the Adamaoua and West regions in the first place. Secondly, Yaounde is not eager to deal with Fru Ndi (version 2.0), angered by the "Deal? No deal!" kind of "Njangui" which the CPDM wins "en aller et retour" all the time. Third, the CPDM does not want the SDF radicalized anew by the ignominious beating it just suffered at the ballot box at a time of unprecedented campaigns for the restoration of the independence of Southern Cameroons.

But, I digress... Fru Ndi's resignation (the reason I write) would be a gift... it would be but a little price to pay for the big political sin of "ssssssleeping with the CPDM". In the absence of getting value for money, it would be accepted as a decent short-sale offer to help avoid foreclosure on the entire SDF. 

Let me be clear. Fru Ndi has proven beyond doubt that he is that once-in-a-generation kind of politician. He has earned his place in history and in the hearts of democracy lovers. He has stood tall at great risk to himself, his family and his followers. I personally saw him offer to be arrested instead of let gendarmes take me and another of his lieutenant's from his home while we were under house arrest in 1992. I can brag that I know him well. I have tons of respect and admiration for him. In fact, I call him "Pa" (the title for "pater"), not "Ni" (the "big brother" title any Tom, Dick, and Harry). I trust him like one of the SDF supporters who at one of our rallies held up a hand-written placard on one hand and pointed to his spouse with the other hand. The placard read: "Fru Ndi: Je te donne ma femme"!

I love Fru Ndi still but believe that this is when his most intimate friends must privately and publicly urge him to do the right thing. Fru Ndi's true friends at this moment are only those who show him tough love. I do so convinced that I am rendering service to democracy. The urgent matter at hand is to crucify Fru Ndi or the SDF. I dare say the choice is clear, but was it not also clear when the people picked Barnabas, the thief and murderer, instead of Jesus, the Christ? 

As Christ is a light to sinners and to the world, the SDF, thanks in large part to Fru Ndi, was once Cameroon's brightest democracy light. As one of the strongest opposition movement in the country yet, it still can be that light. However, if Fru Ndi remains its leader, the SDF will be but a lamp lit and put under the bed. 

As some on this forum may remember... there was a time (right?) when both Fru Ndi and the SDF were considered eligible for political sainthood. Now, though, neither may qualify to approach the gates of purgatory (never mind that purgatory was taught "par erreur" by the church). There is a time to step up and provide leadership to the SDF and a time to step down and bow off the political stage. You cannot last almost as long as a certain Paul Biya and yet claim the moral authority to chant "Biya Must Go".

Children who were suckled on their mother's milk at the time of the SDF's launch and chants of "power to the people" and"suffer don finish" are turning gray with Fru Ndi still in charge. We have known for a long time that  Biya's "democratie avancee" means more power to Biya. Now, we have ascertained that the SDF's "power to the people" really means "all power to Fru Ndi".

There is a reason why the SDF of 2013 does not have the many political options that were available to its version of the 1990s. Shit happens. If you push any dog into a corner, expect one of two reactions. It can let out a bark... (witness the SDF threat that it will let out the boys, swinging machetes). Or, you can expect the dog to park its tail in between its hindsight and cowardly flee (witness the SDF's bending over backwards to woo the CPDM).

The SDF forgot that it was dealing with a certain Popaul with whom what you don't see is what you get. The SDF's "grand bargain" with the CPDM is turning out to be its Waterloo. The man who was once hailed as Cameroon's political Moses may have ran the SDF into political bankruptcy. 

It did not happen overnight. Anyone who has eyes to see, had seen this coming. The SDF has been in a suppressed state of political decay for a long while now. Accepting the kiss of death from the CPDM was just owning up to that state of decay. But, while the SDF was simply in a state of political decline, the April 14 (s)election may set it in free fall... unless, of course... unless the man who has, indeed, made the SDF decides not to mar it.  

Like Bello Bouba before him, Fru Ndi's political relevance may now entirely depend on and flow from whatever crumbs the CPDM passes down to the Lazarus the CPDM has invited to diner. I mean, of course,  outside of what place he has earned in history books - for better, for worse. 

Speaking of crumbs... do not put it beyond the CPDM and the Supreme Court to correct the April 14 (s)election. If the correction wins Fru Ndi the vote, the SDF must make the case for its leader not to accumulate posts. Crumbs are not only a bad thing. Getting to the senate may do Fru Ndi sone good. An I mistaken or did Fru Ndi act so desperate to get into the Senate that we may all be forgiven for thinking that the SDF leader must dream of how nice it would be if electoral fraud could be perpetrated in his favor.

Boh Herbert

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