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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Reading Meaning into the Closure of Foundation FM in Bamenda. Gov't Shuts Down Foundation Radio Bamenda

In 2003, fourteen natives of the Southern Cameroons dragged the
government of the Camerounse state to the African Commission on Human
and Peoples Rights and charged the Gvt of La Republique du Cameroun
The ACHPR observed that this charge was very serious and asked for proofs.
Those proofs have been tabled and are currently under review by the ACHPR.
A very acidic-insidious form of COLONIZATION is the control of the
narrative via outright corruption of English-language newspapers,
bribery and corruption of the newspaper owners, intellectual and
actual terrorism of both staff and newspaper owners, censorship of
dissident English-language voices and then the tyrannical closure of
media houses.
These things are designed to, not only keep the colonized people
subservient but, in the specific case of Camerounese colonization,
completely assimilate the English-speaking folks. This explans why a
Camerounese gvt minister, a certain Hamadou Moustapha, once said : '
A un certain moment on avait oublié que les anglophones étaient la. On
a cru qu'ils étaient tous francophonisés.'
The fear of GENOCIDAL-EXTINCTION is the main reason why a group of
Southern Cameroonian patriots have made a representation of the
Southern Cameroons Case to UNESCO.
And UNESCO takes a rather dim view about colonization tactics as
enforced by La Republique du Cameroun.
I do recall that Mr. George Ngwana did wonder in these set of chambers
why there was this terrifying paucity of English-language broadcast
media. Investor dread of closure is just one of the plural reasons. It
speaks volumes that the so-called Camerounese Communications
Commission is yet to react to the closure of Foundation FM.
Hats off to Mr Donat Suffo, representative of the Syndicate of
Camerounese Journalists in Bamenda, who told the BBC this morning that
it was absurd for the government to continue banishing other voices in
a so-called democracy.
A lutta continua

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