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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Re: Cameroon tribune. Bakassi – Cameroon and Nigeria, Celebrating Advances in Peaceful Coexistence

Who can enlighten our readership on whether the Cameroons does same, and if so,
The cost of interest in public office - from local government to the senate and from government delegate to president. Don' t include the cost of influence peddling, bribery and corruption whatever the scope. Good day.

Sent from my iPad

On May 2, 2013, at 4:53 AM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

> Bakassi – Cameroon and Nigeria, Celebrating Advances in Peaceful Coexistence
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "" <>
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2013 04:27:01 +0000
> Subject:
> To:
> ///////////////////////////////////////////
> The Commercialization of Politics in Cross River State by PDP by Obono Obla
> Posted: 30 Apr 2013 10:57 AM PDT
> Barrister Obono Obla, Politician and Human Rights Activist
> by crossriverwatch admin
> Yesterday the Peoples Democratic Party, Cross River State Chapter published
> its guidelines for aspirants seeking nomination as its Chairmanship and
> Councillorship candidates respectively in the forthcoming Local Government
> Council election scheduled for September, 2013 in the State.
> After the publication of these guidelines ominous silence, outrage,
> disbelief and shocked descended and permeated the ranks and file of the
> Party on the astronomical increase in the price of expression of interest
> and nominations forms for the Chairman and Councillorship positions.
> In unprecedented move calculated and intended to send a strong signal that
> the Party is meant for those who have enriched themselves at the expense of
> the society and their cronies; the purchase price for expression of
> interest and nomination forms for aspirants seeking nomination for the
> Chairmanship position was fixed at N1, 000,000 million. Conversely the
> purchase price for the expression of interest and nomination forms for
> Councillorship position was fixed for N500, 000.
> It is the height of deceit and chicanery, indeed criminal for the Party to
> fix the purchase price of its expression of interest and nominations forms
> at such a ridiculously high price that is clearly beyond the reach of Party
> men and women who genuinely wants to use its platform to contest
> Chairmanship and Councillorship positions in order to get into the local
> government system to try and see if they can infuse some measure of change
> to arouse it from its present, stagnant, comatose and atrophied position.
> The implication of the fixing of such astronomical price for the purchase
> of forms for aspirants by the PDP is that the race to get the nomination of
> the Party by aspirants under its platform for the forthcoming Local
> Government Council elections election is that the entire process has been
> hijacked by only those with deep pockets or those who would be sponsored by
> powerful and rich Party barons under the guise of god fatherism. The
> institutionalization of commercial and money politics with all its
> attendant negativisms has been elevated to the greatest but ridiculous
> height by this latest policy thrust of the PDP.
> It is a sad commentary that the PDP has refused to reform despite the huge
> outcry by Nigerians over its dismal and woeful performance since it took
> over the reins of governance in the country since 1999. The miserable and
> scandalous under performance of the PDP is felt in all the three tiers of
> governments in the Country. However it is most palpable in the Local
> Government tier because that tier of government is the closest to the
> people.
> The manipulation of the Local Government tier of government by Governors in
> the Country especially in PDP controlled States has led to the complete
> collapse of that vital tier of government with the attendant grave
> implication in the development of the country rural areas. The
> merchantilist and buccaneer style of politicking introduced into Nigerian
> political terrain by the PDP has led to the seizure of the political
> landscape by those who do not mean well for the hapless people of this
> country.
> It is now clear to the people that the change we all desire, clamor and
> want will never come from PDP. The Party is doomed. It is right time
> Nigerians shun the Party and seek for alternative platform. The PDP is like
> a leopard that will hardly change its spots. The PDP is bad luck. Nigerians
> must certainly look elsewhere. It is even a slap on the face of the people
> of Cross River State.
> This huge cost of nomination form in the PDP is a challenge to the people
> and I pray that they take the gauntlet by embracing alternative platforms
> offered by other political parties in the State to call the bluff of the
> PDP.
> The PDP will only sit up when the people are ready to give it a challenge
> by being alive to their responsibility of good citizenship by shunning the
> enticements usually thrown at them by PDP during election time and vote
> according to their conscience.
> Okoi Obono-Obla
> follow us on twitter @crossriverwatch
> ///////////////////////////////////////////
> Cross River Has Spent N5b on Education - Deputy Governor
> Posted: 30 Apr 2013 03:57 AM PDT
> by crossriverwatch admin
> Efiok Cobham, Deputy Governor Cross River State
> The Cross River State Government says it has spent the sum of 3billion
> Naira on secondary and 2.7billion Naira on primary education since the
> inception of the Senator Liyel Imoke administration in 2007.
> .
> Mr. Efiok Cobham, the deputy governor of the state made the revelation in
> Calabar on Monday while declaring open a workshop on ICT for secondary
> schools in the state.
> Cobham said the government has invested over N6b for the funding of
> secondary schools operating in the State between 2007 to 2013.
> He added that the workshop was organized as a training retreat by the State
> Ministry of Education in conjunction with EDUComp Solutions Limited, India
> to train teachers on the use of computers.
> He said the state was emphasizing e-learning for pupils and students of the
> state since the world has become a global village where a child in the
> state is expected to be able to compete with a child in Malaysia.
> Mr. Cobham added that the government was living up to its responsibility in
> funding education at the primary level and has sunk the sum of N2.7billion
> Naira as its counterpart funding for various educational programs in the
> state and has rehabilitated over 500 class room blocks in primary schools.
> He said government had also established five new secondary schools and
> three primary schools to expand access to primary and secondary education
> to ensure that school-age children are not denied access to qualitative
> education.
> According to him, this has translated to an increase of 25% to 30%
> enrollment in public primary and secondary schools stressing that
> investment in the education sector included manpower development through
> scholarships, printing of textbook for primary and secondary schools at
> subsidized rate, payment of WAEC and NAPTEB registration fees which
> according to him have also impacted positively on generality of the people.
> Also speaking Commissioner for Education Prof. Offiong Offiong said that
> the training became necessary since government had distributed over 10,000
> laptops/computers to teachers at primary and secondary schools.
> Offiong who also spoke on the importance of the retreat pointed out that
> the retreat came at a time when 60 secondary schools under comprehensive
> renovation of schools phase 1 are being installed with state of the art
> computers systems adding that the State educational system intend to
> introduce digital literacy models before 2015 which would help train
> student in both primary and post primary schools.
> Offiong said that his Ministry also resolved to implement the Memorandum of
> Understanding (MOU) with EDUComp Solution Limited which he hopes would
> revolutionize the education delivery in the State adding that in the last
> six years, the Imoke led administration has committed so much into that
> sector just to take education to a higher pedestal.
> follow us on twitter @crossriverwatch
> ///////////////////////////////////////////
> Cross River LG Polls: PDP Aspirants to Pay N1m as Imoke Insist on Zoning
> Posted: 30 Apr 2013 03:30 AM PDT
> Ntufam John Okon
> Chairman, PDP
> Cross River State
> by crossriverwatch admin
> From all indications, current council chairmen and councilors in Cross
> River State who are angling to return to their posts in December 2013 on
> the Peoples Democratic Party ticket have been left in the cold as the Cross
> River State Governor Senator Liyel Imoke has insisted that zoning of
> positions must have to take place so that those who have not had a touch of
> such offices could be given an opportunity.
> Aspirants for the September 21 elections under PDP have also been asked to
> cough out whooping sums of N500, 000 for intent form and N1m for nomination
> form for the post of Chairman and N100, 000 for intent form and N300, 000
> for nomination form for councilor.
> Senator Imoke who is the leader of the PDP in the State told party caucuses
> and stakeholders in a meeting held at about 3am on Sunday that zoning of
> offices in the coming election is mandatory because it enhances peace and
> equity so those seeking to return to their posts should give way for others.
> The governor said he is aware that those who are angling to return are
> harping on the fact that they have performed satisfactorily and should be
> given another three years but that would not be fair to other party
> faithfuls who have been waiting in the wings to occupy such positions.
> The Governor was quoted to have said that even in his Local Government, Abi
> where Frank Eta, the current chairman is angling to return, he has asked
> him to stay aside and allow another person take his post.
> "His Excellency knows that there is not much that a council chairman does
> since most of the projects are executed by the state and sees the position
> of chairman or councilor as empowerment for the boys and so if one person
> has had his share, it is only fair that another be given the same
> opportunity". A source who was at the meeting said.
> Imoke who had before his trip to the US during the Easter period saddled
> his three Personal Assistants on Political Matters (north, central, south)
> to collate the list of wards and units that have not had the opportunity of
> producing chairman or councilor to him told the political stakeholders to
> "ensure that they keep to the tenets of equity and fairness and accordingly
> zone the elective positions in their local government of wards". Our source
> said.
> On complaints that the sum of N500, 000 for intent form and N1m for
> nomination form for the post of chairman and N100, 000 for intent form and
> 300,000 for nomination form for councilor was too high, the governor is
> said to have told them that "The car for a Chairman is N15m so why should
> the person wishing to be chairman not be ready to sacrifice a paltry N1.5m
> to purchase the party form?".
> Meanwhile political activities in the state are on the high within the PDP
> as each stakeholder or aspirant is making desperate rounds to solicit for
> support with the release of the party guidelines on Monday and the near
> absence of activity by the opposition parties.
> follow us on twitter @crossriverwatch
> ///////////////////////////////////////////
> Bakassi - Cameroon and Nigeria, Celebrating Advances in Peaceful Coexistence
> Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:59 AM PDT
> President Paul Biya of Cameroon and President Jonathan of Nigeria
> by Cameroon Tribune
> The 31st session of the United Nations Mixed Commission for the
> Implementation of the ICJ Judgment of October 10, 2002 on the 25th of April
> in Yaounde with many advances to show in the area of peace.
> The relaxed and convivial atmosphere at the cock-tail in the Yaounde
> Hilton, by experts and attendees at the opening ceremony of yet another
> mixed commission session between plenipotentiaries from Nigeria and
> Cameroon under the supervision of the UN, gives a clear picture of the
> state of relations today between Nigeria and Cameroon.
> All the three speakers who took the floor at the opening session of the
> 31st session of the UN-sponsored mixed commission had some praiseworthy
> words for the state of relations between the two countries today.
> Beginning with the leader of the Cameroonian delegation, Mr Amadou Ali,
> Vice Prime Minister and Minister-Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic
> in charge of relations with Parliament and the Economic and Social Council.
> After welcoming the delegates from Nigeria and the United Nations, the
> Cameroonian plenipotentiary observed that relations between Cameroon and
> Nigeria have so improved that in 2011, they reached a point never attained
> before, as Nigeria became Cameroons first trading partner.
> Proof of this new friendly posture is also the signing of numerous
> cooperation agreements, notably in the area of trans-border security,
> electricity inter-connectivity, trans-border roads and the bridge over the
> Mayo Tiel.
> With regard to the Commissions work, virtually all ground work on boundary
> demarcation has been completed as Mr Amadou Ali revealed that all the three
> parties had already agreed on where to put pegs on a distance of some 1913
> kilometers of the 2100-odd kilometers of the Cameroon-Nigeria border.
> It was also satisfactory to note that some 467 beacons had effectively been
> put up from the Lake Chad area down to around the North Region of Cameroon.
> What is left is however quite daunting because it involves not only
> building the 500 beacons left or working on the kilometer area which is
> still in dispute, but also agreeing on the final boundary map.
> The leader of the Nigerian delegation and that countrys Attorney General
> and Minister of Justice Mohammed Bello Adoke seemed to have found some
> quick solutions to Mr Alis worries by positing a very cooperative posture
> of the Nigerian side.
> The Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) said in his opening statement that
> more than anything else, the most significant achievement of the Mixed
> Commission is the prevalence of peace between Cameroon and Nigeria.
> The Nigerian minister said it was thanks to peace that Cameroon and Nigeria
> had, among other things: returned to the discussion table by restoring the
> erstwhile Nigeria-Cameroon Joint Commission; the exchange of high-level
> visits between Cameroon and Nigeria; the withdrawal and transfer of
> authority in the Lake Chad in December 2003; the withdrawal and transfer of
> authority on the land boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria in 2004 as well
> as confidence-building measures along the common border.
> It is the desire of the Nigerian side to see to the fast-tracking of the
> implementation of the modalities for the Trans-border Security Agreement
> earlier signed between the two countries, with emphasis on joint border
> patrols and a unified command along the entire border.
> In view of the huge success of the Mixed Commission, the Special
> Representative of the UN Secretary-General for West Africa and Chairman of
> the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission, Said Djinnit, said he had solicited
> the support of the European Union, the World Bank, the African Development
> Bank and the United Nations Development Program for funding to ensure that
> many of the trans-border initiatives are sustained.
> He said the effectiveness of cooperation between Cameroon and Nigeria was
> best exemplified by the recent release of hostages taken in Cameroon and
> kept in Nigeria. He was full of praises for the role played by President
> Paul Biya in the release of the hostages.
> follow us on twitter @crossriverwatch
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