Re: [MTC Global] Re: Don’t ever attempt to do Ph.D. in Business Management if you satisfy all or any one of the following conditions

Economic Times has started a compaign against " Half Knowledge". Ensure we are not victim of that.
Raj Verma
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Ramamirtham Gopal <> wrote:
Dear All
Please do not keep finding faults with the students always. 
Let us look at the entire PhD process from a distance
The Ph D admission process entails and as is laid down by the UGC clearly states that 
1. there should be a PhD entrance exam
2. there should be a course work for around 6 months  or one semester 
3. there should be an examination after the course work is over
4. the guide should be allotted after the course work is over
5. Inter disciplinary studies is encouraged and for that there is to be an additional course work or a M Phil degree in the discipline that is required. For e.g. a MA in History can do a PhD in Managment, if he has done additional course work or has completed his MPhil in Business Management
6. The thesis is to be submitted after a minimum of 2 and half years after the course work and within 5 years from the date of registration / enrollment
7. The thesis is to be evaluated by  minimum two examiners of which one should be outside the state and the other inside the state. Evaluation by knowledgeable outside the country is preferred but not mandatory.
8. the recent guideline suggest that the thesis must be uploaded in the website of the university and also on inflibnet.

Many universities do not follow such practices. In some of the universities, around 400 PhDs have been churned out in a span of one year forcing the courts to intervene. 
In some of the universities guides are appointed on political basis
in a few  universities, the course work comprises of one week stay at the university where the classes will be held for 2 days followed by course work examination and then one day presentation on the research proposal.
At this rate who is to be blamed-- the student or the faculty or the university or the UGC?
Let us have a look at the course work, the course work for Phd comprises of Research Methodology including statistics and computer applications, paper on new trends in business management and two seminars of which one is on literature review.
Are these not required for the PhD student.
Every thesis need not be of an Einsteinian Quality -- new discovery etc. Can it not be application oriented. 
Now who should be the main person to guide the students? It is the guide of course. The guide should be chosen depending on the area of specialization. Is this done? No, the guide is chosen on the basis of  I KNOW YOU AND YOU KNOW ME. 
If that is the way, then why blame the quality of the research.
In good universities, including the D.Y. Patil University, the above rules are followed in strict. Additionally, many universities including DYP University have a system whereby it is mandatory that the student meets the guide and discusses with him the work done so far This meeting is to be carried out atleast once in a month,
A FRC or RRC is also additionally carried out every 6 months so that the progress of the student can be monitored and course correction done.  In some universities the guide has the right to throw the student out for want of progress both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Before submission of the thesis there h as to be a presentation before the RRC.
Are these followed? In fact I would like to ask all those who have written about the PhD program whether they are aware of the rules.
It is sad, I agree that students do not have a passion for doing phd. Many of them want to this only for getting the 6th pay or otherwise and in many cases the guide also encourages them. It is sad but who can instill this passion? The guide can only motivate can only persuade but the student must have the passion for doing all this.
In fact my suggestion is for the sake of  a few unscruplous elements in the society do not blame and say everything is bad and please do not spread this negativity
Prof. Dr, R. Gopal

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Usha Gowri <> wrote:
Inter disciplinary research is the need of the hour .Another important factor to consider is age-why should there be an age limit for Ph D? Why cant people do their doctoral studies based on their experience and for the love of it?

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:41 AM, ARUN DESHMUKH <> wrote:

Dear Dr. Chandrashekhar Sir,

Universities are certainly rigid in their admission procedure stated some 20-30 year ago and still continuing the same without interdisciplinary interface.

However, our IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) do promote such researches. They allow the candidates of different discipline to pursue research in Management. For instance to do research in HRM they consider the application of candidate from say MA psychology, behavioral sciences, psychiatry, and other social science and humanities subjects and also MSW. similarly Btech/ MTech for operations management research, Mcom for All areas etc.

Now is the time when universities are also required to promote interdisciplinary researches, To my knowledge our university Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi does stresses upon such researches. a person applying for PhD in management can also attend/ seek admission counselling for other sister discipline viz., commerce, economics, psychology, tourism and hospitality management etc.

Thanks & Warm Regards

Arun Kumar Deshmukh

Faculty of Management Studies (FMS)

Banaras Hindu University (BHU)

Varanasi - 221005, BHARAT (India)

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On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 7:46 AM, S.Chandrasekar <> wrote:
I have been reading the mails exchanged on the topic raised by Dr.Appalayya. He had rightly said that students hardly know to distinguish an article and thesis. To be frank, many research papers are prepared by respective guides /resource scholars for an outsourcing fee often referred to as 'value added services'.
I have been the cover story author for many issues of ICFAI University HRM Review journal during 2009-2011. A research paper need not necessarily encapsule the statistics that is to be worked out on graph and charts. These are looked up by them as dry and likely to be skipped. There are topics that may not require all these substances to be put to use. A research thesis published need not be bulky and run for several pages. It is the crux of the topic that is dealt in length and depth. I have seen some simple papers yet very exhaustive.
So the outcome depends on the calibre of research student, his guide, the topic recommended, writing style and the presentation made. In my observation, I have seen experienced senior people with a master degree in someother subject vying for a PhD in Management. It is the passion and the drive that engulfs them. To my knowledge, universtity policy does not permit anybody with a master other than MBA to register for PhD in Management. I am not aware of any updates on this. Please correct me if I am wrong.
From: Rajesh V - Office Use <>
Cc: ORS Rao <>; Sheojee Singh <>; ramana murthy <>; Mohammed Naveed <>; narra vishnumurty <>; Dr.Appalayya Meesala <>;; Prabhakar Waghodekar <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2013 3:05 PM
Subject: [MTC Global] Re: Don't ever attempt to do Ph.D. in Business Management if you satisfy all or any one of the following conditions

Valid points and I would like to add another important point to the list -
- Practical and preferably hands on experience regarding the subject.
Dr P H Waghodekar sign off line for his email is  "Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!"
How can this happen if any Ph.D. is only conceptual and academic by nature. What value add can such Ph. D. holders do to their students without any practical/ hands on experience/ exposure.
Retail Consultant, Trainer & Author,

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thanking you and with kind regards

Dr. R. Gopal

Director, Dean and Head of the Department

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil University
Department of Business Management

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