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Sunday, June 2, 2013

[MTC Global] Succession Planning & Manusmriti

Dear All

As per Manusmriti average life is 100 years. Saint Manu described phases of life as :

Brahmacharyashrama                        :     25 years                                           Grihasthasrama                                  :     25 years                                                  Vanaprasthasrama                             :      25 years                                                   Sanyashrama.                                      :     25 years

Converting in to Management Concepts with Life say 60  years (retirement life)

Gyan Ashram (Education)                   :    25 years                                                     Grihasth + Karam Ashram                   :    25 years                                         Vanaprasthasrama ( Mentor ship)      :    5   years                                             Sanyas Ashram                                    :    5   years and after 60 years

Succession Planning must start say at the age of 45-50 years and by reaching the age of 50 years you must have handed over your position in corporate and business to next generation. After 50 -55 years remain in mentor ship role and after 55 years disconnect yourself from mentor ship also and leave your successor alone to manage his / her affairs independently. You focus on CSR / Societal responsibilities. In some families this practice is prevalent where parents are given social responsibility  or advised to go for religious tours.


Raj Verma


MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate
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