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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

RE: 10 University of Buea Lecturers Questioned by the Police

anglophone parents staged a demonstration in front of the ministry of education for the university to be created. anti-riot police and gendarmes were sent in and in a bid to squash the demonstration someone lost an eye. cameroonian francophone administration only knows one way to react to things - violence.

Subject: Re: 10 University of Buea Lecturers Questioned by the Police
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 11:03:56 +0000

With due respect permit me chip in here concerning the creation of the Anglo-Saxon University of Buea. I insist  that the creation of this University was not a gift from La Republique or better still it was not a contemplated educational reform(s) by the  Ministry of  Higher Education, as some people have always mistaken that it was a God send manna from heaven.
Truth be told that after the mass demonstrations by Parlement or Students Coordination in Yaoundé, some francophone student leaders were only interested in the political rallies across the country positioning themselves in case Biya goes away as was their war cries: "Biya Must Go", Conference National, etc!  When the regime started to corrupt the same leaders they started speaking from both sides of the mouth. In  1992,  the  students "Parlement" was a skeleton of itself as most of the leaders ran out of the country seeking asylum from right, left and center. They seem to be same lots creating confusion with big sounding titles and hoping to replace Biya one day.
When a few die hard Anglophone student braved the bull by the horn and launched the Cameroon Anglophone students Association (CANSA), which the then PM Achidi  Achu joked  not to become the disease CANCER and spread through out the country. He was prophetic, as CANSA had as immediate goals to fight for the upholding and protection of the Anglo-Saxon Educational system inherited from our colonial administration and the return to the Federation. In this light we demanded the creation of an Anglo-Saxon type University in Buea  and to upgrade Higher Institutions in Anglophone Cameroon to University colleges including ENS Bambili,  Agricultural Research Centres to full fledge University Institutes and the creation of University Health centre.
CANSA addressed Memos to the Government through the Prime Minister and Minister of Higher Education. The Memo also declared that if these proposals were not respected before a dateline, the students from the two provinces will embarked on a nation wide strike and boycott  all schools from Primary to University level. The threats in place, CANSA  embarked on a  massive  sensitisation  campaign to mobilise Parents and students in the nocks and corners of the two provinces. While on this mission, CANSA laced with CAM and TAC to continue in diverse ways to lobby and force the government to react  on our demands.
It should be remembered that during CANSA  Conference in Bamenda, 1993  the students break out into an impromptu  demonstrations and the then Delegate of Provincial Eductaion, Fon Forbuizie (not sure if right) was held hostage at the Provincial delegation in Bamenda and forced to call Yaoundé for the Text Creating and an Text of Application for the University of Buea and the Examination Board to be signed. When assurances came from Yaoundé the Delegate was released and the next day, the text creating the six universities was read and another creating the GCE Board and Office du BAC was signed.
Those who were against the students demonstration in Buea in 1991, headed by Dr mrs Dorothy Njuema, was appointed VC despite her role to call in troops to kill students during the massive demonstration in Buea. This  witness and active participant  was almost crushed by a military jeep at the Buea University Centre Junction. The new administration embarked on a mission they never prepared for and thought it was by the largess of Biya that the University was created in Buea. They went as far as calling in witch doctors to plant a life goat at the entrance. This evil will continue to hunt those who continue to think the Buea Varsity is a breeding ground for political apprenticeship.
NB: We sacrificed our today's happiness, property and careers to create an environment fit for our children educational aspirations and meritocracy, not a tribal melting box for those still yearning for political appointments in La Republique!
George EBAI
Sent from Windows Mail
From: ngwang gumne
Sent: Wednesday, 5 June 2013 11:17
Thanks for the legal elucidation.
We should remember that the French do not like to hear of Anglo-Saxone style university in the Southern Cameroons. That is why they have been doing all in their power to destabise the institution. The criminal investigation in process is part of the strategy. The other factors include control of admissions,through which they send in students with connectons. In this way, staff and students cannot run the university the way it should be run.The divide and rule tactics are many and varied.
It is hoped that The Southern Cameroons will be free and these irregularities will be fixed.
ngwang gumne


----- Original Message -----

From: Chief Charles A.Taku

Sent: 06/04/13 03:19 PM

To:, cameroon patriots,

Subject: Fw: 10 University of Buea Lecturers Questioned by the Police


Taking the route of inviting a repressive wing of the police to intervene and harass lecturers is a grave mistake for which those who initiated the process will come to regret.
From a legal perspective, I still have not figured out what forms of criminal participation can be alleged against these University lecturers and professors. Advising striking students and helping them to write out their grievances in an attempt to resolve the University crisis to me is not a criminal offense. Even advising students to assert a constitutional right by going on strike to press their demands is again not criminal.  A strike action is not per se criminal. What is criminal are the crimes perpetrated in the course of asserting a right afforded by law.  The report from which I am making this observation has not alleged that the lecturers are accused of any form of accomplice criminal liability and charged as such with the alleged principal perpetrators.
The allegations made by one Ako Eno in his internet posting are crimes which if proved are crimes against  the security  of the state and can hardly be placed within the context of the University of Buea.
From the forms of participation alleged, those that come close to fitting would have been aiding and abating and conspiracy to commit the crimes alleged against the 26 students who are standing trial. They cannot be stand alone crimes as such within this context. 
 As I have done in previous postings on this matter, the VC and persons driving her agenda in initiating this process may have ignorantly provided a tribune for students and lecturers to ridicule her, and exposed the matters that for years have been kept under a seal of confidentiality at the University of Buea.  In this perspective every theory may be explored and private  and public lives torn apart.
 The losers may not be these lecturers and students after all, because many of them will walk home free as a matter of law. The loser will be the University of Buea administration officials who by this action may have invited many cases against them as individuals and  in their official capacity.
With this ill-advised court process, the doors to the University of Buea may as well be  shut to make room for a long and painful court process while lecturers and university administrators spare it in the courts; a manner of legitimizing the strike action subject of the cases afterall.
In a posting in another forum, I stated that the goings on in the University of Buea is an indictment of University and Faculty Administration in Cameroun.  It is indeed an indictment of the political system that pays lip service to its own laws and text governing public administration.
 It is the bane of the Camerounese prison Republic and system of governance in  which individuals are appointed at the pleasure of the President and once so appointed  they install a system of impunity using the repressive powers of the state to impose rules that are inconsistent with the laws of the Republic that sword to defend and protect.
The system of appointment is inherently criminal and corrupt. Inherent in all these repressive acts is the intension to control, administer and syphon as much money from the budget of the institution(s) as much as possible. And this can only be possible by violating all mechanisms of transparency, checks and control and free and critical thinking.  This explains why when ever some one is appointed to a position of responsibility in Cameroun, tribal hordes, families and friends come out dancing and even send motions of thanks to the President.  This is also provides the framework of tribalism, favoritism and nepotism. Once the individual losses favor with the appointing authority or is arrested and imprisoned, the same tribal sycophants quickly abandon him/her and do as much as possible to work to keep the person(s) in jail as long as possible. This reality is playing in our very faces even now.
In an interview I granted the Washington Post with James Rupert of the West African Bureau in 1996,  I aptly pointed to a system of governance where all appointments to government institutions and public institutions from village level start and end with a criteria of subservience to the President as the fundamental foundation on which the crime syndicate that reigns in Cameroun is established.    The overseers of this system are trained in an ideological school called ENAM and for several years now, University lecturers were coopted into this class.
The easy way to promotion was for compliant stooges appointed to administer public institutions to paint their colleagues who exhibited signs of critical thinking and academic freedom as enemies of the regime. This blackmail succeeded to the extent that an appointment as a VC provided easy passage to Ministerial appointments.  But few have ever asked themselves what became of several Cameroun ministers who abandoned academic freedom for a career in political cannibalism.  Some were among the best brains the nation had but their sad end should be a warning to the uninformed and those seeking a career path that the evidence shows leads to destruction.
For the Camerounese nation to be rescued from self destruction, the system of paternalistic and opportunistic appointments that promotes corruption, ineptitude, mediocrity and vengeful proclivities must be eliminated. Foremost, ENAM must be declared public enemy number 1 and banished forthwith.
To conclude, I advise once more that these senseless cases should be withdrawn and those saddled with the administration of this institution should initiate a peaceful approach to resolving the crisis afflicting UB.   The court process cannot and will not impose peace. It has never done  so under any circumstances.
 This case will inconvenience some people but it is unwinnable in a credible free and fair court process. If any thing, the state will abandon this process once its potential for violating fundamental human rights is exposed as it seems already to have done. That way, the battleground will shift to international institutions at a time Cameroun is sensitive to international  criticism of its appalling human rights record. The UB may in the process lose worthy partners in distant and foreign lands and some of those who initiated the vast human rights violations that are highlighted increasingly in and out of court  will lose their international academic credentials.
I advise that it is not late even now to withdraw these ill-advised cases and senseless investigations and settle this within a the University family.
 Chief C. Taku 
--- On Tue, 6/4/13, solomon atanga <> wrote:

From: solomon atanga <>
Subject: 10 University of Buea Lecturers Questioned by the Police
To: "cameroon patriots" <>, "cameroon politics @yahoogroups" <>, "ambasbaygroups" <>, "camasej group all members" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 7:39 AM
At the time of writing this post some ten lecturers of the University of Buea are been questioned by the Special Department of the Control of the Police better known in French as Police des Polices. We are made to understand that the man heading the grilling team is a certain Commissioner Ntoh. ( who questioned Mr Charles Metouck After his arrest)
Sources in Buea say the police officers have taken their  written statements and are by now questioning them orally. The lecturers are been reportedly accused of 'sponsoring' student violence on the UB Campus.
The questioning of the lecturers follows a summon that was issued to all of the 10 lecturers after a  complain filled in reportedly by University of Buea administration.
It also came after an anonymous mail written by a certain John Ako Enow published on the internet. 'Ako John claims to be defending the University of buea.
The lecturers who are been questioned include:
Prof Yanou Michel  
Jonnie Fonyam 
James Abagma
Banilong Victor
James Abagma
Agbor Richard 
Ngeh Andrew
Muluh Henry
Fonten Neba
Sama Mulem
NB I have removed their Academic titles because of time factor
> From:  Alliance for the Defence of University of Buea <adunibu2000@...>
> Sender:
> Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 05:10:10 +0100
> To: <>
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: [camnetwork] Wanted: Lecturers Instigating Violence in UB
> As Ex-students of UB, and after
> our investigations we suggest, in public,that the University Authorities and the Government of Cameroon to arrest the following Lecturers and
> charge them with sedition, promotion of terrorism and violence. These
> are the lecturers that we have found out they hold meetings with
> students, coach them, draft memos for them, text them sms to go on
> violent rampage:  Dr Micheal Yanou Dr Johnie Fonyan
> Dr Victor BanilonDr Christopher Molem
> Dr James Abangma
> Dr Che Tita
> Mr Henry Muluh Dr Richard Agbor of History Department
> Dr Martin Sango NdehDr Neba Fontem
> We pray the
> authorities of UB take their responsibility,and their legal team exploit all avenues to charge these alleged criminals and support staff
> providing them assistance.
> John Ako Enow (Class of 1995, Department of Political Science, UB)
> Executive Coordinator
> Alliance for the Defense of University of Buea (ADUB)
Solomon Amabo A.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Equinox Radio/Television.
Nat V.P. Council SNJC,
P.R.O. Camasej-D.
P.O.Box 5082, Douala,Cameroon
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