From the posts it is clear that there majority view is that Murthy will turn around. Infosys.

Any success has following factors:-

(a) Timing. Infosys was launched during upswing period of IT and had all the environment for success.
(b) Leadership. Murthy has excellent leadership record. Fact that after he left Infosys, the company continued to do well implies that his successors were also competent.
(c) Team . Infosys had excellent team  when Murthy was actively involved in the Company.Team is perhaps the most dominant factor for success. As it stands now, there is no team of that caliber and bonding  available. This is a major weakness. Unless some urgent measures taken it will be an uphill task . 
(d) IT has already crossed the peak level of growth. Hence it will be a challenge to get back the same old glory.
(e) Luck factor. Napoleon had stated that luck factor is of greater consequence than  competence and hard work. It is to be seen whether lady luck smiles again. 
In general it is felt that Murthy will have major challenge to overcome the issues discussed above. It is hoped that he makes a history.

Satish Oberoi

From: Ramesh Vemuganti <>
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2013, 19:19
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] BREAKING NEWS

Infosys is the creation of Dr Narayan Murthy & he steered it out of a similar situation in late 80".
He is back, to repeat the same & turn around the company , akin to what Steve Jobs did to Apple.
It is normal , a stage of the growth process & company life cycle.
As the old adages state " Experience is gold " , " Respect experience", " There is no substitute for experience".

In India, young IT & Technology entrepreneurs should hire the pros who worked with well known hardware/ software
companies, consult them, take their advise - to survive & grow.  Anything else they do will not work out.
Grey hair ensures progress.


Ramesh Vemuganti

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Virendra Goel <> wrote:

Narayanmurthy joins Infosys again as executive Chairman at a salary of Re. 1/-
Any guesses or comments?
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