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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Re: (Nyango Nyengi: You had your finger onto...) Re: ESALE: Guru Konde

Let me now be very careful in addressing you. I have always  called you Dr. Yengi or when in more informal settings, I just langua Lilianne. I have just been culturally edified with your description of Wimbum names and titles. 
I agree with your explanation to Mr. Konde but would like clarification on something else.
Who in the whole world does not know Edwan Fon Nana? This is a lady who has earned her rights in the community as a woman of timber and caliber. Her first title was/is MA Edwan. The next is MAFOR Edwan. Since she has a small Banso/Wimbum side, they gave her the title of YAAH Edwan; now to her Baforchu side...she is called MA-MA Edwan; now because of her proximity and activities in the Mankon Fondom, we the Mankon peepoo gave  her the exclusive title of NIMOH NDAH NTING Edwan and for those who don,t know, her NANA name means smol Bamileke dey inside this whole business. So the Bamis not to be left out or be outcompeted by the Bamendrous title givers, dished out their own title. You know our Bamileke brothers. They never do their own thing in a small way. They go for the jugular. They catapulted Ms Edwan Fon Nana immediately to the top with a MAFO SOP DJUIKAP title and they are threatening that if Bamenda people give her another Bamendrous title, they will elevate her "Bamilekely" to the prestigious title of KAMSI also called in Bamenda NKUMSI i.e Ma Edwan will be able to see Tomorrow, Today. She will become a Fortune Teller. She will be able to remove Bad Mungang sent by WEESH Peepoo to block your progress, block ya Belle from borning pickens or block girls from seeing better "Gurus and Doktas" to marry.
So Ms Lilianne, how do I call my sister Edwan... MAFO SOP DJUIKAP MAMA NIMOH NDAH  NTING YAAH Edwan Nana (Mishe)Fon? Habaa !!! That is too long. Why can't they just settle for one title like NIMOH MAFO Edwan?
Mishe Fon
NB: By the way Mafo Sop Djuikap Yaah....FON was honored yesterday with a very prestigious Award for selfless service to the Cameroon community by the North West Fon's Council in their highly successful jammed parked "Community Dinner". Lie no Sweet Mafo Edwan is an exceptional lady. With her infectious humility, you will never guess that lady Edwan is a Harvard PhD fellow. (For those who think I am indirectly throwing corn...ih go hard wuna...Na my sister. Wuna don see wetin).

From: Lilian <>
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 9:44 AM
Subject: [camnetwork](Nyango Nyengi: You had your finger onto...) Re: ESALE: Guru Konde

Dr Konde,

Thank you for providing the correct spelling of my name. It is a truly unique and special Mbum name and a very rare one at that, given to my dear departed father by his mom for very a specific reason. I know of only one other family in Mbumland that carries that name. So it an honor to bear and I cherish and guard its reputation religiously. 

Having said that, I'd to venture a correction here. I am not an authority on this and I am hoping Ndi Manjong, DJ Eric or others who know more than I do, will step in and elaborate or clarify. 'Yah' is not a term used just as a sign of respect. Yah, to the best of my understanding, originates from Nso and it is a title awarded by the Fon to a very few special women. In Wimbum, we ha a Ma-Yaah, Queen, who is crowned at the same time that a new Nkfuh (King) is crowned. Ma-Yaah is a princess and usually crowned when she is still pre-pubescent; she is not the wife of the king. She can rule in the absence of Nkfuh and sits on a 'Kabarah' (Thrown) with other Kings at occasions/ceremonies. Ma-yaahs do not get married but can have a companion/consort who does everything a son-in-law does, but does not pay a bride price. Hence Ma-Yaah's children always belong to the palace. There is one other occasion when a Ma-Yaah can be crowned and that is when the current Ma-Yaah comes of age and may soon need a consort. She then moves out of her official residence in the palace and a younger one takes her place. To the best of my knowledge, the Nso and Wimbum are the only tribes in the NW that have Yahs or Ma-Yaahs (again people in the know, help).

Now, to the 'Ma' prefix, I believe this is unique to the Ngemba and Bali tribes but the Wimbum do not have such an assignation. We have a title for women who marry into the family/village,'Ngwagu' and another for daughters of the family/village, 'Ngogu' and that's about it (at least what I know). So I'd say, since we do not have anything like that, Tata Etongwe can address however he feels comfortable.

Dr Konde, here-in lies the danger of generalizing and treating the NW as a single homogenous entity with the same customs and traditions.
While certain words or phrases have become popular and commonly used by all, that does not mean it is the custom in every tribe. I can guarantee you that if you go to my village, you will not hear anyone refer to me as Ma Lilian and if you were to call me Yah Lilian in Nso, space will suddenly open up in front of me and people will start bowing to me. Believe me, Yah is not just a respectful way of addressing a woman! It means a lot more. I know you spent sometime in Mankon to study the Mankon culture. If you ever have such an opportunity again, please venture out of Bamenda, for you will truly appreciate the rich cultural diversity of the people administratively called NW people.

Lilian Yengi

--- In, Emmanuel Konde <ekonde07@...> wrote:
> Sango-Tata Samie Etongwe,
> Dr. Lilian Yengi is not "Nyango Nyengi".  Her name is Yengi; not Nyengi.  Don't distort or Orokorize a Graffi name. She is to be addressed, respectfully, either as "Ma" or "Yah" and not "Nyango".  Her subtlety is hers' and, maybe, yours.  Guru Konde is Guru Konde.  He is special, enigmatic, but also born of woman with a childhood experience like ordinary folks. 
> "The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy
> From: Samuel-king Etongwe <setongwe@...>
> To: Camnetwork Yahoogroups. com <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2013 6:39 PM
> Subject: RE: [camnetwork](Nyango Nyengi: You had your finger onto...) Re: ESALE: Guru Konde
> Nyango Nyengi, Please, don't be surprised by Sango Konde. Your had your finger onto something significant, though subtle, about your guru Konde. Your remark on the "juju" thing and Konde has far more significance than you realized. Let me explain.Before Samu's (Esale) "Okokoriko, ewa" posting, Samu brought up other childhood memories in the form of "English Reader" stories. Samu brought up the "See Lakayana with my spear" story. He also brought up the childhood song of "One, two , three, four, five; can you catch a fish alive?"  Then finally, the juju song; In all Samu's other childhood stories, Sango Konde was mute, but he suddenly came alive when he saw something that he could relate, the juju song. Sango Konde even joked that there were some here who did not know what it was all about. So, what's the significance? Samu's childhood quips were school readings and songs. The juju thing, on the other hand, was a neighborhood thing that occurred
>  every Christmas, and perhaps occasionally at new years. You did not have to be in school to join your neighborhood friends to dance Okokoriko at Christmas. For me, Okokoriko was a Christmas thing when kids dressed a kid "juju' and went begging for arms, a few francs here and there, from neighbors, in the spirit of Christmas. Most children growing up in the 60s in today's southwest province would know about this. (I'm not sure of the Christmas practice in the Northwest). Sango Konde related readily to the neighborhood juju story and came alive with his comment. He was however, mute in the school readings, which meant nothing to him, suggesting that he did not read the stories!  If you grew up in "West Cameroon" at that time, English Readers were the books you read to learn English. BTW, Samu, you forget the line: "Calabar juju, Oya" (Ewa, by you)  Samuel-King EtongweLaurel, MD 
> To: camnetwork@...: lilianyengi@...: Sat, 1 Jun 2013 14:22:28 +0000Subject: [camnetwork] Re: ESALE: Guru Konde 
> My dear guru, mine wasn't a gender based observation. I was just surprised (in fact pleasantly)that the guru, who had been a child reporter at age 10, writing subversive articles against the gov't, had once been a child and actually taken part in such mundane children activities as juju dancing. I always felt that the guru was born with a full set of teeth in his mouth. I now know there is a human component to the him since he was once just a vulnerable kid like us mere mortals.The guru, please do not always read my emails with bias because I am member of the 'gang'. Enjoy your Saturday.Lilian Yengi--- In, Emmanuel Konde <ekonde07@> wrote:>> C'mon, Dr. Yengi.  What are you seeing?  Girls were not allowed to dance juju.  So don't tell me you know the secrets of "juju dancing" and "doh doh kidoh" during Christmas and New Year.> > > "The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather
>  than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy> > From: Lilian <lilianyengi@>> To: > Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 11:48 PM> Subject: [camnetwork] Re: ESALE: Guru Konde> >   > Is this really from Dr Konde??? I must be seeing double. Is this what sleep deprivation does to one's vision? I am going to bed. Wandas shall never end indeed.> > --- In, Emmanuel Konde <ekonde07@> wrote:> >> > So Massa Esale bi dance juju?  Wandas shall never end. Juju for Muea? > >  > > "Massa oh bad heart!  Massa oh bad heart!"> >  > >  What about "Doh doh kidoh tina ba ba?"  You no say dem no sabi wettin we dey talk about?> >  > > > > "The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy> > > > From: SAM ESALE <autoauthority.esale@>> > To:
>  > > Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 10:40 PM> > Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Re: ESALE: Guru Konde> > > >   > > Jeusman,> > > > Biko, Nyem egho.> > > > Massa charge ya pocket, sawa sawa nova mind today.> > > > Juju don come, ewa> > Juju don come, ewa> > > > Massa charge ya pocket, sawa sawa nova mind today.> > > > Ekokoriko, ewa. Ekokoriko ewa> > Massa charge ya pocket, sawa sawa nova mind today> > > > G.nite,> > Dr. Adeboloja> > > > > >  > > On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:33 PM, Jesusman <saintarrey@> wrote: > >   > > >Goodnight Sango! Well, you know  this is one of the purposes of Camnet; to crack jokes and learn from each other and not a college for invectives and fastidiousness. The truth about it is that no one will take Sango Esale's job and no one will do what you do best. We should start to compliment and accept each other despite our philosophical differences. Shouldn't we feel sad and compassionate when we hear that a
>  brother or sister is hurting? I will, and I know that you: Sango will. Let us change the face of our debates and manner of interactions. I know it is difficult to stay sane when people continuously chafe us, but we can retaliate without crossing those boundaries to relatives and beloveds. > > >> > >> > >Until then, have a great night! > > >> > >> > >> > >St Arrey of Ntenako. > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >â€Å"This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark.†(Hamilton Ayuk).> > >> > > > > > "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > > > > >"Idle people write, idler people read, and
>  idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >ʉہ"When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >> > >"He who speaks out before the system kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks out only after the system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for conscience." Hamilton Ayuk.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >From: SAM ESALE <autoauthority.esale@>To: Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 7:20 PM > > >Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: ESALE: Guru Konde> > >  > > >Jesusman,> > >> > >One two three four five> > >Can you catch a fish alive> > >> > >Why did you let it go> > >Because it bit my finger so.> > >> > >G.nite,> > >Dr. Adeboloja> > >> > >> > > > > >On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Jesusman <saintarrey@> wrote: > > >  > > >>Hahahahahaha,
>  Sango Esale, you make me laugh. I have a feather for each of you when is see you kowtow before the Guru and Lion. > > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>â€Å"This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark.†(Hamilton Ayuk).> > >>> > >> > > >> "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >> > > >>"Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>ʉہ"When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>> > >>"He who speaks
>  out before the system kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks out only after the system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for conscience." Hamilton Ayuk.> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>From: SAM ESALE <autoauthority.esale@>To: Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 6:56 PM> > >>Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: ESALE: Guru Konde> > >>> > >>  > > >>Jesusman,> > >>> > >>Whose kind soup mami cookam?> > >>Ayamba soupai> > >>> > >>Salt no dey, pepper no dey,> > >>Ayamba soupai> > >>> > >>Tellam say I no go chopam> > >>Ayambe soupai,> > >>> > >>Eh! soupee. Ayambe soupai> > >>> > >>Eh! soupee. Ayambe soupai> > >>> > >>G.nite.> > >>Dr. Adeboloja.> > >>> > >>On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Jesusman <saintarrey@> wrote: > > >>  > > >>>Sango Esale, You will commit no peccadillo to call me Dictionary. Some of your brothers and sisters who attended Lycee Bilingue d' Etoug-Ebe will tell you. Ask
>  them and the students in America if I use the dictionary. On the contrary, I define all their words and ask them to look them up just to make sure. How can you say that "Obnubilate" is not an English word?  Sango Esale, I am a wordsmith, so I can make mine up. However, the word is found in 25 dictionaries. Now that I ahve proven you wrong, would you and SAF kowtow to the guru and the bare-hands crocodile hunter? ? > > >>>Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 25 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Obnubilate: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Obnubilate" is defined. General (20 matching dictionaries) > > >>> 1. obnubilate: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 2. obnubilate: [home, info] > > >>> 3. obnubilate: Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 11th Edition [home,
>  info] > > >>> 4. obnubilate: Wordnik [home, info] > > >>> 5. obnubilate: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. [home, info] > > >>> 6. obnubilate: Infoplease Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 7. Obnubilate, obnubilate: [home, info] > > >>> 8. Obnubilate: Online Plain Text English Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 9. obnubilate: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition [home, info] > > >>> 10. obnubilate: Rhymezone [home, info] > > >>> 11. obnubilate: Grandiloquent Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 12. Obnubilate: Multi-Lingual Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 13. obnubilate: Webster's 1828 Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 14. obnubilate: Free Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 15. obnubilate: The Phrontistery - A Dictionary of Obscure Words [home, info] > > >>> 16. obnubilate: Mnemonic Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> 17. obnubilate: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info] > > >>> 18. obnubilate:
>  Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info] > > >>> 19. Obnubilate: World Wide Words [home, info] > > >>> 20. obnubilate: Worthless Word For The Day [home, info] Business (1 matching dictionary) > > >>> 1. obnubilate: Legal dictionary [home, info] Computing (1 matching dictionary) > > >>> 1. obnubilate: Encyclopedia [home, info] Miscellaneous (2 matching dictionaries) > > >>> 1. obnubilate: A Word A Day [home, info] > > >>> 2. obnubilate: Wordcraft Dictionary [home, info] Slang (1 matching dictionary) > > >>> 1. obnubilate: Urban Dictionary [home, info] > > >>> "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>> > > >>>"Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>ʉہ"When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton
>  Ayuk)> > >>>> > >>>"He who speaks out before the system kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks out only after the system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for conscience." Hamilton Ayuk.> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>From: SAM ESALE <autoauthority.esale@>> > >>>To: > > >>>Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 12:53 AM> > >>>Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Guru Konde> > >>>> > >>>  > > >>>Jesusman,> > >>>> > >>>Oh Yeah! Then how do you explain "abscond?"> > >>>> > >>>According to Webster's College Dictionary, the verb "to abscond" may  mean any of the following;> > >>>> > >>>** to depart secretly and hide oneself.> > >>>> > >>>** to hide away from something or someone.> > >>>> > >>>** to shore up or to conceal.> > >>>> > >>>** absconder is a runaway or a fugitive. > > >>>> > >>>So, which one of the above meanings of the word "abscond" did you intend to use in
>  your sentence?> > >>>> > >>>"Obnubilate" is NOT an English word, so what exactly does it mean?> > >>>> > >>>Sam.> > >>>> > >>> > > >>>On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 9:51 PM, Jesusman <saintarrey@> wrote: > > >>>  > > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>Mr Minard, I am sure that you probably read it in a hurry, so I will list out the sentence in a point format. 1. Prof Konde was in Boston University.2. The cotyledon (first leaves) sapped away the chlorophyll (Green matter). His educatiuon came from the knowledge he received from Boston. 3. The finished product is poured in Prof Konde, making him better than Aristotle and Plato.Since then, he has been the teacher  of camnet  although the gainsayers like Kenneth Fru Nde would not bow. After Prof Konde dies, it will take Camnet 400 years to replace him. I am merely stating a fact as an eyewitness. > > >>>>â€Å"This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I
>  have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark.†(Hamilton Ayuk).> > >>>>> > >>>> > > >>>> "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>> > > >>>>"Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>>ʉہ"When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>>> > >>>>"He who speaks out before the system kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks out only after the system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for conscience." Hamilton Ayuk.> > >>>>> > >>>>> >
>  >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>From: D Minard <minardnd@>> > >>>>To: "" <> > > >>>>Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:05 PM > > >>>>Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Guru Konde> > >>>>  > > >>>>"... obnubilated himself from the fountain of Boston University where the cotyledon of education drained thechlorophyll of knowledge to make him the full blown scholar ..." (Dr. Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>> > > >>>>Hello Dr. Ayuk,> > >>>> > > >>>>You might want to re-read the excerpt from your rejoinder, in glorification of Prof. Konde, here-above.> > >>>> > > >>>>Please recall that knowledge must necessarily appreciate in an educational setting in order to produce desired learning outcomes -- and in your case an Erudite Prof. E. Konde.> > >>>> > > >>>>It follows that Prof. Konde would be a charlatan if the education he received at BU was devoid of any
>  knowledge, as in scholarship. Please see the operational word, "drain", in your excerpt here-above.> > >>>> > > >>>>Given your professed admiration of Prof. Konde, it can be inferred that the above is far from the image you meant to paint of (y)our Guru. And since the excerpt is definitely not a typo, one is left with several open questions ...> > >>>> > > >>>>For the records, and on a personal note, I have full respect for the Prof.'s scholarship ...> > >>>> > > >>>>All the best,> > >>>> > > >>>>Minard> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>From: Paddy <patndep@>> > >>>>To: > > >>>>Sent: Thursday, 30 May 2013, 20:26> > >>>>Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Guru Konde> > >>>>> > >>>>  > > >>>><<The Guru absconded and obnubilated himself from the fountain of Boston University where the cotyledon of education drained the chlorophyll of knowledge  to make him the full blown
>  scholar with roots that mere mortals and ignoramuses of Cament cannot off root.>> > > >>>>         u stil have not told us the the name of university u got ur phd?   --- On Thu, 5/30/13, Jesusman <saintarrey@> wrote: > > >>>>> > >>>>>From: Jesusman <saintarrey@>> > >>>>>Subject: [camnetwork] Guru Konde> > >>>>>To: "Camnetwork" <>> > >>>>>Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013, 12:12 PM> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>  > > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>  > > >>>>>Guru Konde: the indefatigable guru and teacher of the masses. He is a man with undaunted conviction and from whom the principles of democracy ooze, the veneration of womanhood is imbued, and the insatiate belief that all humans are equal shines. The Guru opens his school on camnnet and teaches the masses daily, with great punctuality and dexterity, unparalleled to even Plato and Aristotle. On Camnet, the Guru is the
>  shepherd and most are the sheep whom he drags reluctantly and unappreciatively to the Pierian Spring, so they can quench their thirst of ignorance and primitivism. They bleat in unison with other lost cattle. From the veins of the Guru flows empiricism in an epicurean style. Why sign into the Camnet class if you are not ready to gobble from the Guru?  Drink from the Guru, oh ye ignorant camneters and cure thyself of thy blindness. The Guru is thy healer, for there is none other.  As a teenager, the Guru’s style attracted> hatred and> > spite from the powers that be. The Guru absconded and obnubilated himself from the fountain of Boston University where the cotyledon of education drained the chlorophyll of knowledge  to make him the full blown scholar with roots that mere mortals and ignoramuses of Cament cannot off root.  The Guru has become a tree like an iroko that no matter how hard the winds of Camnet
>  will blow, it will not dance to their tune. Why try to off root a tree that your hands cannot go round? Give up the fight oh ye herd and make the guru thy god. > > >>>>>Until then, long live the Guru!> > >>>>>St Arrey. > > >>>>>â€Å"This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark.†(Hamilton Ayuk).> > >>>>>> > >>>>> > > >>>>> "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>>> > > >>>>>"Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>>>ʉہ"When a people have suffered for too long, they
>  will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk)> > >>>>>> > >>>>>"He who speaks out before the system kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks out only after the system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for conscience." Hamilton Ayuk.> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> >>


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