Re: Re: Re: [MTC Global] Fw: Castes as open-air business schools

Caste system is corruption of Varna system in India. I am convinced that India needs Varna system. More on the subject will be discussed in due course.It is difficult to compress the subject in a few lines in this mail. 

Our leaders are criticizing the caste system and want to get rid of it. Problem is they are using this  system to get elected and enjoy power. In such a situation I do not see these leaders eliminating the system which sustains them. Even this subject will be discussed at length in a book separately.



From: Prabhakar Waghodekar <>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 14:55
Subject: Fw: Re: Re: [MTC Global] Fw: Castes as open-air business schools

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-- Original Message --

From: "Prabhakar Waghodekar"
Subject: Re: Re: [MTC Global] Fw: Castes as open-air business schools


Dr P H Waghodekar
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925

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Dear All,

we did have a model similar to community colleges but in different format.
Vishwakarma is the son of Brahma having expertise in various professions and he
had also the right to be a Priest.
This Vishwakarma had five sons:
- Manu (carpentry and related trades)
- Maya: Blacksmithy and related trades
- Daivadnya: Goldsmith and related trades.
- Shilpi: Sculpture and related trades.
- Twastha: Metal vessels related trades.

But over a period of time, the system was crushed to a limited role dominated by
ruling people. In fact, India had many wonders: Ellora Caves, Kutubminar, Castles
in sea, Guns on forts, fort building, etc. This is the outcome of the expertise
people used to earn generation after generations, without IITs, IITs or IIMs.

The system was working may be in a diluted form as 12 Balutedars till say 1830s.
In-spite of the evolution of (undesirable)caste systems based on these trades
(that is still followed in India constitutionally), the villages were self-
dependent and self-supporting. Macaulay broke the system introducing his model.
The results are before us.
Let me give a simple case. My father was staying at Dapoli, Ratnagiri District,
Konkan, during mid-1960s. There was one Brahman named Mr. Pathak, bachelor,
dedicated to social services, his main job was to construct toilets free of costs
and to remove skin from the body of dead animals thrown outside the villages or in
fields, the work assigned traditionally to a caste called "Dhor". Mr. Pathak
painfully opened his mind: We did not allow these Dhore people to think freely,
attached them to only removal of skins, had we permitted them to think creatively,
India would have the best medical doctors long long back!

The most unfortunate thing is that we think everything from West is the best, we
not only neglect our traditional models but hate them too.

Caste is the best tool of business in India in all sectors, approved by the
country! It may be under reservation, minority or religious.

India can cast her bright future provided they curb out caste system!!




On Wed, 05 Jun 2013 11:34:36 +0530 wrote
>Dear Sir, The Essay by Mr Gurumurthy tells us of an important facet of Business
life in India. The so called Community Schools of Business is a fact of our
economic life. The object of the Community schools is not only to nurture the new
entrepreneurs but also to prevent the entry of entrepreneurs not belonging to the
community. That this has been in India for a long time is a fact attested by the
historians. In these 'schools" there are no formal degrees that are awarded but
the students acquire adequate knowledge of their field through sheer contact with
their peers, elders who teach the nuances of managing businesses that have stood
the test of time.
It is unfortunate, that we do not have a model of the community school of business
for research as a profession.Any guesses for this?
Best Regards,

On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 10:14:18 +0530 wrote





















Communities as
open-air business schoolsS. GURUMURTHY




Using the community model,
Tirupur, in Tamil Nadu, became the world leader in knitted garments by the
1990s. â€" M. Balaji





The Kathiawaris, Nadars and
Gounders have disseminated business skills like no modern business school could
have done.


On February 19 this
year, the BBC had reported that armed robbers posing as police broke into the
cargo of a Swiss-bound plane in Brussels airport and spirited away diamonds
worth $50 million (Rs 250 crore). This must have left Surat, the world’s largest
diamond handling centre, which sees some Rs 80,000 crore of diamonds
criss-crossing the region in open roads, quite amused. Here, couriers on motor
cycles carry unpolished diamonds worth Rs 50-60 crore day after day from traders
at Surat to the polishing units tens of kilometres away. Polished diamonds are
brought back to traders on motorcycles on open roads without any gun-wielding
security person guarding these diamond couriers.

This is possible
because the Surat diamond trading system is entirely based on trust among and
within caste-based communities. Entry into the diamond business, whether as
traders, polishers, or handlers, is regulated and overseen by a system of
community reference and verification. No one without verification can enter the
An instructive research
paper (Yale University, November 2006) on the transition of the farming
community of Kathiawaris, titled From Farming to International Business: The
Social Auspices of New Entrepreneurship in a Growing Economy, traces how the
Kabin Patels (Kathiawaris) entered trade late but formed a new community-based
business network. They moved over from agriculture to international business â€"
the diamond industry dominated by the Vaishyas, Palanpuri Jains and Parsis â€"
over just a single generation. In three decades, they have achieved parity in
scale with the Palanpuris and Marwaris. The paper says that the successful entry
of Kathiawaris in the diamond business points to the fact that in businesses
where connections are critical, non-Vaishyas have also had occupational mobility
where opportunities opened up. Thus, contrary to Max Weber’s view, caste has
actually made occupational mobility possible. This is because caste familiarity
generates trust, and the caste itself turns into an open-air business school of
self-learning for entrepreneurs, teaching them to build businesses. But are
diamond trade and Kathiawaris exceptions? Just anecdotes? No.
Take the Gounder
community in western Tamil Nadu, the equivalent of the Kathiawaris. This is what
the World Bank’s World Development Report 2001 says about how the
community that has built a global knitwear business.
“By 1990s...Tirupur was
a world leader in the knitted garments industry. The success of this industry is
striking…What is behind the story of this development? The needed capital was
raised within the Gounder community, a caste relegated to land-based activities,
relying on community and family networks…These networks were viewed as more
reliable in transmitting information and enforcing contracts than banking and
legal systems that offered weak protection to creditors’ rights.†The community
network which promoted entrepreneurship based on self-learning also trained new
entrants the knitwear business and customer management. Very much an open-air
business school, isn’t it?
Both the Kathiawaris
and Gounders were land-owners. But even the landless have become entrepreneurs.
Turn to the Sankagiri transport cluster in western Tamil Nadu, the second
largest centre for lorry traffic in the country. Some 90 per cent of the
Sankagiri truck owners were agriculturists and a fifth were cattle grazers. They
now own the largest population of Taurus vehicles in the country. Seven out of
10 Sankagiris are now involved in transport-related activities, according to
Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management by Prof P
Tiruchengode is the
next stop. In the 1960s, a severe water crisis forced Tiruchengode’s farmers to
jointly buy a rig to dig deep bore-wells. But seeing the demand for such wells,
they successfully turned this into a business that soon spread over to
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Odisha.

Today Tiruchengode
boasts of the largest providers of bore-wells in the country, according to Prof
Kanagasabapathi. The open-air learning process led to training and initiating
others into the business, in a way no modern business school could have done.

Studies on the
Chettiars show how the community was able to internationalise based on their
networks and a culture of training sons for the business, embracing best
practices, and replicating domestic social structures overseas. Research about
the Nadar community’s economic and business models reveal how the Nadar
Uravinmurai’ (relation-based network) evolved as an endogenous and
innovative trade-linked caste organisation. Uravinmurai was set up for
safe movement of the community’s goods and later became an instrument for
self-discipline and collective learning. There are some 1,000 Uravinmurai
in Tamil Nadu. Again, aren’t these cases of open-air business schools spreading
knowledge of trade and business?
These are just
illustrations, not exhaustive of the phenomenon all over the country,
particularly in over 2,800 artisan and industrial clusters. Apart from the
traditional Banias, the Marwaris, and the Sindhis, there is also the rise of the
Ramgadias of Punjab, the Jatavs of Agra and Kanpur, and the Kammas of Andhra.
Harish Damodaran, in his book India’s New Capitalists: Caste, Business and
Industry in a Modern Nation,calls this the‘Field to Factory’ movement,
signifying the expansion of the social base of Indian business ‘beyond the
Bania’. The 2005 Economic Census indicates that the rise of backward classes in
businesses is now becoming a massive entrepreneurial movement in which the state
has had no role.
But this cannot be as
recent as it appears. It has to be in the still unexplored periods of Indian
history. Studies of Paul Bairoch (1983) and Angus Maddison (2001-2010) have
indeed found evidence of extensive economic activity in India, which could not
have been confined to just one Vaishya caste. According to the American
Journal of Economics and Sociology (April 1993), the Mauryan model of
export-led economic growth had secured a huge export surplus for India. The
economic history of the Greco-Roman world tells us that India ran a continuous
trade surplus with Egypt that worried Roman rulers, the annual value of which in
today's gold prices would be $178 million.
Marco Polo’s travelogue
says that the gold-silver arbitrage ratio was 1:6 in India which was the other
way round in Europe, indicating the huge trade surplus India must have achieved
over centuries. The Bank of International Settlements Report (1934-35)
says that during the period 1493 to 1930 (for 427 years), India’s gold
absorption rate was 14 per cent of the world’s production, which means that much
was perhaps the share of India’s trade surplus as against the rest of the world.
Again, Marco Polo says that the size of India’s merchant ships was larger than
its contemporaries. India’s merchant navy had 40,000 ships during Akbar’s time
and 34,000 with a capacity of more than a million tonnes when the British came
to India. When the British left, India’s merchant navy’s strength had dwarfed
couple of lakh tonnes.
A study by the Centre
for West Asia Studies at the Jamia Millia Islamia University affirms that, in
Akbar’s time, consumption in India was higher than in Europe. According to
colonial records studied by Dharampal, a well-known Gandhian, the consumption
pattern of the high-, middle- and low-income groups in Cudappah and Bellary in
the 17th century showed virtually no difference in 23 of the 24 items accounted
Economic history
India could never have
been an agrarian economy then as it is now, given India’s share in world
manufacturing at 24.5 per cent in 1750 and with industrial employment then
estimated at between 21 and 28 per cent. It was the collapse of Indian industry
during the colonial period that drove people back to the farms. This kind of
widespread and widely shared economic activity would not have been confined to
the minuscule Bania community.
There is need to
recall, re-author, and review Indian economic history, which is even now a
prisoner of the Marx-Weber perspectives.
This need is no more
academic. After the global economic meltdown in 2008, when efficient market
theories and model building approaches were heavily questioned, Bradford Delong,
Professor of Economics at University of California, Berkeley, wrote that it was
not an economic crisis but ‘economics in crisis’. He called upon schools of
economics to generate fewer efficient market theorists and modellers and more
economic historians.
Subsequently, Howard
Davies, who was the first chairman of the United Kingdom’s Financial Services
Authority (1997-2003) and formerly Director of the London School of Economics,
cited the view of the Institute of New Economic Thinking (that consists of
eminent economists, financial minds and businessmen), insisting on teaching more
economic history. This is equally a call for India to trace its business
propensities back in time.
(The author is a
commentator on political and economic affairs, and a corporate advisor)






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Dr P H Waghodekar
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925

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