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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

[MTC Global] leadership lessons for knowledge management: incidence of Ramayana

Dear All,
There was some discussion on leadership lessons from Ramayana some time back in this forum.
The incidence goes like this: When Ravana was fell down with Rama'a arrow, Rama send Lakshmana to Ravana to get knowledge of Ravana, etc.
This incident was not quoted in original Ramayana by Valmiki! Probably some later authors, who got influenced by similar incident in Mahabharatha ( Yudhisthara was sent to Bhishma to get knowledge of political science by Krishna!)might have put it.
Rama was reminded by Matali (a charioteer of Indra) to use Brahmastra on Ravana, which was given to Rama by Sage Agasthya (Valmiki Ramayana, 6.108.Verses:1&2). Rama uses this arrow and the arrow tore off Ravana's heart and Ravana falls down from his chariot and dies immediately (Valmiki Ramayana, 6.108.Verses:15-22). Then All demons go back and monkey troop rejoices.
However, in later chapter, Rama was consoling Vibhishana, which could be done only by a true leader. Here Rama was not angry at Ravana (after his death).'hostilities end with death and Ravana is good for mine like you' quote reveals that Rama was a real leader, who could see things objectively after the purpose.
Kindly note that I am not offended by the incident mentioned. wanted to clarify on the information.
Prof. Vijendra Kumar S.K.
Assistant Professor & Counseling Psychologist
PESIT Center for Counseling and Guidance
PES Institute of Technology

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