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Wednesday, July 31, 2013


There are absolutely no age restrictions from a “safety” issue.  The scientific literature is in 100% agreement with this.


Many are afraid that the larger size of the pulp is a problem, but in reality it’s just the opposite.  First of all, we know for a fact that the full molecular form of hydrogen peroxide gets into the pulps of teeth within 15 minutes of the start of whitening.  This applies to both at-home and in-office whitening.  So the question is, what will handle this better?  A narrow, fibrous pulp with compromised circulation, or a young, large, very healthy and vascular pulp?


I’m sure that everyone knows that Dr. Van Haywood is the leading academic based researcher.  In his lectures, Van states that there is no upper or lower age limit to whitening.  He makes exactly the same analogy that I just did above.  And he also states that the literature is in 100% agreement on this.


Van goes on to say that you could whiten the teeth of a 5 year-old…but then, why would you want to.  He then discusses that several times he HAS whitened children that young due to some very unusual circumstances.  And because he’s the most well-known university based researcher, he has people come to him for weird stuff.


I believe that I was the first to popularize the idea that age 14 is the ideal age to whiten.  That was what I stated back years ago in my first whitening book.  In our KöR Whitening brochures for patients, we even state that age 14 is the most ideal age to whiten.  The reason has nothing to do with safety.  Bottom line is that we know that the younger teeth are, the brighter they will whiten and the faster they will whiten…and with occasional maintenance, they can maintain that color for a lifetime.  So the younger the better.  At age 14 most often all of the permanent teeth are in, so that’s a good time to whiten.


Some are concerned that the teeth are still not fully erupted even at age 14 – that over the following few years you’ll get more gingival recession.  Some are concerned that the tooth structure that becomes exposed will be darker – but that’s not the case.  We know that bleaching factors (mostly the hydroxyl and perhydroxyl radicals) move through enamel laterally very well.  And at age 14, the bleaching factors move through enamel even much faster.  So the bottom line is that the tooth structure under the gingival margins will whiten, even though you can’t see it at the time.


I had a combination of congenitally dark teeth, plus diffuse tetracycline staining.  My son inherited the congenitally dark teeth from me.  At age 11 he told me that other kids were asking him why his teeth were so dark, so he was concerned.  So I started whitening him at age 11.  But had to make him new trays about once a year for a few years.


Many have seen the pictures of my daughter Shannon.  She’s our KöR “cover girl”.  I whitened her teeth at age 14, and she wears her whitening trays only about twice a year, for just one night.  She’s almost 28 now.  Here’s her photo, and this is not re-touched or Photoshopped in any way.



Van Haywood said that in his experience, because of the larger, more vascular pulp, he sees LESS sensitivity with younger people than he does with adults.  That hasn’t really been my experience.  What I’ve seen is that it’s about the same.  Of course you will get young patients, as well as adults who have NO sensitivity, but then you’ll see young patients as well as adults with a lot of sensitivity.  There’s a lot more to it than just age.










From: [] On Behalf Of ARUN NAYYAR
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 11:21 AM
To: Ace



I AM COVERING HYGIENE today, mom and a 14 year old female in the office are here and the 14 year old wants her teeth to be bleach


So, in your practice what is the age limit and is there any special precautions on this.



Arun Nayyar DMD,MS.  Atlanta, Georgia

Private practice limited to Prosthodontics -   Imagix Dental Group

Former Director of Fixed Prosthodontics -     MCG School of Dentistry

Principle Research Scientist ( Adjunct )       @  GaTech -GTRI

Clinical Director -     Center for Dental Technology @ GaTech - GTRI


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