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Monday, July 29, 2013


From: Iyabe Rata <>
To: Napoleon Kwalar <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 12:33 PM

Thank you very much Mr.Napoleon,
I find it absolutely important that while we are pursuing the struggling with the many challenges,we must be very vigilant to ensure that any SCNC activist or Southern Cameroonian whose human rights are violated by the regime,we must carryout a thorough investigation and ensure that we confront the regimes impunity by seeking domestic redress in court.Domestic remedies exist and when we cannot get domestic redress we then seek international remedies.
To me it seems this has been an oversight by all the liberation movements since 1995 for allowing for so long all the victims not to seek judicial redress thereby giving the regime the opportunity to evade judicial actions.
Hundreds of victims arrested,detained,imprisoned,tortured,harassed by the regime seem to have been abandoned to themselves,and abandoned for too long without justice,their only crime is promoting their fundamental human rights of freedom of express and association.
I urgently appeal to the SCNC,SCAPO,SCYL, Southern Cameroons community in diaspora and at home to set up a "Special Commission for Human Rights Protection" to thoroughly investigate and document all these violations of human rights across the Southern Cameroons as well as set up a "legal aid fund" for victims of human rights violations.Such a fund be used to seek domestic redress to ensure that Southern Cameroonians should enjoy their rights of freedom of express and association without fear of been arrested and tortured by the regime.Why should people be arrested and imprisoned for organising and attending an SCNC meetings or commemorating october 1st?
The Southern Cameroon lawyers should be supported in every aspect so that they promptly take legal actions whenever necessary.
Let our lawyers take up this very great challenge to confront the regimes impunity with legal actions.This approach,I think if five such cases could be brought to court against the authorities with compensations for the victims, this would make a remarkable impact and the regime would feel the seriousness in our resolve to protect human rights.
Every time there is news of arrests and detentions,later release but we all are guilty because we donot bother to seek judicial redress for these victims as they are abandoned to themselves wallowing in misery.Several abandoned victims have died.
Are these arrests and detentions,and later release without trial not a violation of human rights?I think Chief Charles Taku and all our diaspora lawyers should help me with some answers on these endemic pattern of arbitrary arrests,detentions and torture of SCNC Activists.
Advocacy alone is not sufficient.Every time we report these arrests and detentions to the international community but it would appear we donot think that these victims need domestic remedies for these violations.
I think our lawyers know too well that civil actions could be taken against the authorities for arbitrary arrests and false imprisonment.

From: Napoleon Kwalar <>
To: Iyabe Rata <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 10:34 AM

Many tx sir your suggestions are cogent, valid and an absolute necessity
we take many things for granted and the authorities take us for granted too
we need to take actions especially on seeking redress on these abuses
i am compiling and crosschecking more facts and will try to talk to one or more detainees and report before the close of the day
Thank you

From: Iyabe Rata <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 7:21 AM

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Iyabe Rata <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 8:00 AM

Thanks for reporting on these arrests.
Please the following up dates would be very helpful for intervention.
Names of those arrested,date of arrests,conditions of detention,are they allowed visits?are there any charges against them?which forces carried out the arrests?,place of detention,were they assaulted during the arrests?what were their activities prior to the arrests?
I think most often,these cases of gross violations of human rights by the authorities on arbitrary arrests,detentions and torture of SCNC activists and many Southern Cameroonians have never been taken too seriously.
I think the most effective ways to confront the regimes impunity is to set up a legal commission which would be charged with the investigations and documentation of these abuses and seek domestic remedies for the victims.When domestic remedies are not available then they seek international remedies.The abundant legal luminaries of Southern Cameroons  must take the challenges to ensure that  every cases of violations of human rights from the regime is systematically challenged in domestic courts with civil actions.I have been waiting to hear our lawyers to bring civil claims against the regime for the systematic arrests,detentions of hundreds of SCNC Activists during october,1 manifestations over the years but it would appear the regime is enjoying inaction from the oppressed people!

Lawyers get to work, file these cases and claim compensations for these hundreds of victims,and when such cases flood the courts it would make a impact.

From: Sama Thomas Achoa <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 11:31 PM

Thank you Mr Napoleon I have just spoken with Dr Nfor N Nfor via a phone smuggled into their cell this evening and he had briefed me of the difficulties that they are presently under going.
Just as you have said the number of persons arrested are almost 150 with a pregnant woman amongst them with a man of over 80 years old.
It is now left for us who are free to see that this comrades are release from the tortured chambers of LRDC.
May God continue to give them the strength to bear all the torture that they are going through for one day we shall over come.

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Napoleon Kwalar <> wrote:
Dear all,
Reports from Kumbo, 120km from Bamenda indicate that over 120 SCNC activists were arrested at about
2,30 pm yesterday. The activists were having a meeting in a private premises were arrested by a combined contingent of Police and Gendarmes and moved to two different  locations before being brought to separate detention camps at th Police and Gendarmarie stations in Kumbo. Among those arrested include Nfor Ngala NNfor, Acting National Chaiman of th SCNC and Leaders from the various Counties, including 20 women one of whom is heavily pregnant is reportedly in a bad shape.The detainees have been kept in  two small chambers that can allow only for about 30 people. As at now they have not been interrogated nor charged. It is not uncommon for the Yaounde regime to incarcerate members of the SCNC for long periods incommunicado and subject them to all forms of hardships. In Cameroon most detention camps serve as dungeons of human rights abuses and killing.
Bamenda plateau
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