My beloved Chief Taku,
I am hereby requesting you not to be concerned with anything that has something to do with Ni John with the CPDM. If you have been reading my postings on the matter of Ni John's sell out behaviours, you will not bother your self in contributing to all that concerns him who is a disgrace to the Southern Cameroonians.
be informed here that all that he is doing is all pretense as he cannot challenge Bia again as he Bia has initiated and had him enrolled in the Amorc and Freemason. There is no way he can be a sincere and or loyal opposition leader again to be counted on. The Bible says evil communication(Association) corrupts good or righteous manners-1Corint.15:33. So do not waste your energy and time in talking about that NW visible Satan Mafia sell out. They shall pay very dearly if God be God when it concerns His Word dished out in any given situation. All the blacklegs are to be rewarded very sincerely by the Rewarder-Jehovah God.

The devil has blinded their eyes as in the life of especially Mr.Bia who is fully cemented in the life of demon-ism. Since he has hypnotized the whole nation thru the demonic powers working in him as in the days of Mobutu of Zaire and he died a miserable and too painful death. So shall it be with Bia too.

He (Ni JFN) is a blackleg, is a sell out, is an agent of Satan, and an accomplice to all the problems we are passing thru. The Lord will reward his tomorrow with all the assurances made available to me by revelation. They shall all pay very dearly in the near future. Be also informed here that, they that swore or took the oath of allegiance(by Blood) to the course and loyal submission to the Chairman-H.E.Henry Fossung, and are now doing their own things; the oath is not dead as oaths are not carnal or human beings that they will die-No sir. They will live for 4 generations of their families. Read the Bible to understand what they did.

My beloved Chief C.T. gratefully drop Ni John from your sincere concern-Amen.

Yours Faithful Freedom Fighter-not with human weapons of MK47 & F16 but with spiritual Missiles.
Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses-alias Daniel/DM Tutu to Southern Cameroons.

From: Chief Charles A.Taku <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 9:05 AM

Dear every one,
 I have listened with keen interest the presentation of Mr Sismondi Barlev Bidjocka about the alleged betrayal of the people by the Chairman of the SDF Ni John Fru Ndi. In my considered opinion, the so-called documentary comes out clearly as a political spin rather than a product of investigative journalism. It started with a premise and ended making unsubstantiated conclusions about alleged corruption. It conflates several unrelated events , leaving a careful listener to ask whether it is an indictment of the SDF as a political party, or it's  a promised revelation of the betrayal of the people by Ni John Fru Ndi. At the end, it did none from a forensic  and probative perspective.
Permit me to cite some of the deficiences of this rather amateurish spin on matters which have already been in the public domain  and  which the spin on them breaks no new grounds.
1) I commented like many careful observers  on many of the issues presented in this spin. I disagreed with Ni Fru Ndi about the manner he handled many of the issues then and now.  I stated that he failed to consider the repercussions of some of the positions that he took on behalf of his party. Additionally, I have never been impressed with his inability to explain his actions clearly to his party first, and the public at large.  However, it is highly irresponsible for any one to read the events and rely on them alone to conclude as this spin does that those actions were informed or activated by corruption. Corruption at the scale alleged in this spin will surely leave a paper trail and apart from an affirmation by an assylee police man , there is no evidence to support the allegation of corruption in a hotel room in Yaounde. In similar circumstances, I have seen investigative journalists dig up the evidence, confront those involved with the evidence and present the result to the public.  It is not enough for a curious police man to confirm a contact and a delivery of a suit case to conclude that it contained the sum alleged. Conclusive proof about the allegation and content is needed from some one who was part of the corrupting process or have conclusive evidence of corruption in that instance. That, this spin fails to produce.
2) The failed single candadicy of Adamou Ndam Njoya in a presidential election: I commented when this matter arose that it was irresponsible for the opposition parties to approach the matter from the perspective that they put in place then. They could not simply wait for an election to be announced before they start the search for a single candidate. I stated then that Ndam Njoya had no political programme on which to rescue the polity from the political abyss that Paul Biya has sunk it. His only claim to be the single candidate was the reality of neo-colonial politics that France will never accept a Southern Cameroonian to be the President of La Republique du Cameroun. Ni John Fru Ndi has been told time and again to accept this reality but like Alice in Wonderland, he refuses to accept.
I advised that the so-called opposition should rally around a unifying subject that if addressed will comprehensively address the political problems caused by years of political vandalism and reign by terror. My suggestion would have seen them rally around a subject on which Ndam Njoya is one of the few experts, namely the  constitution. Had Ndam Njoya endorsed that suggestion and led his peers to subscribed to it, he would have long been given the mandate to implement it since it falls within his expertise. He has not done so, giving the impression that he is seeking power for the sake of  power and that if endorsed, he will maintain the constitutional arrangement in place and the yoke of neo-colonialism will be maintained and re-enforced. You can not replace one ne-colonial stooge with another. 
3) The controversial meetings between Biya and Fru Ndi: I opposed these meetings because they were not premised on any reasonable agenda that favoured the people.  The problem of the people arises from the fact that Cameroun has no constitution in the true sense of democratic governance but manipulable two neo-colonial impositions so-called constitutions by which its is governed. The polity has never been free and has never had a constitution of its own.  The meeting between Paul Biya and Fru Ndi, would have been historic if both came out of the meeting with a clear platform on how to address the constitutional crisis that has paralysed the polity. Fru Ndi would have summoned a press conference to address the issues consistently and explain the public good the meetings intended to attain.  But the meeting on of their own were not bad. Indeed, every reasonable person should pray for the day Paul Biya is confronted with the misfeasance of his dictatorship.  Others, and this includes the Ndam Njoyas that this spin has praised-sung have met Paul Biya and many within his immediate entourage but no spin has been placed on that.  Why? Was he no longer the preferred candidate to lead the country out of this predicament? I bey to ask. Such a personality show evince character and a proven ability to lead all and not just some. Does he have that ability? Has he demonstrated it? This spin failed to explain.
4) The evacuation of Mrs John Fru Ndi: A spin on this sad event is simply unfortunate. This crosses the line of decency and I will not dignify it with a commentary. Let it be known that responsible governments have a constitutional duty to provide their citizens with the best patient care possible and this includes evacuating them to countries that have the technology that is unavailable at home. The failure of the government of neo-colonial Cameroun in this duty must not  be a reason to construe one of a few actions in this regard by the spin as evidence of corruption.
5) The senatorial elections: My comments on this is in the public domain.  I have read in Fru Ndi's actions a two-pronged attempt to connect the present to the future. Whether he will succeed is another story. He clearly wants to be relevant to the unfolding succession plans initiated by Paul Biya but has also cast a long shot to the future. That long shot to the future explains his support for and provision of a counsel to defend Marafa Hamidou Yaya whom he tacitly recognizes represents the future of Camerounese politics on the basis of the importance of the political constituency he symbolizes. He like many now acknowledge that the Marafa factor is indispensable to politics after Biya. The wikileaked rise of Marafa from within explains in some ways his unjust imprisonment. In so doing, Fru Ndi is merely attempting to reconcile Fru Ndi the populist with Fru Ndi the political realist. The danger though is that he risks alienating his base in doing so without careful consideration and without proper explanation. This is the shift in policy which is construed without forensic proof as corruption.  Differently put, he has done this  in what some construe as a disregard of the sensitivities  of some within  his core constituency and others who hoped to ride on his popularity to political power, in the hope that he either has a grip on them or they will trust his actions without more.  Among those who did nothing or too little to address the problems of political but who claimed to use Fru Ndi as a political ladder to climb to power figure in prominent place Ndam Njoya and many of the leaders of the over 276 political outfits on no ground other than that France will never accept a Southern Cameroonian as a leader in Cameroun.
6) The analogy with  the betrayal of Um Nyobe, Ernest Ouandie etc. This is an abusive analogy.  The ideolgical perspective of the battle for freedom that the both commenced since 1948 is ongoing. Cameroun is still not truely independent. The battle is first and foremost ideological and the adversary is France. The Ahidjos and Biyas are mere stooges of the neo-colonial France.  It is therefore no wonder that the neo-colonial France used the assassination of one of the most emblematic political ideologically sound leaders Ernest Ouandie in 1971 to impose emergency rule uner which he cemented the colonization of the Southern Cameroons  in 1972.
Conclusion: This spin conflates many issues and attempts to place pre-concieved conclusions on events, some controversial, others not, to attempt to confuse a gullible people.
This is no way to conduct investigative journalism.  It raises legitimate issues for the wrong reason and motive.
 Chief C. Taku

From: Sismondi Barlev Bidjocka <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 1:17 AM
Sismondi Barlev BidjockaJournaliste Éditorialiste ÉcrivainPorte-Parole de la jeunesse CamerounaiseTél : 00 237 77 85 89 19Dom: 00 237 22 17 70 89mail:
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